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Everything posted by Bigsky10

  1. I am going to add P3D V5 to my new computer. My question is: can I use my Module file FSUIPC 4.dll from my FSX FSUIPC 4 or do I have to rebuild all of my aircraft profiles?
  2. Pete, FYI. After battling with this problem for a while I used the help you gave me and some information from Saitek. I went to their question and answer page and found three files they indicated to use to solve problems with Saitek controllers. After I ran them to reset game controller in registry I took one of the A/C I was having trouble with. After I recalibrated in FSUIPC4 the axes, key strokes and buttons seem to work OK. My profiles appear to be working OK. Thanks so much for you help with this. Dick Saitek - Clear Calibration - Pro Flight Rudder Pedals.zip Saitek - Clear Calibration - Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant (USB).zip Saitek - Clear Calibration - Pro Flight Yoke System.zip
  3. Pete, I’m still having some problems with the throttle working erratically even after calibration. I uninstalled the drivers and programs connected to them. I did not unplug the controller before I rebooted and let windows put game controller drivers in. I disabled joystick in FSX and am using FSUIPC4 only. I have recalibrated all three controllers in FSUIPC4. Now when I go into FSX the throttle levers work fine but the Prop levers and Mixture levers when activating them one lever moved farther down than the other. Until just a week or two ago all my settings, profiles and controllers work perfectly. I am not sure if a windows update caused the problem or not. I think my next step would be to delete the . ini and rebuild all profiles. A question I have, is there any registry entries that would mess up the calibration process. I did order a T6Q throttle with USB plugin. I was going to wait until I get it before starting all over. I also thought of deleting FSX and reinstalling it. There is something someplace that is causing a conflict with the controllers. I am not at a point where I can install P3D. Not sure my computer will handle it. Maybe a starting system for P3D. Any ideas you might have I will give them a try. I am not a expert in computers but do know a few things. Thank Dick FSX Deluxe Edition SP1 and SP2, Win 7 Home Premium SP1, Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 GHz,10 GB RAM, 64-bit Operating System, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745 4MB Ram
  4. I did a little test today on a couple A/C I have in FSX. Everything seems to works great. I do have to rebuild one profile but that isn't bad. I still have Saitek Drivers installed but no Saitek software. All joystick actions are deleted from FSX except POV hat. If I still have problems I will uninstall drivers and let windows put them in. Qustion? Would drivers have effect on throttle levers moving smooth with no jerky movement. I think it is hardware it self. Thanks again for help. Dick FSUIPC4_prev.log FSUIPC4.log
  5. T hank Pete for all the help. I'm going to follow your advice and disable drivers. Going to stat up sim and load up a profile and test it out. I'll let you know what happens. Throttle quadrants are getting old so may have to think about changing them out. I am looking at Pro Flight TQ6 throttles. Thanks again Dick
  6. Pete, her is the Joyscan file. I am thinking of deleting the ini and starting all over. I went through the controller assignments in FSX last night and deleted all the joy stick assignments except for the "POV Hat". Haven't done anything else so far. The Saitek PRO Flight Yoke System still shows as unknown device in the control/hardware and sound/devices and printers. I downloaded the lates drivers but going to saitek to see if there is another driver to substitute. Thanks Dick FSUIPC4.JoyScan.csv
  7. I checked this morning and found no rudder peddles in the ini file. I might have changed a usb port on the rudders. I am not sure how to change the registry joystick ID thought. I did power changes. Thank Dick FSUIPC4.ini
  8. I had to reload one of my addon A/C today (twin otter extended). After reinstalling the throttle controls started to jump all around. I recalibrated to the the game controllers in both FSX and the game device. Still not reacting at all. When I went into the ini file the saitek rudder peddles: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 1=Flight Yoke System 1.GUID={12E39840-D089-11E4-8001-444553540000} 2=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant 2.GUID={634041D0-D089-11E4-8001-444553540000} where no longer assigned. They do show on the game controller and in FSX. I have reset FSX config file and still does not work. At this point I am going to uninstall FSUIPC and FSX and start all over again. I have attached last logs for your review thinking for sure you may see something. I have had game controller for 5 years or more so sure there could be a problem there. I know throttle pots are dirty and worn. Any help with uninstall or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Dick FSUIPC4_prev.log FSUIPC4.log FSUIPC4.ini
  9. Thanks working great now Dick
  10. Tried one other thing which I think fixed it. Ran FSX and excepted new DLL. Now ini in module shows version 4.974. I guess just didn't complete install process. Thanks Dick
  11. I downloaded version 4.974 and installed it as administrator. I used registration key to finalize install. FSUIPC4 install shows everything is installed. I saved the log which shows "Version 4.974 found. Installed version is later: it is not overwritten. " INI still shows UpdatedByVersion=4972a. I have included these files. I rebooted computer to let changes take place. Thanks Dick FSUIPC4 Install.log Log.LOG FSUIPC4.ini
  12. Thanks Pete, Downloading current version now Dick
  13. Hi all, I am currently using FSUIPC4 UpdatedByVersion=4972a. My USB devices are starting to work intermittent. Especially my keyboard. The question I have is is I unhook them and replace them what am I going to have to do with my configuration settings. Will FSUIPC4 find the new devices and recognize the profiles I have built or will I have to start over and build new profiles. Thanks Dick FSX Deluxe Edition SP1 and SP2, Win 7 Home Premium SP1, Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 GHz,10 GB RAM, 64-bit Operating System, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745 4MB Ram FSUIPC4.ini
