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Everything posted by Gil

  1. On the Tracon!2012 Information screen there is a statistic given for "Number of successful landings and takeoffs." While the answer might sound obvious I am wondering what that statistic actually counts. I've played now for about three hours, all of which was with only departures occuring. Tracon gives me a score so far of 2,880, and the number of incidents and accidents is currently zero, but the stat for the landings and takeoffs field is only zero. Exactly what counts for a successful takeoff? Gil
  2. i guess the issue for me is whether a left click is the right gesture to use for handing off a plane.. To me a left click should be used only for something less important, as it is normally used within windows apps. If I had written an app like this I'd use a left click and drag to move the label (instead of right click and drag), and then perhaps a double click for the hand off. It is easy for me to left click something without thinking of it, because that action is normally pretty innocuous in Windows. For example a left click usually just selects something rather than initiating an action. So for me I would disagree that "it goes without saying." But it is what is is, so it's something I'll get accustomed to (just like I'll have to get accustom to "climb to 13000" being interpreted as something like "climb to 13900"). FWIW I've been a programmer for about forty years and I've made it a point to know what makes a good program interface. Not that I know it all, but I don't think you will normally find a single left click being used for an important function in many programs (other than interacting with button controls). Gil
  3. Yes, I read the manual, but your explanation gave one detail that isn't stated in the manual as far as I know. That is, that the expected frequency depends on the sector the plane is in when it is left clicked. I guess I assumed that a left click was meaningless when the plan was below 10,000 and farther than five miles from tower's control boundary. I must have left clicked the planes in those circumstances absentmindedly. Thanks for clearing that up.
  4. I have Tracon!2012 working now and I am trying my hand at departures at LAX following instructions I found on YouTube that you probably have seen. I've noticed a couple of things that have surprised, one of which I'm pretty sure is a bug of some sort. The first thing I want to mention is that it seems that sometimes a departing flight will turn from a D to a C without my having left clicked on the flight, once when it came near a sector boundary and once when the flight reached 13,000 feet. Is that possible? If so, when is the left click required to initiate the hand off? A second thing I've noticed is that the sometimes the computer expects a different center frequency than the frequency it should expect. This happened to me while handling a flight departing LAX on the HOLTZ9 departure. The plane was at 13,000 feet and the indicator had changed to the letter C. At that point I issued the command something like, "Field Air one two three contact Center on one one niner point niner five." That prompted an error response something like, "Mate, you're trying to hand the flight off to the wrong frequency." I tried several other frequencies before finding that the program expected frequency 135.3 as if the flight was further west over the ocean. The flight was clearly in the sector for 119.95. The picture below shows approximately where the flight was on the HOLTZ9 departure. The red arrow points out the location. (This picture is from the YouTube video I was following.) I am wondering if others have had this problem, and whether there is a good way to handle the problem.
  5. Yes, I start the game as administrator. However, an uninstall and reinstall fixed the issue. But I have a new issue, I'll research first, and start an new thread if I'm still stumped. Gil
  6. I just purchased Tracon!2012 and installed it on my laptop with one screen. I have been able to run the program once in full screen mode with the resolution set to 1920x1080, but when I next ran the program the menu was so large that the button to start the game was below the bottom border of the window. This seems to be due to my display being set to show fonts at 125%. Setting that to 100% brought the button back into view, but now when I try to start a game the program crashes. I have a video of my experience below. I have also attached the latest log file in my install directory. There are two instances when the program crashes: (1) when I click Start on the Tracon menu, and (2) when I click Apply on the Settings menu. Notice also that the resolutions drop down control shows no resolutions either. I hope someone can help. Thanks for your consideration. -Gil game.log
  7. Good tip. Thx.
  8. John, thanks for your reply. While trying to answer your questions and get more information about the problem, I found the error on my own, and it was entirely my fault. I didn't know that I had programmed P3D4 to respond to the same button to toggle the gear extension and retraction. Of course, the button was not working because each key press resulted in the gear being toggled twice. The press and hold behavior I described occurred when I once tried sending the control upon release of the button. So, pressing the button toggled the state due to P3D configuration, and releasing the button toggled the state due to FSUIPC configuration. I thought I had cleared out all of the P3D button definitions, but apparently this is one that I missed. Sorry for the false report. Gil
  9. I have a question about button settings in FSUPIC 5.151 in P3D4. I had a button on my Sytek Flight Yoke System to send a "Gear Toggle" control when it was pressed, like so: The problem is that the button raises the gear when it is pressed and lowers the ger when it is released. In FSX it behaves differently, I believe. Instead, pressing the button toggles between raised and lowered, and releasing the button does nothing. (This is under version 4 for FSX.) To make this work as expected in P3D4 I reprogramed the button to send the G key instead like this: This is okay, but not an ideal solution for me because I like to avoid programming keys in P3D4 for this kind of thing. (I like to reserve keys for external utility apps like ChasePlane for example.) Is there a setting in P3D4 or FSUPIC to make the Gear Toggle control work as expected? Thanks for your input. Gil Yoder
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