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Using fsuipc.com Version 7.5.2; installed in C:/FSUIPC7/; unable to unblock the properties of the exe-file
Alle User account credentials Full access ... "give me the light please" ...


  On 3/20/2025 at 2:41 PM, klm149 said:

unable to unblock the properties of the exe-file


What does this mean?

  On 3/20/2025 at 2:41 PM, klm149 said:

Alle User account credentials Full access ... "give me the light please" ...


And this?

The log file you attached seems to show FSUIPC crashing when scanning for your devices. I have no idea what could cause this and have not seen this before. Can you please check the windows event viewer for any events related to FSUIPC and show them to me - there should at least be a crash report.

Can you also please attach your FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv and FSUIPC7.ini files.



      141 Presets not loaded as the WAPI is disabled - please enable to use presets


Why have you disabled the WAPI? That is need for almost all aircraft in MSFS2020/2024.



Hell John, thanks for getting back;

screenprint of FSUIPC7.exe Properties- see section Attributes  and Security
250319-FSUIPC7 events.evtx
.. and the WAPI... No is the default setting in the ini file. I've set this to Yes now
Thank you for your advice



  On 3/20/2025 at 6:30 PM, klm149 said:

screenprint of FSUIPC7.exe Properties- see section Attributes  and Security


Ok - I have seen FSUIPC7 being blocked before, but usually iy is easy to unblock. I am not sure why you cannot do this and I cannot advise - please google to resolve this.
Also, check any anti-virus software toy have running to see if this is interfering.

You attached the ini file twice and not the evtx file....

The Joyscan.csv file only shows two (?) xbox controllers, which is strange. Are you using any xbox controllers, and if so how many?

This could be a registry issue. Could you add the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file and generate another log for me please:

  On 3/20/2025 at 6:30 PM, klm149 said:

. and the WAPI... No is the default setting in the ini file. I've set this to Yes now


It really shouldn't be - the default is enabled with no entry in the ini file (I think)...

What devices/controllers do you actually have?

From your log:


      219 Product= VelocityOne Flight
      219    Manufacturer= Turtle Beach
      219    Serial Number= VelocityOne Flight
      219    Vendor=10F5, Product=7001 (Version 16.64)


The serial number should certainly not be a string, which may be the issue.

Was anything previously working? It is strange that a rudder was previously detected - from your ini:




Anyway, show me the files with the additional logging  and we can try cleaning your registry to see if that makes a difference. I can show you how to do this - tomorrow now as I have now finished for the day.



  On 3/20/2025 at 6:49 PM, John Dowson said:

Ok - I have seen FSUIPC7 being blocked before, but usually iy is easy to unblock. I am not sure why you cannot do this and I cannot advise - please google to resolve this.

Jan: Using https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/unblock-file?view=powershell-7.5 to unblock; however the result is a little vaque, since a property check on the exe still show the same status (as in the pic before).



  On 3/20/2025 at 6:49 PM, John Dowson said:

Also, check any anti-virus software toy have running to see if this is interfering.
Jan: Windows Defender: the installer warns for installation of the docs-folder in D:\OneDrive\Documents and proceeds with  installing the docs-folder in C:\FSUIPC7; The controlled folder access in W11 was already set to Action: Allow on this device.



  On 3/20/2025 at 6:49 PM, John Dowson said:

The Joyscan.csv file only shows two (?) xbox controllers, which is strange. Are you using any xbox controllers, and if so how many? 
Jan: That's what the manufacturer says; Velocity One (Yoke & Quadrant) can be used for PC and XBOX; MSFS2024 is running on PC W11 24H2 


I added InstallFSUIPC7.log (vanilla install) (Vanilla install shows WAPI=YES)
(Rudder is Trustmaster Pendular).

After starting the stream and when all SimObjects are loaded (=@approx 50% of the stream) FSUIPC7 kicks in and shutdown after 2 secs> see Task Manager pic below. (FSUIPC is running with standard privileges); with manual start with elevated privileges FSUIPC7 is stable; but that is not what the exe.xml asks:
<Launch.Addon><Disabled>False</Disabled><ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad><Name>FSUIPC7</Name><Path>C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe</Path><CommandLine>-auto</CommandLine><NewConsole>False</NewConsole></Launch.Addon> ....but... after editing LogCustom=x200000 it seems to be stable.

For now... thanks; if there is anything to hack in the registry let me know;

BTW: what  I did not see in the docs folder is the control list; last step to go. (Jan-250321: I retrieved Controls List for MSFS Build 121.txt from previous backup-Where should it be located: C:\FSUIPC7\Docs or in the root?)



FSUIPC7.logFetching info...

FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csvFetching info... FSUIPC7.iniFetching info...

250320-fsuipc7-events.evtxFetching info... FSUIPC7-elevated-.logFetching info...

