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Hi John,

I have FSUIPC7 (v. 7.5.2) installed for both FS2020 and FS2024. While everything runs smoothly on FS2020, FS2024 doesn’t seem to recognize the joystick input commands I've configured. I'm flying the Fenix A320.

Any idea what might be causing this issue or how I can fix it?


No, sorry - I don't have the Fenix. Is it the same aircraft or a different version for MSFS2024? Is this for all assignments? How have you assigned - using presets? Are you using the same or different installations of FSUIPC for MSFS2020 and MSFS2024? Have toy looked at the logs to see what is happening?

It could be due to many things (e.g. is the WASM installed in MSFS2024?) and you should check further and at least provide more information, including logs (with appropriate logging activated) and ini files. It could be the configuration, but it could be that the aircraft uses different controls in MSFS2024.


Your log file show s that FSUIPC wasn't even connected to MSFS and was attached when FSUIPC7 was still running:


      516 Auto-started via MSFS.bat with DetectToConnectDelayAuto=30, InitialStallTime=15
     3266 Simulator detected
    33266 Trying to connect...
    48719 Trying to connect...
    64156 Trying to connect...
    79594 Trying to connect...
    95047 Trying to connect...
   110531 Trying to connect...
   125969 Trying to connect...
   141406 Trying to connect...
   156859 Trying to connect...
   172312 Trying to connect...

Nothing is going to work if FSUIPC7 is not connected to the FS.

And please, ALWAYS exit FSUIPC7 BEFORE attaching files.

How long does it take for MSFS2024 to get to the main menu after starting? You may need to trim the start-up parameters - see the Advanced User guide or the followig FAQ entry: 


If FSUIPC7 cannot get a connection, this is usually due to other badly behaved add-ons using up all available connections. What other add-ons are you using?

Also, please at least check your log files if you have issues, and always check them before sending them to me. That one is useless.


I have a simple question before going through all fo the tuning that I have read in the advanced guide: why if I start FSUIPC manually, this won't connect to MSFS2024? I have the same identical addons that I have in MSFS2020, where everything works just fine: SayIntentions, Navigraph and Fenix.


FSUIPC7.log MSFS24.bat


That is a far better log! But I don't understand why you keep attaching the bat file though - that is installed by the installer and I have that here. It is not needed.

That log file shows that there is an issue with the WASM and that the initial lvars were not received. Please show me / attach your FSUIPC_WASM.log file, and check that the WASM isn't crashing - this seems to be more frequent in MSFS2024 than MSFS2020. Also set Debug level logging in the WASM (via the FSUIPC_WASM.ini file) - see the Advanced User guide if you do not know where these are.

Also see the following FAQ entry on the WASM crash and how to prevent: 



I have realized that on all of the MS2024 folders I cannot edit, delete, replace anything, despite being a local administrator! I cannot even drag and drop the ini file into here!

Could this be the issue?




That is strange... but I don't know what you mean by 'Could this be the issue?'. You (or the account that you used to install) are the owner. I cannot help with permissions issues on your system - try google.

BUT, you don't need to edit/change that file, and it is not recommended to modify that file anyway as any changes will get overwritten the next time you install. Please read the section WASM module ini file and parameters in the Advanced User guide (page 51) where it says:
       It is recommended to leave this file as is, and copy to your persistent storage area and modify as and when needed from there.



Could this be the issue because the folder with access issue is the MSFS2024 one and the commands are not working in MSFS2024. That's why I was wondering. I don't understand which ini file I need to modify then. Could you open the one that I attached? That is the one in teh MSFS2024 community folder.

19 minutes ago, gunny said:

Could this be the issue because the folder with access issue is the MSFS2024 one and the commands are not working in MSFS2024.

I have no idea - just look at the FSUIPC_WASM.log file, if there is one - this will tell you if the WASM is running and if that ini file is being read. If you have no log file (in the WASM persistent storage area, NOT under your Community folder) then the WASM isn't running and that will be your issue.

22 minutes ago, gunny said:

I don't understand which ini file I need to modify then.

Why not? Did you read the documentation? If so, what isn't clear about that? You CAN modify that file, but it is NOT recommended, and you should use the one in the WASM persistent storage area (which is NOT there by default - you have to copy the one from the Community folder location to the persistent storage area and then modify it from there). This is all explained in the documentation.

25 minutes ago, gunny said:

Could you open the one that I attached?

There is no file attached, and there is no point attaching it either. Attach the FSUIPC_WASM.log - that is the file I need to see, preferably with Debug logging activated, but any existing one would to do start with....

