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Hello John,

I'm suddenly having issues with FSUIPC with started on version 7.5.1 and continued on 7.5.2. When starting FSUIPC after the MSFS2024 has loaded into the 3d world (and entered the cockpit), the sim freezes and looking at Task manager FSuipc is increasing its memory usage continuously. This does not happen every time i start fsuipc and it also does not happen when i load fsuipc before starting the sim.
Attached are my ini and log file and a picture of the task manager showing the abnormal memory usage of fsuipc.

Kind Regards,



The changes in 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 were minimal and I don't see how any of those changes can cause such issues.

At what point (i.e. how long after FSUIPC was started) did you take that task manager screenshot?

Your log shows a strange issue after around 2.5 minutes when the lua autos were killed and input events stopped and then requested:


   154125 Killing aircraft lua Autos....
   154125 Lua threads being terminated:
   154125       1 = "E:\Sim\FSUIPC7\HidSwitch.lua"
   154125 Waiting for lua threads to process termination event....
   156328 LUA: "E:\Sim\FSUIPC7\HidSwitch.lua": killed
   156593 **** DevCom read/write threads still running - will exit anyway but could cause issues...
   156906 **** DevCom Read thread terminated
   156968       2 = "E:\Sim\FSUIPC7\bravoleds.lua"
   156984 Waiting for lua threads to process termination event....
   159187 LUA: "E:\Sim\FSUIPC7\bravoleds.lua": killed
   159672 Unsubscribed to aircraft Input Events
   159672 Requesting Input Events....
   161000 Additional 117 InputEvents received - now have 656

Do you know what caused this?

Input Events are also stopped and re-requested at around 6 minutes:


   480437 Unsubscribed to aircraft Input Events
   497797 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 488 secs = 4.1 fps
   497797 -------------------------------------------------------------------
   511234 FS Axis Control Sent: Ctrl=67466, Param=-1324 AXIS_STEERING_SET
   512812 f:\msfs2024\packages\community\inibuilds-aircraft-a300\simobjects\airplanes\a300-600\presets\inibuilds\a300-600 freighter (ge)\config\aircraft.cfg
   550187 Requesting Input Events....
   550265 Additional 117 InputEvents received - now have 656

and the lua autos restarted after 9 minutes:


   559500 Lvars received: 3901 L:vars & 0 H:vars now available
   559547 Lvars/Hvars received - checking aircraft autos....
   559609 LUA.3: beginning "E:\Sim\FSUIPC7\HidSwitch.lua"
   559672 LUA.4: beginning "E:\Sim\FSUIPC7\bravoleds.lua"

All that seems strange...

And later, after FSUIPC had been running for over and hour and a half, there are a lot of device scanning entries, starting here:


  5680297 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
  5680297 Product= WINWING JOYSTICK BASE1 + JGRIP 320
  5680297    Manufacturer= Winwing
  5680297    Serial Number= 17E7A940260D032B5125373E
  5680297    Vendor=4098, Product=BE17 (Version 1.85)
  5680297    GUIDs returned for product: VID_4098&PID_BE17:
  5680297       GUID= {52AC98A0-43B4-11EC-8001-444553540000}
  5680297       Details: Btns=7, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U4095,V4095,X65535,Y65535,Z0
  5680297 Product= T-Pendular-Rudder
  5680297    Manufacturer= Thrustmaster

which go on for 10+ minutes, and the log ends after 2 hours 7 minutes. So you kept FSUIPC running for the entire session even though you experienced these memory/performance issues at the beginning?

When you get this issue, what happens if you exit and restart FSUIPC7?

It does look like there are some issues with FSUIPC starting/stopping things when it shouldn't, and this is probably due to changes in either events. order of events or camera state changes in MSFS, and is most likely due to MSFS2024 updates and not FSUIPC updates (although you can go back to 7.5.0 if you want to confirm this).

I will look into this, but I will probably require more logs with additional logging set. I will get back to you once I have investigated.


Posted (edited)

Could you add offset logging for offset 026D as U8, set WAPI->Debug level logging and Extras logging and show me another log file from when you experience this issue.



Later: also please add offset logging for 0258 as U32

Edited by John Dowson
Later added

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