  14. Thomas, I think I found what you are looking for. This log shows FSUIPC4 , version 4.972a. FSUIPC4.ini now shows Updated by version=4972a. I'll give this a try tomorrow and see if I have problems. Thanks Dick FSUIPC4.1.log FSUIPC4.ini
  15. Thanks Thomas, There are the only other files I have in FSX modules. If not here I am not sure where they are located. Thanks for the Help Dick FSUIPC4.log FSUIPC4_prev.log
  16. I have been having some problems with the FSUIPC4 remembering key assignments from the keyboard. It mostly happens when flying Aerosoft DHC6-300 and 100 versions. Landing, Strobe, taxi, beacon and nav lights, parking brake, autofeather_arm and pitot heat. Sometimes they work and sometimes not. If I go into the FSUIPC4 configure and run through the settings they work. If I use the mouse to click switch in the cockpit once then the key stroke will work. Sometimes it works better in windows mode instead of full screen. Keyboard is getting old and maybe that is the reason. I do have a wireless keyboard I can hook up but not sure it that will mess-up keyboard settings or the configurations settings. I check the other night to see if there were updates for FSUIPC4 and found a new version. I ran installer for version 4.972. Install notepad is as follows and shows 4.972 in stalled: Installed FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.972a I attached FSUIPC4.ini and FSUIPC4 install log for viewing. Question is: Do I have to delete Ver. 4.971 and do a fresh install of Ver. 4.972 resulting in rebuilding aircraft configuration settings or am I running Ver. 4.972? Thanks Dick FSX Deluxe Edition SP1 and SP2, Win 7 Home Premium SP1, Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 GHz,10 GB RAM, 64-bit Operating System. FSUIPC4.ini FSUIPC4 Install.log
  17. Jannier, I did check to make sure they all were removed in FSX control setting. I went a head and just added all the key assignments to the specific aircraft profile. That seemed to work. Dick
  18. Thank you Pete. I don't ask for help to often because I can usually find the answer in the forum. I will make the changes. Thanks Dick
  19. I have installed in my FSX the following version UpdatedByVersion=4966c. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit with SP 1.0 reported as Build 7601 (OS 6.1) fsx.exe version = 10.0.61472.0. I am having some problems with my Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 twin otter extended. I have done all my key assignments for my profiles in the generic position not assigned to any specific aircraft in FSX. When I load up FSX and choose an aircraft some of the key assignments work and some don't. When I open FSUIPC profile window and cycle through the key assignments then save then all key assignments work. I have included the log and ini. I updated to FSUIPC4 version 4966c a short time ago. Mainly the Twin Otter is my primary flyer. Haven't notices any other plane I fly having the problem. A little help to make sure I have the most current version of FSUIPC installed. I see FSUIPC5 listed in the forum but think that is for P3D. Thanks in advance for the help. Dick FSX Deluxe Edition SP1 and SP2, Win 7 Home Premium SP1, Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 GHz,10 GB RAM, 64-bit Operating System FSUIPC4.log FSUIPC4.ini
  20. Thomas, Thanks for the reply. I did get the profile to work. added keyboard keys and some other entries. I did find why the engine stops when FSX starts up. For some reason the aircraft starts up with the fuel shut off. When you turn that on manually the aircraft can be started up from cold and dark start. I am learning as I go by re-reading the instructions and trial and error. All of my profiles work now so I can do some fine tuning by using slope. Thanks so much for the help Dick
  21. I think I found the problem. Re downloaded the Caravan EX from Carenado. (V.2). Put GTN 750 mod in and that is where I started having problems. I took the 750 mod out and reconfigured it with the config tool as an add on. It is working now so just using the gauge 1 & 2 on additional monitor. It worked fine with V.1 so must be something they did in upgrade. Thanks for the help. I will check FSUIPC.ini for Axes. I am building separate profiles for all my aircraft. This may be when aircraft fist starts it shuts down. I may not have all settings in the INI.
  22. I am looking for a little help. Not sure whether it is because of windows updates or what but I have a couple add-on aircraft that no longer work (worked previous to all of windows 7 updates). I had profiles built up in FSUIPC4 which did work but now do not work. I am unsure what is going on. I have a profile built for each aircraft I have loaded on my FSX. When I load the aircraft (Carenado Caravan EX) it shuts down completely and finally when I get it started auto pilot does not work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it three time, Deleted the profile in FSX module and started over twice. I am about to install it and build profile again but will wait for some suggestions. I was thinking about building a profile for the default FSX Caravan and then copying it over to see if that makes a difference. Thanks for the help everyone. Dick H. FSX Deluxe Edition SP1 and SP2 Win 7 Home Premium SP1 Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 GHz 10 GB RAM 64-bit Operating System
  23. Hi Thomas, Thanks for the reply. I did program keys from keyboard this last time and they do work OK. I have not changed the USB ports. I am using saitek pro flight yoke with additional throttle quadrant. The original saitek profile programing quit so I thought i would try FSUIPC4. I built profile for each plane I have. The ones I appear to have problems with are the single engine aircraft. I have throttle1, prop1, and mix1 because it is turbo prop with reverse. I have gone into the FSUIPC4.dll and deleted everything that pertains to the Caravan to start over. I have gone through the instruction a couple times and find new things each time. I can reinstall drivers for the controls but that would include re plugging controls. I am going to step away for a day and try again. I am afraid I am missing something and I am going to recheck deleting profiles. thank for the help Dick
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