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Everything posted by kaha

  1. Sometimes lua scripts that reside in the [AUTO] section of the .ini file keep running when the flight is ended and I go back to the Main Menu. This happens since recently only, maybe introduced with version 7.4? Is there a reason for it?
  2. Thank you, John.
  3. Alos, I cannot get "Pan Heading" working on an axis.
  4. For some reason I struggle to get it working. For all 8 external quickviews I see the same camera view from behind the aircraft.
  5. Thank you John. I'm on a flight right now but will use the new .exe then. Karl
  6. Sorry John, it works. I made a mistake with testing. The .ini file is ok.
  7. There's adifference to the old .exe: As long as FSUIPC is running the parameters show correctly in the Buttun Assignment window when changing to different switches. In the old version it showed zeros only. But after ending FSUIPC the .ini file stills is not updated, it still shows zeros.
  8. In [Buttons] its nr. 61 to 64. The corresponding .lua files are in the .zip together with the .log files which don't show an error. Karl Karl.zip
  9. Thank you, Karl
  10. I also tried to edit the .ini file, but it getss reverted. Karl
  11. I cannot find controls for external quickviews for Button and Switch Assignments. Here's what I mean displayed in MSFSs control options. THank you, Karl
  12. Test your input event with the button assignments and then take a look at the input events list from the log menu. Use this for the lua script. In my example I use input event ELECTRICAL_Battery_1. Here is the lua script: --[[ Battery 1 for Caribou 1 = on 0 = off ]] ipc.execInputEvent("ELECTRICAL_Battery_1", ipcPARAM) Is your input event really named B:LIGHTING_PANEL_1_Inc? The input events I see in my aircraft don't start with B: ... DHC4_ENGINE_Propeller_1<> DHC4_ENGINE_Propeller_2<> ELECTRICAL_Alternator_1<> ELECTRICAL_Alternator_2<> ELECTRICAL_Battery_1<;FLOAT64> ENGINE_Throttle_1<;FLOAT64> ENGINE_Magneto_1<> ...
  13. Was my fault, works now. The reason it didn't work was that I used a wrong parameter.
  14. I also cannot get it to work. Karl
  15. Also, sometimes the checkbox "Select for FS control" gets unchecked when looking at button assignments.
  16. One strange thing: When assigning a lua script to a button the Parameter is not saved, it goes back to 0. Other lua scripts work. Renaming the script does not cure it. Not sure what's the reason. Here is a video (Dropbox link): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aumkxe9n18ero2cl99eqo/FSUIPC.mp4?rlkey=oqxlh23b6fss1gglyvcto5uh3&dl=0 Anything I can do, John? Do you need any logs or anything else? Thank you, Karl
  17. kaha

    BVars support?

    Ah, ok, didn't know that.
  18. kaha

    BVars support?

    In 7.4.0 the file "Controls List for MSFS.txt" is missing. Is there a reason?
  19. kaha

    BVars support?

    Thank you for the explanation, John. Karl
  20. Hi, what's the state about BVar support in FSUIPC? Or are there any plans for future versions? Thx, Karl
  21. Ok, thank you.
  22. For buttons I can always add non profile specific entries to the [Buttons] section and all aircraft will utilize it. If I do that for an axis in the [Axes] section only aircraft that have no profile specific section will know about it.
  23. I understand that. but please let me explain. It works differently for axes and buttons. This is part of my .ini file: [Axes] PollInterval=10 RangeRepeatRate=10 0=BS,256,F,66162,66163,66164,66165 -{ TO SIM: COWLFLAP1_SET, COWLFLAP2_SET, COWLFLAP3_SET, COWLFLAP4_SET }- 1=CZ,256,F,x020025F2,0,0,0 -{ FSUIPC: offset word set, offset 25F2 }- [Buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 18=P72,19,C66080,0 -{GEAR_DOWN}- 19=P72,18,C66079,0 -{GEAR_UP}- I now make profile specific assignments for button and an axis for a specific aircraft. After that I have: [Axes] PollInterval=10 RangeRepeatRate=10 0=BS,256,F,66162,66163,66164,66165 -{ TO SIM: COWLFLAP1_SET, COWLFLAP2_SET, COWLFLAP3_SET, COWLFLAP4_SET }- 1=CZ,256,F,x020025F2,0,0,0 -{ FSUIPC: offset word set, offset 25F2 }- [Buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 18=P72,19,C66080,0 -{GEAR_DOWN}- 19=P72,18,C66079,0 -{GEAR_UP}- [Axes.Beaver] RangeRepeatRate=10 0=BS,256,F,66162,66163,66164,66165 -{ TO SIM: COWLFLAP1_SET, COWLFLAP2_SET, COWLFLAP3_SET, COWLFLAP4_SET }- 1=CZ,256,F,x020025F2,0,0,0 -{ FSUIPC: offset word set, offset 25F2 }- 2=KR,R0,F,67011,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: ANTI_ICE_GRADUAL_SET }- [Buttons.Beaver] 1=PC,11,CL30:R,1 -{Lua Beav_TankSelect}- 7=PC,15,CL31:R,0 -{Lua Beav_FuelPump}- All the default axis assignments go into the Beaver axis section (which I don't want), but none of the default button assignments go to the Beaver button assignments. Now I change the default axis assignment from offset 25F2 to 25F4 and the button for gear down also changes from 19 to 13: [Axes] PollInterval=10 RangeRepeatRate=10 0=BS,256,F,66162,66163,66164,66165 -{ TO SIM: COWLFLAP1_SET, COWLFLAP2_SET, COWLFLAP3_SET, COWLFLAP4_SET }- 1=CZ,256,F,x020025F2,0,0,0 -{ FSUIPC: offset word set, offset 25F4 }- [Buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 18=P72,13,C66080,0 -{GEAR_DOWN}- 19=P72,18,C66079,0 -{GEAR_UP}- [Axes.Beaver] RangeRepeatRate=10 0=BS,256,F,66162,66163,66164,66165 -{ TO SIM: COWLFLAP1_SET, COWLFLAP2_SET, COWLFLAP3_SET, COWLFLAP4_SET }- 1=CZ,256,F,x020025F2,0,0,0 -{ FSUIPC: offset word set, offset 25F2 }- 2=KR,R0,F,67011,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: ANTI_ICE_GRADUAL_SET }- [Buttons.Beaver] 1=PC,11,CL30:R,1 -{Lua Beav_TankSelect}- 7=PC,15,CL31:R,0 -{Lua Beav_FuelPump}- Now gear down still works for all aircraft. If I would want to have a different button for a specific aircraft I would assign it profile specific. The axis that now goes to offset 25F4 only works for aircraft that do not have profile specific axes assignments. I think the way it works for buttons is the better one.
  24. Yes, but the other way, if I want to change an axis assignment that is not profile specific, I have to load an aircraft that does not have any profile specific axis assingments. Then I change the axis assignment and it goes to the [AXIS] section. Now, all aircraft that do have profile specific axis assignments will not see the change, I have to manually update all [Axis.xx] sections in the .ini file.
  25. If I change an axis assignment which is not profile specific it gets updated in the [Axis] section. I then have to update all [Axes.xx] sections with manually in the .ini file? Or is there another way to do it from the GUI? Karl
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