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Everything posted by kaha

  1. Cannot find Fuel Selector 1 left and right positions. Karl
  2. CONDITION_LEVER_CUT_OFF, CONDITION_LEVER_LOW_IDLE and CONDITION_LEVER_HIGH_IDLE are not working here. _SET, _INC and _DEC is working. I cannot find what I'm doing wrong. The in sim bindings work. Also, the respective controls (using ipc.control()) are not working. Karl
  3. No worries, John!
  4. I installed 7.4.4 but it is still opening on start and telling me that 7.4.4 is available for download. (it shows version 7.4.4a running). Karl
  5. I did intensive testing but scripts always ended ok. Karl
  6. Thank you. I will use this .exe and let you know if anything happens. Karl
  7. Unfortunately I did not activate log for extras. Have done that now for the next occurance. Sorry. Karl
  8. Another occurance using V7.4.3b executable. After a 1.5 hour flight going back to Main Menu the last timestamp in the log file was "17622313 Plane Parking state change confused....." After that I quit the sim. LuaNotEnded20230117.zip
  9. kaha

    FSUIPC stops

    Ok, thank you.
  10. kaha

    FSUIPC stops

    Here's the .evtx file from the last occurence at Jan 13th, 12:11. The log file is here: Karl 20230113_evtx.zip
  11. kaha

    FSUIPC stops

  12. Ok, I'll let you know.
  13. Take your time, John! No window was open when I quit to the Main Menu.
  14. Sorry for writing again, John. It happened again. I made a flight with the Cessna 182RG from Carenado. After landing I went back to the Main Menu in order to change a lua script. Scripts were all ended. I then loded the C182RG again and spent several minutes to check and change button assignments. After that I again went back to the Main Menu and the script was not ended. The timestamp at that time is 11736954. I then quit the sim and only then the scripts were ended, as the log file shows at time stamp 11903704. ScriptNotEnded.zip
  15. It's not related to restarting a flight. Next time this happens I will exactly point you to the time stamp where it happens. All the best for your wife!
  16. It happened again, here's the log file. FSUIPC7_log.zip
  17. kaha

    FSUIPC stops

    I did not iconify the window. However, I hadn't coded a wnd.close for the terminate event. I did that now and will see if it happens again. In the screenshot you can see which "Restart" I did. Also I attached a screenshot of the event viewer. I will
  18. kaha

    FSUIPC stops

    Sometimes FSUIPC just quits without obvious reasons. John, this is just to let you know, it doesn't happen frequently. Here's what I did this time: - startup the sim (and automatically FSUIPC) - load Icon A5 and do some assignments and checks in FSUIPC - go back to Main Menu - load Carenado C182RG - do several starts and landings - go back to main menu - start another flight with the Carenado C182RG - did a "Restart" when 5 minutes into the flight. After the restart FSUIPC was not running anymore. I attached the logfile. Karl FSUIPC7_prev.log
  19. Yes, the function is there, I implemented it. But why does it report then that there are still open COMs?
  20. John, from this I assume the script that still has open COMs is HIDSwitch.lua and all other scripts don't? 610765 Killing aircraft lua Autos.... 610765 Lua threads being terminated: 610765 7 = "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Teensy.lua" 610781 Waiting for lua threads to process termination event.... 612968 LUA: "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Teensy.lua": killed 612968 8 = "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Throttle.lua" 612968 Waiting for lua threads to process termination event.... 615171 LUA: "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Throttle.lua": killed 615171 9 = "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Mixture.lua" 615171 Waiting for lua threads to process termination event.... 617359 LUA: "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Mixture.lua": killed 617359 10 = "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Prop.lua" 617359 Waiting for lua threads to process termination event.... 619546 LUA: "C:\FSUIPC7\L_Prop.lua": killed 619546 11 = "C:\FSUIPC7\HIDSwitch.lua" 619562 Waiting for lua threads to process termination event.... 619984 **** DevCom read/write threads still running - will exit anyway but could cause issues... 620296 **** DevCom Read thread terminated 620375 LUA.11: HidSwitch ends....... 621765 LUA: "C:\FSUIPC7\HIDSwitch.lua": killed 621765 Stopping WAPI (as MSFS in main menu)... 621890 [INFO]: SimConnect_Close done Would you need the .lua script? FSUIPC7_log.zip
  21. Ok, as soon as it happens again I will send the log.
  22. Today I made two flights with the Shorts 330.On the second flight I got error messages: "**** InputEvent received but not known: ....." in FSUIPC.log and "...Error sending Input Event 'LIGHTING_GLARESHIELD_1'" in the log of my lua script. The errors about input events are in regard to interior lighting. I did not change anything in my script, the errors just came unexpected. I then exited to the Main Menu and made another flight with the Shorts. Everything worked again. I attached FSUIPC.ini, FSUIPC.log and the log of my lua script. Karl Karl_InputEvent_errors.zip
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