Also, why are you using the bat method of auto-start rather than the default (and preferred)  EXE.xml method? Why are you starting other programs from the MSFS2024.bat file? It is better to use the facilities provided by FSUIPC to start other programs (and use either the CONNECTED or READY keywords, depending in the program). See the section Programs: facilities to load and run additional programs in the Advanced User guide.


I fully appreciate your detailed documentation and support. My point, however, is that everything (including FSUIPC) works perfectly in MS2020, whereas in MS2024 everything works fine except FSUIPC.

In an earlier message, I provided a screenshot clearly showing FSUIPC status as "connected and ready"—did you happen to see it? Despite this, no log file is generated, and it's still not possible to modify the WASM .ini file for MS2024.

I'm launching both MS2020 and MS2024 using the .bat files your installer creates, to ensure proper startup sequence with FSUIPC. Could this procedure now be incorrect for MS2024? If so, what would be the recommended approach?

Thanks again for your help!

49 minutes ago, gunny said:

In an earlier message, I provided a screenshot clearly showing FSUIPC status as "connected and ready"—did you happen to see it?

Of course I did - but that tells me nothing. What tells me what is happening is your log files. Screenshots are useless so no point posting then unless specifically requested.
The firs log file you attached was also useless as it showed that FSUIPC7 didn't even connect to MSFS.
The second log file is the only useful bit of information you have so far provided, which shows that there is an issue with the WASM.
Since then, I have been trying to determine if the WASM is actually running. If it is not running, that is your issue and we need to determine why. If it is running, then I need to see the FSUIPC_WASM.log file to diagnose the issue.

51 minutes ago, gunny said:

Despite this, no log file is generated

If no log file (presume you mean the FSUIPC_WASM.log file, AND you are looking in the correct folder) is generated, then the FSUIPC WASM module is not running. You can also verify this in MSFS2024 itself: activate DevMode and under the Debug menu select/check Display WASM Debug Window, and then in the Modules selection select fsuipc-lvar-module (FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm). Then select the tab Module Section. What is the status there?

1 hour ago, gunny said:

and it's still not possible to modify the WASM .ini file for MS2024.

As I said, I have no idea why this is - this is something peculiar to your system and something you must resolve. This could also be what is causing your issue, as the WASM may not be running due to permissions issues.

Did you run the FSUIPC7 installer as Administrator? If so, this is not needed and may be the issue. Why don't you try re-installing? Just download the latest installer and run it again (not as admin). It will then ask to uninstall the current version (agree to this) and re-install. Then check the permissions on the file again. If you get the same issue, then sorry but I have no idea what is happening and there is something strange going on in your system related to permissions that you need to resolve. I cannot help with this.

1 hour ago, gunny said:

I'm launching both MS2020 and MS2024 using the .bat files your installer creates, to ensure proper startup sequence with FSUIPC. Could this procedure now be incorrect for MS2024? If so, what would be the recommended approach?

No, it is correct. But there are two auto-start methods, via the EXE.xml and via the .bat file. One of the bat files you attached shows that you were using the bat file auto-start method, and you have also modified this to start some other programs:


:: start FSUIPC7
start "" "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe" "-auto2"

start "" "D:\MSFSAddons\SayIntentionsAI\SayIntentionsAI.exe"

:: start "" "C:\Users\guido\AppData\Roaming\MSFS_AutoFPS\bin\MSFS_AutoFPS.exe"

:: start "" "C:\Users\guido\AppData\Local\Programs\navigraph-charts\Navigraph Charts.exe"

That is why I asked.....



Oh...and when you re-install, after the uninstaller has ran, double-check that the fsuipc-lvar-module folder has been removed from your Community folder. If not, manually delete that before continuing with the installation. The uninstaller may not be able to remove that due to your permissions issues.


I have also just noticed that you are running FSUIPC7 with elevated privileges:


********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.5.2 (14th February 2025) by John Dowson *********
WebSocket server found: C:\FSUIPC7\\Utils\FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe
Windows 11 detected - setting DisableMSFSMonitor to 'Enum'
Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit reported as Build 22631, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0)
FSUIPC is running with elevated privileges
Reading options from "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.ini"

Why is this? Are you running MSFS with elevated privileges?

Everything needs to be ran at the same privilege level, and always better to run with standard privileges unless absolutely necessary.


It installed itself this way, I did not change its privileges.

Downloaded and installed the 7.5.2 without admin privileges. I noticed it is now creating the exe.xml rather than the .bat launch files.

Will update you on the progress...


8 minutes ago, gunny said:

It installed itself this way, I did not change its privileges.

It does not install that way, unless maybe you ran the installer with elevated privileges, which is not necessary and not recommended.
But it is very difficult to understand what is happening when you do not respond to my questions. Are you running MSFS with elevated privileges? If you start FSUIPC7 manually, does it run with elevated privileges?

