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  1. I'm not sure lol. I reinstalled a clean copy on both computers and seems to work just fine.
  2. Yes, thank you. It seems to be working now
  3. Hello, I've never seemed to have this problem until yesterday. However, My brother and I were loading up just another MP session (I was hosting) but this time I got stuck at 9% and he loaded in just fine. I didn't think much of it so I kept trying but had no luck. Some troubleshooting things I've done so far. Restarted both machines Reinstalled the whole game Ensured we had the same schedules and files installed (I installed everything for both of us anyway) After doing these with no luck I decided to bring it here to the forums. Thanks for any help you can give. *PS: it said the game.log file was too big so I put it in a dropbox* https://www.dropbox.com/s/zbyvs0u3sm4av8y/game.log?dl=0
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