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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. Could you activate Axis controls logging (from the FSUIPC logging tab) and generate another FSUIPC5.log file showing your problem, and then upload this together with your FSUIPC5.ini file please.

    It seems strange that it was working one day and not the next - something must have changed. Do you know what? Can you also check to see if you have controllers disabled in P3D, and if not then check your P3D assignments as well.



  2. What aircraft are you using - the FSLabs A320? I don't have that aircraft so cannot reproduce here. What function is your rectangle id (0x40000039) activating?

    I've tried here using an A2A Cherokee and cannot reproduce, even with no delay, and have tried various multi-mouse operations. Can you try see if you can reproduce with a default aircraft so I can reproduce here?


  3. Good to know its now working.

    10 hours ago, oldfowler said:

    DO we need to set up a profile for his hardware or is it just gonna work  right out of the box with default settings?

    Profiles are for aircraft, so that you can have different assignments/settings for different aircraft. It pretty much works right out of the box if you load an appropriate profile for your aircraft. Still, always best to check the user manual!

    10 hours ago, oldfowler said:

    So I also reran the the setup wizard and Disabled FSUIPC connection as the program was showing errors complaining about FSUIPC,  SimConnect is enabled.

    Are you referring to the set-up wizard in SPAD.next? You can use SPAD.next with or without FSUIPC. You can run without if you don't need it. The original SPAD requires FSUIPC.



  4. I downloaded SPAD, ran the installer, then ran the SPAD.exe. It recognised my switch and multi-panels without a problem. I then started FSX-SE, and loaded the Mooney Bravo. Tried the flaps switch on the multi-panel, and it operates the flaps without a problem. I therefore do not know what your issue is.

    It may be the Saitek drivers and/or software. As I said, best to remove these completely from your system.

    Btw, what aircraft are you using? Have you tried with different aircraft?


  5. I've not used SPAD before. When I get a chance over the next few days, I'll download it and take a look to see if I can get it to drive my multi-panel in FSX-SE and let you know.

    I recommend that you first uninstall any Saitek drivers or software. Also try SPAD.next - it is a different product to SPAD. SPAD is freeware and SPAD.next is payware, but you get a 14 day free trial license so I suggest you use that. Set-up in SPAD.next is also pretty straightforward and then are free profiles available for many aircraft.

    Also make sure that you have the latest version of FSUIPC4 installed (available from www.fsuipc.com).


  6. I guess FS RAAS 2.0 may be using the sound interface provided by FSUIPC at offset 4200. However, there is nothing related to volume in those offsets.

    Presumably you have sound but just want the volume increased, no? And you have tried the standard windows volume control, or the volume control used by whatever is driving the sound card? If you've checked those, then I suggest that you contact FS RAAS support.



  7. 2 hours ago, bjratchf said:

    So are you saying that by writing a lua script I can take a standard simconnect named function, have it intercepted

    You intercept SimConnect events (also known as controls in FSUIPC, slightly confusing) not named functions (whatever they are!) with the lua event.control function. See the FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf in your FSUIPC documents folder. In the function called on the intercept, you can then do whatever you want (thats available!) - for example, send different events/controls using ipc.control (also documented in same pdf previously mentioned), read/write to offsets, etc.. 

    2 hours ago, bjratchf said:

    like a custom code function as used by a third party aircraft?

    Not quite sure what you mean by this , but if you mean a custom event, then yes (via ipc.control as previously stated).



  8. Hi,

    you posted in the FAQ section - please post support requests in the main forum.

    Usually such issues are caused by incorrect permissions - can you check that if you are running your sim with administrator privileges then you are also running your other apps with the same privileges. Please check that first. If thats not the issue, more information is required - your FSUIPC log file for a start, and the errors you are getting from the apps trying to connect.


  9. Hi Andrew,

    no, you don't need WideFS - as I said, this is used to allow client applications running on a different (network connected) PC to communicate to FSUIPC (and thus the FS) over the network.

    FSUIPC5 is a different product to FSUIPC4 (as the former is 64bit and the latter 32bit) and will require a new license. I believe there was initially a special upgrade price from FSUIPC4 to FSUIPC5 (before my time I'm afraid) but this is no longer available.




  10. First, you posted in the FAQ section - I have moved your post, but please post all support requests here in the main support forum.

    For P3D v4.5, you need FSUIPC5 (available from SimMarket). WideFS is a separate product for extending the FSUIPC interface to other PCs on a network to allow appropriate application programs to run on separate PCs.



  11. Hi Luke,

    sorry, you are correct - the numbers were strange as they were written as 32bit floats instead of 64 (and some conversion was applied).

    Please try the attached dll where this has been corrected. The lat/long/alt are in the format as received from P3D with no conversion, which is lat/lon in degrees and alt in feet.

    Not sure what the format of 05B0 and 05B8 was at the moment- I'll check this.




  12. Hi Joe,

    so I think you need to look at the PMDG 777 offsets - see the document Offset Mapping for PMDG 777X.pdf.

    You should be able to determine the messages from these offsets. This post shows that they can be used to get the messages, although its for the 737 and is using Paul Henty's clien dll for c#/.net: 




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