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Andre92 last won the day on May 14 2024

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  1. Sorry for the late reply, i'm away from home flying. I'll be back home on Thursday and will add the requested lines to the ini file. The first supplied ini was from a session where fsuipc worked fine. Sorry, i had the memory leak initially, restarted without problems and then saved the ini. I increased "maxnumberofcustomevents" because inibuilds used to create an enormous amount of events when they initially released their A310 and later A300. I'll set it back to default. Kind Regards, André
  2. The fsuipc.ini is in the first zip file. With 3D i mean when you've loaded into your flight. Sorry, that's an old habit from Falcon BMS days. We used 2D for when in UI and 3D when in game. Have a nice weekend! André
  3. I can't exit fsuipc because it becomes unresponsive and i have to use the Taskmanager (see screenshots). I've attached another zip with a log of this happening with 7.53b. It would startup normal when in 3d, but had the memory issue in the main screen. Also attached are two screenshots with the console showing. One with 7.52 running in the 3d and the other with 7.53b in the Main screen. Btw, either fsuip starts normal, or the memory issue starts, right from the beginning. fsuipc.zip
  4. Good morning, Here is a new log file with the extra options enabled, when a memory leak occured. This is now with SU1 installed and i had to restart fsuipc several times for it to happen again. The memory leak does not occur every time i start fsuipc. I first noticed it when i started up fsuipc during the walk around (when you start in 3d, outside of the plane). So i now always enter the cockpit first and then start fsuipc, but it still happens. Edit: Just tried starting fsuipc when on the main screen in msfs and also got a memory leak after starting several times. I've attached the log file. Cheers, Andre fsuipc.zip FSUIPC7_mainscreen_log.zip
  5. Sorry, Family life caught up. I will test some more tomorrow morning, with the offsets you mentioned and will also disable the two lua files you mentioned. And then report here.
  6. Hello John, I'm suddenly having issues with FSUIPC with started on version 7.5.1 and continued on 7.5.2. When starting FSUIPC after the MSFS2024 has loaded into the 3d world (and entered the cockpit), the sim freezes and looking at Task manager FSuipc is increasing its memory usage continuously. This does not happen every time i start fsuipc and it also does not happen when i load fsuipc before starting the sim. Attached are my ini and log file and a picture of the task manager showing the abnormal memory usage of fsuipc. Kind Regards, Andre fsuipc.zip
  7. Hello Aurel42, You can add the Lvars to myevents.txt and set a Parameter to convert them: If you don't have a myevents.txt in your fsuipc folder, simply create one, then paste in: // Blacksquare Duke Mixture BS_Mixture_1#$Param 327.680 / 50 + (>L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1) BS_Mixture_2#$Param 327.680 / 50 + (>L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_2) This will work for an Axis like the Honeycomb brave which has a range of -16384 to +16384. Then assign your Axis by selecting Send Preset to FS and select the Mixture. If your Axis is inverted, you can inverse them by adding ,*-1 to the Axis in your Duke Profile f.e. 3=LU,256,F,PBS_Mixture_1,0,0,0,*-1 -{ TO SIM: Preset Control }- Btw, the Lvar range is 0-100 for the Mixture. Hope this helps and have fun with the Duke. Andre
  8. Hello John, Thank you, once again, for your help. Copying the supplied code into myevents.txt didn't work initially, but i played around with it and came up with a working solution. The lines in myevents.txt now look like this: DuckWorks-DC3_Throttle1#$Param 32768.0 / 0.5 + (>L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE1_SET) DuckWorks_DC3_Throttle2#$Param 32768.0 / 0.5 + (>L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE2_SET) DuckWorks_DC3_Throttle#$Param 32768.0 / 0.5 + s0 (>L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE1_SET) l0 (>L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE2_SET) DuckWorks-DC3_Mixture1#$Param 32768.0 / 0.5 + (>L:DUCKWORKS_Mixture1_SET) DuckWorks_DC3_Mixture2#$Param 32768.0 / 0.5 + (>L:DUCKWORKS_Mixture2_SET) DuckWorks_DC3_Mixture#$Param 32768.0 / 0.5 + s0 (>L:DUCKWORKS_Mixture1_SET) l0 (>L:DUCKWORKS_Mixture2_SET) I use a Honeycomb throttle and it generates values from -16384 to +16384. So by dividing with 32768, it outputs values -0.5 to +0.5. The +0.5 converts to range 0-1. This works for me. Thank you very much for your help. Kind Regards, Andre
  9. Hello, The Duckworks DC-3 Mod uses custom LVARs to control Throttle and Mixture. i'm trying to control the LVAR L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE1_SET, with a hardware Axis. I've tried using a LVAROffset to write to Offset 0XA000 [LvarOffsets] 0=L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE1_SET=UB0xA000. And then assigned an axis to the Offset. Problem is that that Axis generates values from 0 to 100. The LVAR used by Duckworks needs values from 0.00 to 1.00. I've tried making a LUA script to convert the value send by /100, but had no success. Edit: I've tried assigning the LVAR directly to the Axis and then convert the output from the Axis. This works when converting to 0-100 3=LV,256,F,M25:2,0,0,0,*-0.0030518, +50 -{ TO SIM: Macro DC3: L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE2_SET set }- but not when multiplying with 0.000030518. 3=LV,256,F,M25:2,0,0,0,*-3.0518e-05 -{ TO SIM: Macro DC3: L:DUCKWORKS_THROTTLE2_SET set }- And the same when assigning an Offset. Could anyone help me getting this to work? Kind Regards, Andre
  10. Disregard.... Reinstalled FSUIPC and somehow it is working again... Hello John, For some reason the auto lua loading [auto] on fsuipc startup stopped working. Looking at older backups it all worked fine and the lua's were started after the wasm load. I can't remember changing anything that could mess this up. Could you pls take a look at my ini and log files to see if something is wrong? Kind Regards, Andre FSUIPC7.logFSUIPC7.ini
  11. Sorry and thanks for your help. Have a nice weekend, André
  12. Hello, For the Flyingiron Spitfire, i've made the Authentikit Replica Spitfire Grip with a Brake lever (working as an Axis). On the Spit, if you use Rudder and pull the brakehandle, only the side where the Rudder is pushed, gets brakepressure. This doesn't work in MSFS currently. When i have the Brakelever programmed to the Brake axis. brakes are always applied evenly to both sides (as expected), so i would like to program a conditional state, where the Left brake axis is used when Left Rudder input is given, and vice versa. What would be the best way to program this? Kind Regards, Andre
  13. No solution, but just would like to add that i have the same problem with the Winwing Airbus stick. Regards, André
  14. Thanks John, I played around with the scaling function and did get the axis to work only on the lower part of the throttle. Still need to experiment a bit more with this. I think i prefer the steering tiller function of fsuipc. This way i can set up a fairly large deadzone in the middle, which i prefer. Have a nice weekend! Andre
  15. I use the a button for the fuel levers. The honeycomb throttle has a detent at the bottom part of all throttles/axis which triggers a button. 125=PL,24,C66587,68801 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 126=UL,24,C66587,68801 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 127=PL,27,C66587,68901 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 128=UL,27,C66587,68901 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- It looks like this in my ini file (Buttons section), where L is the letter assigned to my Honeycomb throttle on my setup. Andre
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