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Black Square Piston Duke Mixture levers


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Why does the mixture behave strangely in the turbocharged version, and I cannot bind it to hardware controls?

Microsoft Flight Simulator’s turbocharger simulation has been significantly flawed for several generations. This aircraft has a custom turbocharger that fixes nearly all of these issues, and is much more realistic, as a result. To make these changes, the new “Input Event” system is used to intercept hardware and key-bindings for the mixture control axis. Please make sure that your hardware bindings are using the Key Events, such as “K:MIXTURE1_DECR_SMALL”, or “K:MIXTURE1_SET” to set the mixture, and NOT setting either “A:GENERAL ENG MIXTURE LEVER POSITION:1”, or “B:FUEL_Mixture_1_Set”. Alternatively, setting “L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1” from 0-100 will also work to set the mixture axis.

This is from the FAQ section of the Piston Duke manual. I've never used LUA to handle an axis. Anyone got a ready-made solution for me?

(While I was looking for a solution, I came across a forum post saying that the range for the L: variable is actually 0-1, not 0-100.)

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Hello Aurel42,

You can add the Lvars to myevents.txt and set a Parameter to convert them:

If you don't have a myevents.txt in your fsuipc folder, simply create one, then paste in:

// Blacksquare Duke Mixture
BS_Mixture_1#$Param 327.680 / 50 + (>L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1)
BS_Mixture_2#$Param 327.680 / 50 + (>L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_2)

This will work for an Axis like the Honeycomb brave which has a range of -16384 to +16384.
Then assign your Axis by selecting Send Preset to FS and select the Mixture.
If your Axis is inverted, you can inverse them by adding ,*-1 to the Axis in your Duke Profile f.e.

3=LU,256,F,PBS_Mixture_1,0,0,0,*-1	-{ TO SIM: Preset Control }-

Btw, the Lvar range is 0-100 for the Mixture.

Hope this helps and have fun with the Duke.


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Hello. This is my first post on this forum, as I have not encountered issues in the past with assigning axes and buttons to my controllers until I attempted to assign the Blacksquare Duke Mixture controls to axes on my CH throttle quadrant. Frankly, I have not used Lua scripts or presets in my previous experience with FSUIPC and those areas seem appropriate for advanced users, which I am not. I tried to follow the advice of this thread, I created a my events text file in my FSUIPC folder, and I pasted the " // Blackqsuare Duke Mixture" text data above to that text file.

However, when working with the FSUIPC7 axes assignments dialogue box, I do not see any option listed there to "Send Preset to FS."  I only see the options for direct to FSUIPC calibration, to FS as a normal axis, and an option for offsets.

What am I missing or doing wrong?

I am using FSUIPC7 v. 7.3.19





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12 hours ago, rlashier said:

What am I missing or doing wrong?

I am using FSUIPC7 v. 7.3.19

You are using a very old and unsupported version - please update to the latest and only supported version, 7.4.11.


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