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Everything posted by asessa

  1. Hi John, thanks. Wich values can i expted to have this offsets?
  2. Uhm no there isn't.. I will ask to mobiflight, but i think you have to publish it before
  3. Uhm ok, so where i should have in MF ? Here? Or in another place? (maybe MF should have to recompile?)
  4. Oh i'm sorry, i read is for key press events, Ok i understand
  5. I downloaded your attached fsuipc but opening mobiflight i cant see these events in the offset list.. maybe i search in the wrong place..
  6. Hi Jhon, how can we use keys with fsuipc offsets?
  7. HI John, ok, so I have to wait for it, thanks
  8. Hi John is there a way to add custom offset ? For example, the A320NX mod use A32NX_BRAKES_HOT var to read and set if Brakes are HOT // Set simvars for (let i = 0; i < currentBrakeTemps.length; ++i) { SimVar.SetSimVarValue(`L:A32NX_BRAKE_TEMPERATURE_${i + 1}`, "celsius", currentBrakeTemps[i]); if (currentBrakeTemps[i] > 300) { brakesHot = 1; } } SimVar.SetSimVarValue("L:A32NX_BRAKES_HOT", "Bool", brakesHot); my idea is to create a custom offset and get this value to lighton my led on autobrake. Also for the autobrake they use some custom vars. I read somewhere there was a way to add custom offset into fsuipc.ini, but maybe i am i mistake.
  9. Hi John, i test the custom offset and it's work. Can you implement an offset for a simvar (if exists) for AUTOBRAKES ACTIVATED so i can lighton the led DECEL when it was activated ?
  10. Hi John, thanks, i'll try this evening and report Regards
  11. Update : i tried the stable version of the A320FBW and all seems works. The FBW team told me the in the dev version (and i usually use the dev) they changed some things about autobrake logic
  12. I use MF on the server (all my hw is connected on server pc). Actually i can't use my client pc with fs2020 because it doesn't support networked system. Only prosimA320 ca be used , but i'll try the demo and it has many problems
  13. I think yes. I wrote to fbw guys via discord chanell, and i'm talking with them to find a solution. I hope the problem can be solved because i use their mod (the default a320 isn't so good to flight). With the mods, the fuipc output value for autobrake is correct but if you want add a new offset to store right values also for the default is good for me. Thanks for your great support 🙂
  14. Ok you're right : with default A320 the auto brake buttons work all but the lights don't work because the output offset is firstly settled to value of the push then setted to 0. This mean the A320NX has the var setted for the output but doesn't well receive input Do you agree ? EDIT. it works with EventID "SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL" LO = SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL = param 2 MED = SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL = param 3 MAX = SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL = param 4 Also the logged event valuea are setted well (2,3,4) But in this case i can set the off push button value, only with offset i can set a formula in mobiflight
  15. Ok, i will check with default A320 , thanks
  16. Yes i overwrite the exe with your. And yes i use FBW, i can check with default
  17. Just for info, fsuipc can manage arduino cards directly ?
  18. Mobiflight use fsuipc , i'll try again with your value (0=low, 1=off, 2=med, 3=hi) In any case i have to buy a license for test with fsuipc.
  19. Uhm , do you mean my parameters or others , sorry By console log i can see the parameter was send correctly to the sim.
  20. John, i think the resolution should be generic for all and not only for me. So i will adapt to your choice. I don't understand one thing : you talk about "read-only" offset, but the problem is send to sim the exact value. For my side i can already push and have correct lights for each button, but i can't send to the sim. If i push MED on my panel i have button with led ON , but in sim it's off. I hope i was clear
  21. Indeed, i have an A320 home cockpit, and i'm building an A320 Autobrake Panel. I also tried the SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL and i had same results
  22. Hi thanks for your detailed explanation but i don't understand why the value 4 sent via offset works (the MAX Autobrake is setted into the sim) . For the same reason also the value 2 or 3 (LO and MED) could be... Anyway, @John Dowson give me instruction to test additional offset to test
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