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Everything posted by Bigsky10

  1. I am looking for a little help. Not sure whether it is because of windows updates or what but I have a couple add-on aircraft that no longer work (worked previous to all of windows 7 updates). I had profiles built up in FSUIPC4 which did work but now do not work. I am unsure what is going on. I have a profile built for each aircraft I have loaded on my FSX. When I load the aircraft (Carenado Caravan EX) it shuts down completely and finally when I get it started auto pilot does not work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it three time, Deleted the profile in FSX module and started over twice. I am about to install it and build profile again but will wait for some suggestions. I was thinking about building a profile for the default FSX Caravan and then copying it over to see if that makes a difference. Thanks for the help everyone. Dick H. FSX Deluxe Edition SP1 and SP2 Win 7 Home Premium SP1 Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 GHz 10 GB RAM 64-bit Operating System
  2. Thank Thomas. I will keep working on it. I can see all profile settings work in the aircraft. I'll get the checklist out and do a cold and dark start to make sure all switches are set correct.
  3. Very new to FSUIPC so I know much info i gotten from forums. After installing FSUIPC I built up specific profiles for each of my aircraft. I have noticed on my Carenado C208 Cargomaster it will shut down after I startup FSX. I adjust the throttle, prop and mixture and hit Ctrl+E for a start but nothing happens. I have it set to be ready to fly so should have engine running and ready to go. I have rechecked all buttons and axis setting and it appears to be right. I am sure I might have over looked something in setup. Most other planes will continue to run after starting FSX. I use saitek Pro Flight Yoke system and extra throttle quadrant. I have marked the throttle and set levers where they are supposed to be. Thanks for any help you guys can give. Dick
  4. Thomas Thanks for the input. I did as you suggested and renamed the Windows/system32 file. I did see an additional three buttons by using the mode switch but the mode switch did not multiply the total number of buttons as it does in the Saitek profile editor.
  5. New to forum and FSUIPC. I just purchased latest version of FSUIPC. I am setting up profiles for all my FSX aircraft. Previous I was using Saiteks profile editor. I could not find anything in the Manual that addresses using the mode selector on the yoke to assign additional button functions. I have added a couple files which show the difference. Can someone direct me for more information if it is possible. Grand Caravan EX Flight Key (FSUIPC).xlsx
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