Please follow my advise and then report back and attach files so that I can see what is happening (not screenshots).


Are you running MSFS with elevated privileges? Not that I'm aware. I'm launching it through FSUIPC.

Select fsuipc-lvar-module (FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm): there's no such module even if FSUIPC is running

Apparently FSUIPC set itself to start in admin mode, even if I installed normally.

Screenshot 2025-03-21 142912.png

Screenshot 2025-03-21 143052.png

Just now, gunny said:

Apparently FSUIPC set itself to start in admin mode, even if I installed normally.

it does not.

As I said, please just start FSUIPC7 manually - does it run with elevated privileges?

When you run MSFS2020, does FSUIPC7 run with elevated privileges?

3 minutes ago, gunny said:

Select fsuipc-lvar-module (FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm): there's no such module even if FSUIPC is running

FSUIPC7 and the FSUIPC7 WASM are distinct - FSUIPC7 does not start the WASM, that is running (or should be) inside of MSFS.

Can you edit the FSUIPC_WASM.ini for MSFS2020? Do you see the FSUIPC_WASM.log file for MSFS2020?

Have you followed my advice?

And again, screenshots are useless. No point attaching them unless I request them (which is hardly ever).


Also, please check and compare the Security permissions on your Community folder and fsuipc-lvar-module folders. It seems that your issue is certainly permissions related but I have no idea what could have caused this - it is certainly nothing that the FSUIPC installer does. It does nothing with permissions.

You must at least have permissions to Read and Read & execute (and maybe more) for either Everyone or Authenticated Users.
This is what mine look like:


Windows is getting stricter on permissions with each release. But I am no expert in this area I am afraid, and if your issue is with permissions then it is specific to the set-up of your PC, which you will need to investigate. You can always try editing the permissions so that at least you have read and read & execute access to those folders and sub-contents.

56 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

As I said, please just start FSUIPC7 manually - does it run with elevated privileges?


That's what I did. it does not.

1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Can you edit the FSUIPC_WASM.ini for MSFS2020? Do you see the FSUIPC_WASM.log file for MSFS2020?


Yes I do, no issues whatsoever with MS2020.

12 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

You must at least have permissions to Read and Read & execute (and maybe more) for either Everyone or Authenticated Users.

It's the first thing I checked. BUt it won't let me update or change all the folders properties, despite me being an admin.

1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Have you followed my advice?


I tried for sure, reinstalling with all your suggestions. 

I'm wondering if it may be a good idea to reinstall MS2024 at this point.

Posted (edited)

So it must be MSFS2024 that is starting FSUIPC7 with elevated permissions, and so I would expect that MSFS2024 itself is running with elevated permissions. But if that is the case, I do not understand why it cannot start the fsuipc WASM module.

23 minutes ago, gunny said:

BUt it won't let me update or change all the folders properties, despite me being an admin.

This is very weird and I do not understand... 

23 minutes ago, gunny said:

I tried for sure, reinstalling with all your suggestions. 

I'm wondering if it may be a good idea to reinstall MS2024 at this point.

When it uninstalled, did it remove the fsuipc-lvar-module folder and all its contents? If so, then you certainly have write privileges on that folder, so I do not understand why you cannot edit the files in there, or change permissions.

23 minutes ago, gunny said:

I'm wondering if it may be a good idea to reinstall MS2024 at this point.

Maybe...One last thing to try.... Can you rename your MSFS2024 Community folder? If so, do that (e.g. Community-old), and then create a new Community folder and copy the contents across (as a standard user). 

Can you show me the UserCfg.opt file for your MSFS2024 installation as well please, and your InstallFSUIPC7.log file.

Otherwise I am out of ideas, and maybe a complete uninstall/re-install is necessary. Are you using the Steam or MS Store version?

Edited by John Dowson
Added request for InstallFSUIPC7.log
1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Otherwise I am out of ideas, and maybe a complete uninstall/re-install is necessary. Are you using the Steam or MS Store version?

MS Store

I know you don't want snapshots but after reinstalling I have two WASM folders in the menu... 

Screenshot 2025-03-21 171337.png

UserCfg.opt InstallFSUIPC7.log

30 minutes ago, gunny said:

I have two WASM folders in the menu... 

Strange...will check that over the weekend - can you attach your FSUIPC7.log file please.

But it shouldn't matter much - looks like the WASM is now installed correctly and working. Have you tested?

49 minutes ago, gunny said:

I have two WASM folders in the menu... 

This was possible in 7.5.1 but should have been fixed in 7.5.2...but I can see the cause (there was a problem with the fix!). I will correct this in 7.5.3.

This will only happen if the initial simconnect connection times out, but is nothing to worry about.


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