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Everything posted by kaha

  1. Yes, had 7.0.6 installed somehow. It works now. Sorry, Karl
  2. I can read but not write 0x0354 transponder code Karl
  3. I think I'm all set now. It was quite a challenge. The log file told me that joystick id 0 is registered twice in the registry, so I had to clean that out. I switched to Letters, adjusted the button and axis actions and now everything works. https://www.dropbox.com/s/w30ipn5rlfng034/FSUIPC6.ini?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ysd8q262pa45lun/FSUIPC6.log?dl=0 I still have to take a look to FSUIPC 7 in MSFS now. Thx, Karl
  4. Thx for letting me know. I'm sure I will read your post again several times. Karl
  5. Thank you Pete, I'll work on it and report back then. Karl
  6. Thank you John, this is a very generous offer. However, I want to try to sort it out by myself. If I will not succeed, I would be very glad if I then could get back to you and ask for your help. Thx, Karl
  7. Thank you Pete. Button presses and axis movements on the Hotas Throttle do not arrive in FSUIPC. They arrive in P3D, though. Here is the .ini file form before my hardware change, I made a backup before I started to change hardware. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikzjoawn2ariiif/FSUIPC6_original.ini.txt?dl=0 At that time I had connected: - Logitech G920 Racing Wheel - Logitech Extreme 3D Joystick - Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X - Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Throttle And here is the new .ini file https://www.dropbox.com/s/kiqydv5itil4poz/FSUIPC6.ini.txt?dl=0 after the hardware change. Now I have installed: - Logitech G920 Racing Wheel - Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X - Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Throttle - Thrustmaster Hotas Stick (with F/A-18C Grip) -Thrustmaster TPR pedals Karl
  8. I installed new hardware today, here's what I did: - removed Logitech Extreme 3D Joystick - added Thrustmaster TPR pedals - added Thrustmaster Hotas Joystick unchanched: Thrustmaster Hotas Throttle and a Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X. After that FSUIPC does not recognize any button or axis of my Thrustmaster Hotas Throttle. What could be the reason for that? Thx, Karl P3D V5.1, FSUIPC 6
  9. Just finished, works perfectly! Thank you, Karl
  10. Thank you for moving my topic, Pete. Of course you are right. I'm sorry, I did not consult the latest documentation. Instead I looked into a file called "FSUIPC for Programmers.pdf" located in the FSUIPC6/SDK folder. Knowing about 0x2A90 I can now go on. Karl
  11. Hello, as there is no offset location for this and no L:Var for the aeroplane I want to control (Just Flights C-46) and also no K:Var in P3D, I assume that getting this variable is only possible by reading the "TAILWHEEL LOCK ON" boolean from simconnect in a lua script? Has anyone done it yet? That would save me some time and be very much appreciated. I'm on P3D V5.1HF1. Thank you for your help, Karl
  12. Thank you Pete! Karl
  13. Hello, I'm new to the forum. I use FSUIPC since long already and now got WIDEFS in addition. The user manual tells me I have to run the FSUIPC installation utility for entering the registration for WIDEFS. The FSUIPC installation utility then tells me it needs to be uninstalled before it can be installed. Anyone knows if I uninstall FSUIPC and then reinstall it, will all my setups and configs be gone? Do I have to have a backup of any files? Thank you, Karl
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