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Posts posted by Roland

  1. Oh my god, I'am so blind!

    I found the bad entry and it was just a little bracket [

    See this picture from ExamDiff (great Programm to compare Files)


    I deleted this bracket and everything works normal.

    So please don't think further time on it and I apologize for beeing so stupid.

    With kind regards


  2. Hi,

    I will try to make all steps again, since I startet with LINDA.

    I have a working copy of my FSUIPC4.ini, befor I changed things to work with LINDA.

    I will list all steps I've done and look what will happen.

    To make it easy for you to follow what I've done I post (or send) all version of fsuipc4.ini.



  3. Daniel,

    a few things that are importend with WIN7.

    Do NOT install FSX in the systemfolder "programms". Install on a different partion then Windows or use a separate folder like C:/FSX.

    Check, the installer of FSUIPC4 has adminrights or disable UserAccountControl (slider to the bottom position)

    otherwise the installer will not be able to write the FSUIPC-Entry into dll.xml



  4. Hi Pete,

    when I start callibrating the assigned axis, I start with page 1 and step thru the following pages.

    So I set the "No Reverse"-checkbox for Throttle1 and Throttle2 after Ailerons-, Elevator- and Rudder-Set.

    You only find this issue, if you reset some of this settings and set it again.

    In case of Spoilers the page is behind the Prop1 and Prop2 page and you see the problem immediately.



  5. Hi Pete,

    you are right, mouselook and mousewheel-zoom enabled in FSX work normal as befor the update.

    And I realy like this funktion (Zoom) when I do not use things like TrackIR.

    To explain, I fly with a Yoke and only in 3D-Panel. With mousewheel-zoom it is very easy to zoom in to certain instruments

    and then dial with the mousewheel (mouselook off, of course)or klick on a switch or so.

    Since working with LINDA and my VRInsight MCP-Combo the use of mouseclicks is more and more unneeded.

    Anyway, looking around and zooming in to something of interest is pretty cool :-)

  6. Hi Pete,

    great that FSUIPC now enables mouselook, so I can easily deactivate all controllers in FSX.

    But it seems there is a little importend differenz to mouselook in FSX.

    I am not able to zoom with the mousewheel when mouselook-Toggle is on. Is it just me who has this problem?

    Maybe it's why I aktivated mousewheel-trim at simultaniously?



  7. You are right, with all quick methods to close there will be no saved previous flight.

    It's interesting, that FSX saves, when started, a "vorheriger Flug"-File in all three Versions (wx flt and FSsave) in this folder:

    "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Microsoft\FSX" (in my german version)

    This flight disapears, when FSX is closing. Very strange :-)

  8. Hi Pete,

    with the new Version my FSX has a CTD when loadin the Modules.

    I use FSInn and FSCopilot.dll starts as the second modul, cause the new FSUIPC-Installer puts FSUIPC.dll on the first place in dll.xml.

    That happens only when FSUIPC has generated a FSUIPC.ini.

    But, when I set FSUIPC on the second place to start, everything works OK.

    This was not a problem with 4062.

    And by the way, I see a "previous flight" in my Flights-Folder now, generatet by FSUIPC4. This is a great new (?) feature. You should list in in your history file, where I couldn't find it (but maybe Iam to blind to see :-) )

  9. Hi Pete,

    sorry for delay, was a bit busy at least.

    I think my problem was (it didn't come up again since I disabled the autosave-feature) that FSUIPC4 does some kind of crash.

    It was there and suddenly it was gone.

    Maybe you dont have this problem, cause you are using not a german Version of FSX and WindowsXP.

    Here on my system some pathes have different names, so even FSX couldn't find his own previous flight, for example (in german, vorheriger Flug)

    I found him temporarly stored in the folder where you find FSX.cfg and dll.xml. But he disapeared when I close FSX.

    What I will do is to test a while without autosave-funktion and if nothing happens I'll activate it and see what happens then. And surely I will do a log.

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