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  1. When starting P3D v4 I got a message that doule FSUIPC installed Se enclosed message.. I have tried everything but can't gt rid of it and p3d will not start. Any good tips
  2. I am using pfc radio rack and it works ok, except that lately com 1 and com 2 have changed place in vPilot. (when using com 1 on PFC panel com 2 changes in vPilot) I am unable to find a solution to get it back in correct place and it is a bit annoying to use radio 2 to change the operating freq. Any tips to change it back would be appriciated Henning Ringsvold
  3. *** Moved from FAQ sub-forum to FSUIPC7 sub-forum *** Is it possible to use the old serieconnected Radiopanel from FlyPFC with MSFS and if so how is it done Best Henning
  4. Thanks
  5. *** Moved from FAQ sub-forum - please use FSUIPC7 sub-forum for all support requests/questions on FSUIPC7 *** I bought the fsuipc 7 from Simmarket, but after donloading and installation it says all the time tha the key is wrong. I tried to uninstall and reinstall without help. Can you pse help me with this HenningR
  6. Is there any posibility to load the FSUIPC 6 for so to reprogram them to fit the 7. Or do I have to program it new all over I have a lot of switches spes. 737 overhead panel. Bestreg. HenningR
  7. Can you tell me where to find good literature for reading up on JOY Letters. Have difficulty to find B: HenningR
  8. I can see that the JOY No for the Leoboards are changed from the P3Dv4 to P3dv5. Is it ok to rename theese JOYs to set tham as they where in 4.3 setup so I can use that . ini file and not reprogramming all Switches via FSUIPC? Best HenningR
  9. Thanks John. it shows clesrly that it was somethimg wrong with the StLab PCIe card. As soon as I put in the USB/Serial converter it went straight in and worked. But,due do you know how to reset port numbers in Devise Manager. Because I had tried so many times (I guess) the converter started as Port 31 even if there was no other once connected.
  10. All that com ports are used for additional screens like FPanel, ND, upper and lower Eicas and a lot of Arduino cards. The Avionic panel is connected to Port 16 wich is the first port on the ST Lab PCIe serial card. It was functioning like this on the old PC but as I did not have a regular PCI slot in the new one, only a PCIe I had to buy a new card. I will test when I receive a new USB to serial converter. Thanks for strugling with me HenningR
  11. Sorry for messing up, I am not that good in the data World, I am only and very old airlineJockey that likes still to fly I now deleted the PFCcom64 both log and ini. Started P3D and shut it down and the enclosed files are what I got. Obviously by the Devise Manager it should be connected to com 16 but when tried that on the connection picture got just a Red notch. Switching to com 3 it was green. I have a lot of screens connected via USB. Have ordered an usb to serial converter to see if there i a fault on my St Lab PCIe card PFCcom64.log PFCcom64.ini
  12. Obviously something is wrong. This file was to big to be included so I shortened it, and it seems like it is continuing this way HenninR Shortpfccom64.log
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