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Posted (edited)

*** Moved to FSUIPC7 / MSFS support sub-forum ***

Hey, for some time FSUIPC stops every now and then during the flight. It doesn't give any notice nor a crash notification in the event viewer. Today, for example, it stopped at 13:38, but nothing was to be seen in the logs of the event viewer. I use fsuipc for the connection with the vamsys pegasus program. I can restart FSUIPC and connect again, but maybe there is an easy fix to prevent a problem in the first place. 

Since there are no logs to share, I attached the logs. 

Regards 😉


Edited by John Dowson
Moved to FSUIPC7 support forum
7 minutes ago, irvdl said:

for some time FSUIPC stops every now and then during the flight.

What do you mean by this? How do you know it has stopped? How do you restart it? Do you have to kill it first?

The log file you attached ends after 5 seconds, and shows FSUIPC still running after being started at 14:25...did you attach the wrong file? If you restarted FSUIPC, it would be the FSUIPC7_prev.log i would need to see....

If it is presets that stop working, you could be suffering from a WASM crash, but then restarting FSUIPC would have no effect.

I really need more information and a log file from when this occurs.


Het John thanks for the quick response. FSUIPC starts automatically when I start MSFS. I use the pegasus logger, and since I know FSUIPC stops working sometimes, I regularly check pegasus if it still has some connection. It also has a log part on it and there I check the connection. If lost FSUIPC shuts (itself?) down. I go to the FSUIPC folder and when I start the FSUIPC7.exe by hand, pegasus can reconnect again. I will attach the previous logs. If you need more info, please let me know.

FSUIPC7_prev.log InstallFSUIPC7.log

10 minutes ago, irvdl said:

I check the connection. If lost FSUIPC shuts (itself?) down.

The log file shows that FSUIPC7 exited as MSFS had quit:


    493531 Lvars received: 626 L:vars & 0 H:vars now available
  4154359 MSFS no longer running - exiting

Are you saying that MSFS was still running? If so, try  setting

in the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file. This is needed (and added automatically) in Windows 11, but shouldn't really be needed in Windows 10. However, if FSUIPC can no longer see MSFS and thinks it has exited, then you should try with this set.

Otherwise, you could disable the auto-exit feature (uncheck Options -> Exit with FS).

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