I am looking for a little help. Not sure whether it is because of windows updates or what but I have a couple add-on aircraft that no longer work (worked previous to all of windows 7 updates). I had profiles built up in FSUIPC4 which did work but now do not work. I am unsure what is going on. I have a profile built for each aircraft I have loaded on my FSX. When I load the aircraft (Carenado Caravan EX) it shuts down completely and finally when I get it started auto pilot does not work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it three time, Deleted the profile in FSX module and started over twice. I am about to install it and build profile again but will wait for some suggestions. I was thinking about building a profile for the default FSX Caravan and then copying it over to see if that makes a difference.
Thanks for the help everyone.
Dick H.
FSX Deluxe Edition SP1 and SP2
Win 7 Home Premium SP1
Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 GHz
64-bit Operating System