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Posts posted by grajay

  1. Josef

    I managed to register TB 2004 without a problem having kept TB 2002 installed - however I still only get the 15 mins Active Aircraft. The Help>About shows it still as Shareware Version - and trying to re-enter the Reg key returns an error message "Could not set Regisry Key! Error: The system could not find the file specified.

    fyi I installed the new file first then the upgrade.

    There is also a very strange effect brought about by overlayed AFCADs which I have installed in the Addon scenery directory for 3rd party scenery, with lines radiating out from the airport from every node on the AFCAD (but only when I zoom in close) this does NOT occur on default only airfields though.



  2. Really looking forward to getting this update - using Ultimate Airlines in FS2004 makes TB almost a necessity as I can see which aircraft around me need a repaint - otherwise it's a painfuuly slow and tedious process identifying which particular aircraft on the ground you're looking at.

    If you need anyone to help in the testing Joseph I'd be happy to help out.


  3. Hi Josef

    Does TrafficBoard only show airport maps of the deafault airfields please? I use a lot of airfields in the UK created by Gary Summons which have extended buildings and aprons to reflect real life - sadly of course the airport maps do not reflect this and I suspect there's no way to correct this.


  4. This might sound silly - but I can't figure out how to add a 'new' airport (other than by editing the flightplan.txt - which rather defeats the object of using TrafficBoard).

    I have a master airport file with 23000+ airports in which actually contains the airport I wish to fly to, but when I import this airports.txt file into my workspace, only those actually used by TB will import.

    Can anyone please point me in the right direction?



  5. I too had a problem with 'duplicate' aircraft until I found that I had 2 entries for the same aircraft in my aircraft.txt file (so checking throught the aircraft.cfg file was of no help) and I would have sworn that I had been most meticulous in NOT duplicating aircaft in the aircraft.txt file - fortunately identifying them wasn't too difficult as I had different cruise speeds for both aircraft - albeit they were identical in every other respect.

    My understanding of Traffic Board is that the Aircraft Schedule contains ALL aircraft - not necessarily those in use, so that they can be put into service as it were, and that the Aircraft Schedule gets it information from the aircraft.txt file - no doubt Josef will correct me if I'm wrong.

    Probably no help - but thought I'd chip it in for what it's worth.


  6. OK Josef - thanks for such a swift response.

    Sorry to waste your time, but having done the screenshot and looked at the details shown in the edit box I realise that My Travel is actually held in TB under 'Airtours International' :oops: - so now the 'mystery' is solved. Of course Airtours IS shown under the airlines selection criteria.

    Can I say again how much I appreciate this superb program - it is totally awesome - I just love it. :D


  7. This is very odd.

    I have the flightplans for My Travel loaded and ask Flight Board to show me all the flights for this airline - callsign Kestrel - and I find that it's not showing at all. I then checked the aircraft in the Aircraft Schedule and they are all showing. If I go to an airport where my flightplans show there should an aircraft from this airline - all flights are shown - and when I select the flight My Travel shows up together with it's callsign - ie I have an A321 ot of EGBB showing 'PAI A321 MyTrave (VZ Kestrel....)'

    If I try Flightboard - 'Aircraft Requested' - I can see most of the My Travel aircraft although 2 are missing. Very odd behaviour indeed.

    Finally I have checked the performance of missing aircraft in FS2K2 and all show correctly and at the correct times.

    Am I going mad or what........... :shock:



  8. Joseph,

    I have several airlines carring the 'code' CF:

    Adrai, Aer Arran, Azzura Air, CSA, Eurocypria, Iberworls, Jersey, Pakistan, Turkenistan and so on - quite an extensive list. I suspect that this is because a lot of airlines use a callsign which is not the same as their name ie Maersk use Blue Star, British European or Flybe use Jersey.

    If you manage to create the add-on facility I asked about previously for VA's, will it also be possible to reassign these airlines to their own code please?




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