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    Bucharest, Romania

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  1. Thank you! Indeed I tried that one as well with the enable data broadcast on. But no luck. Also considering that we are shipping my app to a lot of users i think they will not be inclined to touch the .ini file. In any case thank you very much for your help. Your information is very precious. We will see what we can do in the future. All the best, Ovidiu
  2. Hello @John Dowson Unfortunately I have to report that this is not working. Thank you for trying to help. Much appreciated! 👍 Ovidiu Ocnaru
  3. Thank you very much @John Dowson for your reply. I shall have a look at those and post here my findings. All the best and thank your for your work! Ovidiu
  4. Hello! I have searched a lot on how to fix this issue but Google has not been kind to me this time. My question is, what is the best way to detect the position of the PMDG seatbelt switch? We have it mapped on the 0x341D offset, which works on most aircraft addons but not with PMDG. We need it for the A PILOT'S LIFE - CHAPTER 2 addon. Thank you very much for your help! Ovidiu Ocnaru
  5. Hello! Another "issue" that comes up reported by my users of APL ( A Pilot's Life ) is that they cannot pause the flight. So the problem is that FSUIPC does not detect the paused flight. Will there be a fix for this or should I try going around this? Thank you! Best regards Ovidiu Ocnaru
  6. Hi @John Dowson ! That is great news! Looking forward to test my software with the new version. Thank you very much for the info and I will be checking the forum regularly for updates. Best regards, Ovidiu Ocnaru
  7. Looking forward for some official information regarding FSUIPC compatibility with this one. As a developer that relies on it, I am very interested to find out more. Best regards! Ovidiu
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