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Posts posted by grajay

  1. Paul

    Josef is usually pretty hot on replying to problems but not on this occasion - perhaps he's away.

    I expect you've trawled through this forum to find an answer and there doesn't appear to be one.

    Perhaps it might be something to do with the TrafficBoard.ini file? Have you moved any program about since you installed TB? What version of TB and FS ru running? I can't promise I can help, but I may be able to poke about in my installation and come up with an answer.

  2. This is doing me head in :shock:

    I've added a new traffic.bgl to FS9, and it doesn't show when I go to file>edit workspace in the list of available traffic.bgls. I'm obviously missing something here as one added a week ago clearly shows, I just cannot get TB to show a new bgl straight away. Obviously I've re-started TB after compiling the new bgl file.

    Can someone please tell me what I'm doing that's so stupid?


  3. This is really odd - and I don't have any explanation. I've gone to the same airports but can't duplicate your results as the affected flights aren't showing for me.

    I know that a new schedule is currently under beta testing and that a lot of the problems with missing flights and low traffic density have been/are being addressed. I believe there were also compiler problems which caused flights to go 'missing'. I'd suggest that we wait for the next release which will be withing the next few days, and see if these problems have been resolved.

    Sorry I can't help any more.

  4. That's quite strange as I too have UT installed in the same config but very few reds showing. Perhaps your options setting has changed or you've changed it - I have mine set at 'Minimum turn around time for status Green...30 mins' 'Minimum turn around time for status Yellow...15 mins'.

    If you have a specific airport with a particular problem then post the details here and I'll try to check it out for you.

  5. This really is a basic question, and a lot depends on what you are currently using as a source for your AI.

    If you are just using a 3rd party traffic.bgl then you can decompile it with TTools and get the 3 text files. Inside the aircraft.txt file will be the entry for the aircraft you want to change. Just identify which aircraft you wish to swap it with from the 1st line of the new aircraft.cfg file (the title=xxx line). Save tha aircraft.txt file and recompile with TTools.

  6. Hi Josef - I had several instances of this entry in mt scenery.cfg file:


    Title=TrafficBoard AI Traffic






    obviously each had a different area/layer number. I was wondering about it's purpose - and the reason for the multiple entries (which I've now deleted). Incidentally the Scenery\TrafficBoardBGLs is empty.

  7. Seems to be reading my AFCADs , but not all of the gates are showing and the gate information appears to bear no relationship to the gate details as can be seen below (note that Gates 218 & 219 are in fact correct):



    The radiating lines I have mentioned in another post.

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