Loaded the latest DLL first...
In both FSX (local not Steam) and P3D, the logged variables appear just fine, UNTIL I try and interrogate them, at that point, whilst somewhat inconsistent, the Reg -313C and Airline 3148 seem to be being overwritten by the prior values! It seems to occur most consistently if the aircraft selected is another variant in the same aircraft.cfg.
If the reg# is populated and I select an a/c without a reg., when I run the
update request the next time the logged variables change to show the "last values" in the app, hope that makes sense. It seems like the FSUIPCConnection.Process call is updating those two offsets. Any ideas?
Below is the code I wrote to test it, not sure if it helps or if Pete should be the one to contact?
Imports FSUIPC
Public Class Form1
Private RegID As New Offset(Of String)("AircraftInfo", &H313C, 12)
Private airline As New Offset(Of String)("AircraftInfo", &H3148, 24)
Private aircraftType As New Offset(Of String)("AircraftInfo", &H3160, 24)
Private aircraftModel As New Offset(Of String)("AircraftInfo", &H3500, 24)
Private nameTitle As New Offset(Of String)("AircraftInfo", &H3D00, 96)
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonUpdate.Click
' Now display the data on the form
DataRegID.Text = RegID.Value
DataAirline.Text = airline.Value
DataACType.Text = aircraftType.Value
DataModel.Text = aircraftModel.Value
DataName.Text = nameTitle.Value
End Sub
End Class