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R_Tosh last won the day on March 20 2022

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  1. Hi @Stu Antonio, I tested by loading our EDDS with Asobo version uninstalled and everything looks as it should. Place our scenery at the highest priority using the package reorder tool in the settings. The highest priority is the bottom of this list. Link to a different problem that was solved by rearranging the package order:
  2. Hi @djtiger76, do you have any lighting mods installed? Perhaps a NY lighting mod? These are not part of our scenery or the default. The default does not have any light poles. Another thing to check if you do have any mods installed, place this scenery at the highest priority using the package reorder tool. Package reorder tool
  3. hi @Basilrug, yes KLAX v1.4.0 has been completed. It will be available soon as we have already submitted it to our partners.
  4. Hi @Basilrug, we have updated KLAX and are uploading it today. The newest version will be v1.4.0. - excluded road traffic from the airport boundary - fixed approach lighting spacing - added tdz lighting to 25L,24R,7L,6R - added VOR building You can check if the Asobo version is installed by navigating to the content manager on the MSFS home screen. Search for KLAX and uninstall the Asobo version by selecting the button on the right side. Ours will be installed as long as it's in the community folder or installed via Orbx.
  5. Hi @Basilrug, we will update this next week and fix this along with a few other things. I'll post back here once it's sent.
  6. Hi @Justin U., I believe this is related to the GSX as it appears to be getting the old terminal location for the jetways. We had a similar issue in X-Plane with certain AI traffic addons. Please check if this occurs while GSX is disabled completely ie. uninstalled. Please also try this, I believe it's the order in which the sceneries are loaded. There is a new tool in the MSFS options menu to reorder addons. The bottom of this list is highest priority. Try moving KLGA to the bottom or GSX to the top of this list and let us know if this solves the issue.
  7. Hi @conductor79, which version of the scenery do you have? There were issues with regards to photogrammetry after USA world update a few months ago. This scenery has been updated since then to fix the elevation issues. v1.9.0 fixed the photogrammetry updated July 2022. The current version of KLGA is 2.3.0 updated Sept 2022. If this is the current version, then please send us screenshots to email support as @FeelThere Arielmentioned above.
  8. Hi @Coast_Flyer, we are currently updating KLAS to v1.3.0 and it will be available next week. There are issues when photogrammetry is turned on currently that we will resolve before uploading 1.2.0 to ORBX. Please check next Tuesday onwards for the updated version. It will include the painted lines as well.
  9. Hi @andre40271, we are currently updating this one to fix the elevation issues. Expect an updated KLAS v1.3.0 next week unless purchased through the MS Marketplace in which case it may take up to 1 month for MS to update.
  10. Hi @Coast_Flyer, which version do you have and where did you purchase it? V1.2.0 released in January 2022 fixed this issue.
  11. Thank you @SMBfor those photos, I didn't notice how it was on the grass. Yes it is 100% the tire_gum texture in the addon. I noticed that it had a 10m falloff distance so it would blend into the other texture. This texture that the addon replaces the asobo texture with changes it to this white haze which is very noticeable. I will not be changing the addon texture since it's not possible. To solve it, I've deleted this texture from the runways and replaced it with a new skids/grime custom texture for all of the runways. I'm confident this problem will not occur again. This has been submitted to the MS marketplace today.
  12. Thank you @SMB, it looks like it's the skid marks. There is a texture from the SDK named 'tire_gum01' and it may have the wrong surface material set in the addon. For each material, there is an option in the SDK to change which type of surface it is. Asphalt, Concrete, Grass, Ice etc. It's strange how it has never showed up before since the runway wasn't changed. I'll replace this texture and upload another update. Hopefully that will fix it with this addon.
  13. @SMB that's strange, can you send a screenshot of the runway with the addon please? I'll look into this.
  14. R_Tosh

    Bermuda @ Orbx?

    Hi @mjchernis, yes it'll be available on Orbx. It has been submitted to them already, it should be available soon.
  15. Hi @SMB, MS is showing that KRDU is updated on their marketplace as of August 25. I just hope it is 1.9.0 that contains these fixes listed above. Can you please confirm which version it is after updating?
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