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About lonewulf47

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  • Interests
    computing, simming, yachting

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  1. Just as a heads-up: please be cautions when assigning a LOC course in any way to a RWY bearing. There are many airports that have LOC offset courses in the magnitude of up to 30° and more. Be also aware that as per ARINC definition a LOC course is defined to be TRUE as well as the RWY bearing, because those are fixed ground installations. Adding variation is only necessary in the last instance before using it in the A/C...
  2. Thank you, John, I will check. LINDA obvioulsy uses this feature already as its startup and shutdown seem to be automatically controlled by FSUIPC7.
  3. Hi Charles, GFDevESP.exe is one of the EXE-Files that comes with the GoFlight Modules installer. At FSX/P3D times they were called up from within the exe.xml during the respecitve Simulator Startup.
  4. Ok. gentlemen, I foud a solution which is satisfactory for me and as far as I can see there are no conflicts with FSUIPC7. I found out that the original GoFlight ESP driver "GFDevESP.exe" works with MFS...😃 It's always worth a try! The only disadvantage is that I need to start it manually. I haven't found a way to do this automatically at MFS startup, but - hey - as long as it works I will be able to click an icon in the taskbar...😉 Regards Oskar
  5. No, on my P3DV5 install I use the "old fashioned" way with the original GFDevP3Dv4.exe in the exe.xml of P3DV5. S it works completely independent of LINDA. Nevertheless I'll give it a try without LINDA in MFS and report. Thanks anyway for your suggestions. Regards Oskar
  6. Sorry, John, this is a complete misunderstanding. I only mentioned LINDA as I use FSUIPC7 for that. The GoFlight Modules in question are completely independent of LINDA. It's just that the GoFlight LGT II Module does not respond the way it is (obvioulsy) intended...😃
  7. Hi Thomas, Here ae the requested files. Thanks for having a look at them.FSUIPC7.zip
  8. I have the same problem with my GoFLight LGT II panel. I use it on P3DV5 but I have no chance to get it to work with MFS. I have FSUIPC7 installed and it works flawlessly with LINDA, however despite having the GFDev64.dll in the FSUIPC7 directory, I do not see any resonse from the LGT II. Do I miss something here? Regards Oskar
  9. Just got the same problem here - also using McAfee - of course :) I can get FSX running on my Vista 64-bit by locking (not shutting down) the firewall which unfortunately means that I can't communicate with my private network anymore. As long as the firewall is set to "locked" everything runs smooth however when I unlock FSX won't start anymore - it just hangs after a few secs. After restarting a second time I also got the warning back. Seems definitely to be a probem with McAfee - but how to tell them? They are not easy on their support..... Oskar p.s. just noted that on my second machine with Win7 64 bit I got a similar warning but this time it's not triggered by FSUIPC but a by Level-D DLLMcAfee is full of miracles ---- obviously ....
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