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Everything posted by asessa

  1. Hi @John Dowson i'm trying the version c7.0.3c but it seems doesn't work. If i push button in sim i can read value from mobiflight pushing LO i read fsuipc value = 2 pushing MED i read fsuipc value = 3 pushing MAX i read fsuipc value = 4 when all pushbutton are off fsuipc value = 1 So i have map this push button, but only MAX works in sim Any idea?
  2. Annunciators work! Landing Gear Nose Extracted , Offset 0BEC, params : if($=16383,1,0) (16383=full extracted) = GREEN LIGHT WHEN EXTRACTED Landing Gear Nose Moving , Offset 0BEC, params : if($=0||$=16383,0,1) = RED LIGHT WHEN MOVING Landing Gear Left Extracted , Offset 0BF4, params : if($=16383,1,0) (16383=full extracted) = GREEN LIGHT WHEN EXTRACTED Landing Gear Left Moving , Offset 0BF4, params : if($=0||$=16383,0,1) = RED LIGHT WHEN MOVING Landing Gear Right Extracted , Offset 0BF0, params : if($=16383,1,0) (16383=full extracted) = GREEN LIGHT WHEN EXTRACTED Landing Gear Right Extracted , Offset 0BF0, params : if($=0||$=16383,0,1) = RED LIGHT WHEN MOVING Thanks for suggestions... Now only abrake mid and lo doesn't work yet... (the offsets 2F80 seems doesn't write... only value 4 (max) inject into sim)
  3. I try to set with value between max and min , thanks Thanks for the info about control list . Regards
  4. Hi John, ok for now is ok. Where can i find the full list of EventID or sim Var ? Maybe, do i must install sdk ?
  5. Hi John, first for all thanks for your support. In mobiflight i have this offsets Landing Gear (left,nose,right) Extracted , and i use for green lights , and works. Landing Gear (left,nose,right) Moving i think it means gear in movement .. but i don't know if is a mobiflight or fsuipc real offset. In any cas, do you help me to map landig gear UNLK lights (it have to ON when landing gear is retracting or extracting). For Abrake push i'll try this version of fsuipc , thanks
  6. Hi, i'm trying to program my Autobrake Panel via mobiflight. I have some problems and i think you can help me 🙂 LANDING GEAR LIGHTS To config all lights, i used Landing Gear offsets Landing Gear - Left (extracted) - offset 0BF4 Landing Gear - Left (moving) - offset 0BF4 Landing Gear - Nose (Extended) - offset 0BEC Landing Gear - Nose (moving) - offset 0BEC Landing Gear - Right (extracted) - offset 0BF0 Landing Gear - Right (moving) - offset 0BF0 So I have same offsets for extracted and moving. and i can't map the moving (the extracted offset is right). Why? AUTOBRAKE PUSH BUTTONS I use the Eventid SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL . Using fsuipc console i found this is the event fired when i push one of the abrake button in sim.The event fired by sim as param 0 = ON , 1 = OFF. I read fsuipc manual (provided with sdk even if it seems outdated) and i found some about offsets of the Autobrake Set : 0=RTO, 1=OFF, 2 = Brake1, 3=Brake2, 4 = Brake3, 5 = Brake MAX.I try to assign params in this way :ABRAKE MAX, EventID SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL, params 4ABRAKE MED, EventID SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL, params 3ABRAKE LO, EventID SET_AUTOBRAKE_CONTROL, params 2The Abrake Max works , it set MAX Abrake in sim, Abrake MED and LO doesn't work.Any idea ? Finally , I can't found Offsets or EventID for the HotBrake and TerrON, can you help me?
  7. Uhm Cockpitsonic hasn't replied to emails for a long time 😞 But I'll try
  8. Thank you for explanation. So i need to wait for new JeeHell
  9. JeeHell is a free A320 Home Cockpit Suite (lilke prosim) and support every devices EHID drivers run a win10 application managing devices (EHID Service Version). FS2020 doesn't recognize my EHID devices (EFIS 1 and 2, FCU and ECAM) so i can't use them. I don't use MobiFlight
  10. Negative, fsuipc doesn't "hear" also with power on
  11. Hi, i tried to set some switches from ehid devices, but fsuipc interface didn't "hear" any button or switch. I think maybe because the device are powered off by default ... can be? In anycase , i see all device in win10 devices
  12. Hi Pete, i use my HC with p3d5 and JeeHell and all work fine. Now i installed FS2020 by xbox game pass and i would like to use my device (untill JH will release it's version for fs2020) with default A320Neo. I have downloaded fsuipc7 beta, i run it and i can work with my VA's acars well. FS2020 doesn't see any my home cockpit devices (FCU and ECAM from Cockpitsoni, MCDU by Skalarki, Radio by FSCockpit). FS2020 see Leo Bodnare boards , Saitek Throttle, Joy, Rudder Pedals, so i can fly with almost all my hc setup (except video for now)
  13. Hi John, i didn't tried because i don't well know fsuipc7 interface. so I'll try. In any case , i use this drivers for win10 https://www.uweschneider.de/en/EHID_endusers.php Best Regards
  14. Hi, i have an home cockpit, and i have 2 device from Cockpitsonic using EHID drivers. Is there a way to connect it to sim via fsuipc7 ?
  15. Hi, i used smartacars (vEzy) with fsuipc7 without any problem. You just run fsuipc7.exe
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