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Luke0103 last won the day on October 13 2020

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  1. I reinstalled Real Traffic again and it work. Don’t know why it didn’t work the first time though. I may of accidentally installed it to the wrong file or something
  2. Hey all, I just purchased KEWR and have updated Real Traffic and I'm still getting the fake airlines for KEWR only. I double checked with other airports and seems to only affect Newark. Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem is? Thanks
  3. Hi, Thank you so much! That was the problem
  4. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zs76nikp4ajj3pj/AAByVb-xtX_0HynBUdwK8NFla?dl=0
  5. Oh ok. Last time I tried attaching images it wouldn’t let me due to the file size being too large
  6. hmm that's odd because that's what I have been doing
  7. Does real traffic need to be installed in the same folder as real colours?
  8. my real colour texturepacks are in the Program Files (x86)>FeelThere>Tower!3d Pro>Extensions>Airplanes>Texturepacks
  9. Hi, I have done that a few times already and it still didn't fix it. Once I redownload it all the aircraft models get rendered but the liveries are all white but once I exit and restart the game the liveries come back but the aircraft models go all wrong again
  10. Hey, I have an issue where aircraft textures are all wrong. It all started when I installed the CVVR Real Colours but this issue happens at every airport and with nearly every plane. On the strip it may say an aircraft such as an A380 but the aircraft model that is rendered in the game is a 777 which seems to make the textures of the aircraft go all wrong. I was going to attach some images to make it easier to understand the problem but I couldn't attach any. Thanks
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