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PFC Radio Rack

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I am using pfc radio rack and it works ok, except that lately com 1 and com 2 have changed place in vPilot. (when using com 1 on PFC panel com 2 changes in vPilot)
I am unable to find a solution to get it back in correct place and it is a bit annoying to use radio 2 to change the operating freq.
Any tips to change it back would be appriciated
Henning Ringsvold

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1 hour ago, hrings said:

I am using pfc radio rack and it works ok, except that lately com 1 and com 2 have changed place in vPilot. (when using com 1 on PFC panel com 2 changes in vPilot)

What has changed? Has anything been updated? If this only affects vPilot, gave you asked on their support?

1 hour ago, hrings said:

Any tips to change it back would be appriciated

You need to determine what has changed. Try logging to see what events/controls are being sent - use Event logging in FSUIPC and see what events are logged when you alter the com1/2 frequencies. Maybe also look into the PFC driver logging as well (see the PFC User guide for the driver you are using).


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