  On 3/20/2025 at 10:33 PM, klm149 said:

Jan: Using https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/unblock-file?view=powershell-7.5 to unblock; however the result is a little vaque, since a property check on the exe still show the same status (as in the pic before).


First, please don't embed your comments in quoted text - it makes if difficult to read and is just not necessary - put them outside please (as I do!).
This is strange, but I do not think it is being blocked anyway as it is running - not sure why it says that in the properties.

Also, please only attach files AFTER exiting FSUIPC7.

  On 3/20/2025 at 10:33 PM, klm149 said:

The Joyscan.csv file only shows two (?) xbox controllers, which is strange. Are you using any xbox controllers, and if so how many? 
Jan: That's what the manufacturer says; Velocity One (Yoke & Quadrant) can be used for PC and XBOX; MSFS2024 is running on PC W11 24H2 


No, you misunderstand me.... Are you using an XBox 360 game controller (gamepad)? Sometimes these are fake and can cause issues - if so, they can be ignored, And you cannot use these directly with FSUIPC - you need to install additional free software to use these with FSUIPC.

  On 3/20/2025 at 10:33 PM, klm149 said:

see Task Manager pic below.


That shows two copies running, which is vary strange and shouldn't be possible....

  On 3/20/2025 at 10:33 PM, klm149 said:

but... after editing LogCustom=x200000 it seems to be stable.


This does nothing but add extra logging.

The JoyScan.csv file you attached is empty.

This is worrying and is probably the cause of your issues, although I do not know why this is reported:


      719 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      735 Error 6 [00000006] returned on HidD_GetPreparsedData:  ()
      735 Checking: \\?\hid#vid_10f5&pid_7004&mi_00#7&38f52edd&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
      735    Usage=5, UsagePage=1, =Game Controller
      735 Product= VelocityOne Flight
      735    Manufacturer= Turtle Beach
      735    Serial Number= VelocityOne Flight
      735    Vendor=10F5, Product=7004 (Version 16.64)
      735 *** JOY ERROR: DxCreate returned 'Unknown Error'
      735 Checking: \\?\hid#vid_044f&pid_b68f#6&5682cc5&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
      735    Usage=4, UsagePage=1, =Game Controller
      735 Product= T-Pendular-Rudder
      735    Manufacturer= Thrustmaster
      735    Vendor=044F, Product=B68F (Version 1.16)
      735 *** JOY ERROR: DxCreate returned 'Unknown Error'
      735 -------------------------------------------------------------------


Have you installed any specific drivers or additional software for your devices? If so, please uninstall any drivers and let windows install default drivers, and do not use any additional device software when using FSUIPC as this can interfere. Also please check that if they are USB2 devices they are connected to a USB2 port, and if USB3 they are connected to a USB3 port, and that if using a hub make sure the devices are properly powered.

Can you also please just test running FSUIPC for the time being, i.e. no need to run MSFS. Just start FSUIPC7 manually without MSFS running for these tests, and ALWAYS exit FSUIPC7 before attaching files.

Please do the following:

1. First uninstall any specific drivers for your devices if you are currently using any vendor supplied drivers.

2. Run the windows registry editor and take a back-up of your registry.

3, Unplug your devices.

4. Download and run (i.e. double-click) the following file: removeDevices.reg
    This will remove the current registry entries for your devices.

5. Reboot.

6. Delete your FSUIPC7.ini file.

6. Reconnect your devices, making sure they are connected to the correct ports, if possible (i.e.USB2 to USB2, USB3 to USB3).

7. Run FSUIPC7. Once it starts, exit and then show me / attach your FSUIPC7.ini, .log and .JoyScan.csv files.

8. Run FSUIPC7 with elevated privileges/as Admin, and again show me / attach your FSUIPC7.ini, .log and .JoyScan.csv files.



Hi John,

All steps done; for simplicity I have removed the Velocity One set and attached a Thrustmaster Joystick only. This250321-1600.zip is what I get. Joyscan did not show up when normal executed (APPCRASH).
BTW I've seen multiple internal power errors with ntoskrnl.exe+4b7ce0 (Did a DSIM and sfc with no improvement)


Hi John,

All steps done; for simplicity I have removed the Velocity One set and attached a Thrustmaster Joystick only. This250321-1600.zip is what I get. Joyscan did not show up when normal executed (APPCRASH).
BTW I've seen multiple internal power errors with ntoskrnl.exe+4b7ce0
Did a DSIM and sfc with no improvement- Will reinstall W11 this weekend.
Thanks for your support. I'll be back ...

  On 3/21/2025 at 3:29 PM, klm149 said:

BTW I've seen multiple internal power errors with ntoskrnl.exe+4b7ce0


Ok, then this would indicate some serious issues with your PC, either software or hardware...

  On 3/21/2025 at 3:29 PM, klm149 said:

Did a DSIM and sfc with no improvement- Will reinstall W11 this weekend.


Ok, that would make sense. I would also run some full hardware checks. Your issues are very strange and I can't remember seeing anything like this before, so it would indicate either a windows issue or a hardware issue. Are you overclocking?

Let me know how it goes...



Hi John,

After reinstalling W11 yesterday, today installed the inevitable software for MSFS; FSUIPC7: no more hassle with Unblock fsuipc7.exe; the installation folder C:\Program Files MSFS\.. has full access for all accounts. Blocked //Cirrus error as in fsuipc log line 125. Attached the log files; Looks good.

  On 3/22/2025 at 1:33 PM, klm149 said:

the installation folder C:\Program Files MSFS\..


Installing under Program Files is not recommended and can cause issues to to windows permissions. 

  On 3/22/2025 at 1:33 PM, klm149 said:

Attached the log files; Looks good.


Looks good? Why  do you say that? Looks exactly the same to me, with FSUIPC7 crashing on start-up when scanning for your devices...


Hi John,

Looks good... yes .. for running the simulator: 
Note: Any folder created in C:/ with any name has full access fot System, Administrators and User; so is the folder I created for simulation programs: C/Program Files MSFS/..
The folders that FSUIPC7-installer uses are Allowed by Windows Controller access; the installer. exe is unblocked
All conditions as in the README coming with the installer zip are checked and met.
It does not matter which kind of hardware is connected on which usb port.

The last experiences running FSUIPC7 with 24H2: enclosed filesException code 0xc0000005 explained.txtReport.werReport.wer contains 2 App-crash WER-reports and a text file Exception code; a fact is that fsuipc7.exe crashes always with the same memory address 00000000 00045d61.
In the text file you find a link from MS https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/shows/inside/c0000005 and  how they look at APPCRASH situations and resolution.

Take into consideration that 3rd suppliers use FSUIPC7 (unlicensed) for e.g. programming their Streamdeck profiles.
FlightPanels.io for instance. The use the CONTROL codes to activate (read/write) for all kind of button functions in MSFS24 in those cases where LVARS are not avaliable (they think...).
Please have a look and let me know your findings.
For now and thanks for your continuous active support.

  On 3/23/2025 at 2:31 PM, klm149 said:

I created for simulation programs: C/Program Files MSFS/..


Ah, sorry --   I read this as  "C/Program Files/MSFS/", which has certain restrictions, being under the windows Program Files folder.

  On 3/23/2025 at 2:31 PM, klm149 said:

The last experiences running FSUIPC7 with 24H2: enclosed filesException code 0xc0000005 explained.txtReport.werReport.wer contains 2 App-crash WER-reports and a text file Exception code; a fact is that fsuipc7.exe crashes always with the same memory address 00000000 00045d61.
In the text file you find a link from MS https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/shows/inside/c0000005 and  how they look at APPCRASH situations and resolution.


It is crashing when scanning your USB devices. This code has been stable and unchanged for 15+ years, and is in use by thousands of users, and is the same in all versions of FSUIPC since FSUIPC4 (at least). This issue is therefore specific to your system, and I have no idea what is causing this. I suspect an error is being returned on a low-level windows call which isn't being handled properly, and this is then causing a memory access error further down the line. I could probably add more error checking (to prevent the crash), but this wouldn't solve the underlying problem on your system.

I know what error C0000005 is and do not need any pointers in how to look into this.

And sorry, but I just don't have the time or resources to investigate this any further at the moment. I may return to this later when time permits, but for the time being you will have to try and resolve this yourself.

You should at at least make sure that your VC++ redistributables are up-to-date. Download and install the latest combined package (2015, 2017, 2019 & 2022) to see if that helps.




Hi John,

Remembering your words "

  On 3/23/2025 at 4:13 PM, John Dowson said:

It is crashing when scanning your USB devices.


At a certain moment Windows Security showed a Device security error referring to drivers. Wild guess... any oem xyz driver. Found via Taskmanager sorted by driver; Number oem36.inf out of 50 was the culprit. For the records: oem36.PNF  & inf removed from ../Windows/INF/...


  On 3/23/2025 at 9:55 PM, klm149 said:

At a certain moment Windows Security showed a Device security error referring to drivers. Wild guess... any oem xyz driver. Found via Taskmanager sorted by driver; Number oem36.inf out of 50 was the culprit. For the records: oem36.PNF  & inf removed from ../Windows/INF/...


That is interesting! Are your devices now recognised correctly by FSUIPC now (and no CTD)?
Similar to the issue described here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/discussions/windowsinsiderprogram/how-to-remove-oem-drivers-causing-memory-integrity-problems-/3955127



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