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Everything posted by flying-w

  1. Hi All,

    I will be unavailable from Today (Friday 8th July until Wednesday 20th July).  During that time I will not have access to the world, including email, forums, etc.  If there are outstanding issues, I'll be glad to look at them when I get back.

    Many thanks

  2. Hello Bruno

    I'd be glad to add you to the beta.  Something I ask of everyone, could you send me a copy of your STB invoice please from wherever you purchased? 


    Many thanks


  3. And a +1 from me also. Including MakeRwys with STB saved me tremendous amount of work, just decompiling and normalising the content of scheduling BGLs for STB was more than enough so I'm glad to hear they've not changed. Some more steps in the right direction for all of us. Thanks Simon
  4. +1 here, it's an essential component of Super Traffic Board that Pete kindly permits me to use. Have the BGL formats changed in P3D V4, for example the traffic schedule BGLS all used 32bit wide internal indexes? Thanks Simon
  5. Thanks alot Pete, and no problems at all. Simon
  6. Hi Pete I only just got around to trying The first entry in runways.xml is a little odd for State and City, then it becomes more widespread for the second entry onwards: <ICAO id="00AL"> <ICAOName>Epps Airpark</ICAOName> <Country>United States</Country> <State>AlabamaStates</State> <City>HarvestStates</City> .... <ICAO id="00AZ"> <ICAOName>Cordesase302\scenery\APX24190.bgl</ICAOName> <Country>United Statesscenery\APX24190.bgl</Country> <State>ArizonaStatesscenery\APX24190.bgl</State> <City>CordesaStatesscenery\APX24190.bgl</City> <File>Scenery\0202\scenery\APX18190.bgl</File> <SceneryName>0202 Base202\scenery\APX18190.bgl</SceneryName> .... For comparison, the first few lines for <ICAO id="00AZ"> <ICAOName>Cordes</ICAOName> <Country>United States</Country> <State>Arizona</State> <City>Cordes</City> This occurred on a minimalist FSX Steam (standalone) install with the only add-on being MyTraffic, and also P3D in a similar scenario. Anything I can do at this end to fix it? Thanks Simon
  7. Thanks a lot for taking care of this Pete. Simon
  8. It's times like this a 5 minute job becomes 5 hours! Simon
  9. As far as I know, that's it, and as confirmed by the link above. I imagine there's some global standards body somewhere that decide this format is the one. "&" is the escape character, something special is coming. "amp" means we want to present an "&" character in the data. ";" means we have finished escaping. Thanks Simon
  10. Here's how FSX Steam Edition is managing the dll.xml. This is the location of my SimConnect DLL: Test 1, use a raw "&" character in the dll.xml entry: <Launch.Addon> <Name>SuperTrafficBoard Server</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>E:\Program Files (x86)\FlyingWSimulation\SuperTrafficBoard Data Server for FSX and FSX Steam Edition (Standalone)\STBServer&1\STBServer.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> Results: The DLL is not loaded. If I run a simconnect server trace, there's no mention of the dll.xml anywhere to be found which isn't normal. Test 2: Escape the "&" character using "&amp;": <Launch.Addon> <Name>SuperTrafficBoard Server</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>E:\Program Files (x86)\FlyingWSimulation\SuperTrafficBoard Data Server for FSX and FSX Steam Edition (Standalone)\STBServer&amp;1\STBServer.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> Results: The DLL is loaded: I guess this ultimately depends on your intention for the runways.xml. If it is just for people to read, no problem. If it is for applications to read, they may run into problems using the standard XML classes/libraries to do so. Simon
  11. Hello Pete I have a little problem with the latest makerwys.exe ( and the runways.xml file. If certain scenery paths contain a special character, that's passed through to the XML which can give readers such as the Microsoft .Net classes a problem when they try to deal with it. For example, from ORBX scenery: <File>ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_CRM05_SCENERY\scenery\ADE_FTX_CRM_16W_Little_Goose_Lock_&_Dam.BGL</File> The above generates an exception as "&" has special meaning in XML; it can be "escaped" to make it valid like this: <File>ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_CRM05_SCENERY\scenery\ADE_FTX_CRM_16W_Little_Goose_Lock_&amp;_Dam.BGL</File> Would you mind having a look at this please? Many thanks Simon
  12. Thank you. I was working off of this page: http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html Which lists it as "4.45" Regards Simon
  13. Hi Pete, Do you have or intend to make a version of makerwys.exe for Prepar3d? Thanks Simon
  14. I would like to expressly control the user aircraft so that it always appears at the same world position, altitude, pitch and bank as a chosen AI aircraft. In FSX, I tried this by subscribing to the appropriate simulation variables on a per visual frame basis for the AI aircraft, and then setting the same variables on the user aircraft as soon as I got them. To ensure zero latency, I wrote this as a direct in-process dll, sidestepping the tcp/ip and pipe infrastucture. The first results were disappointing. Pitch, bank and altitude were fine, but in terms of world position the user aircraft would "shudder" in respect to the AI aircraft. It appeared on some frames that the AI aircraft had "moved on" before I could set the user aircraft coordinates to match. I suppose this could also be a timing problem also in the asycnhronous nature of the communication between me and FSX. Perhaps FSUIPC has an approach to doing this, or there is a better way through simconnect. The reason I ask the former question is an application called Traffic View Board can do all this in FS9, and does it very smoothly without any of the problems I am seeing in FSX. Thanks Simon
  15. I have an usual request, to port an application written for FSX using pure SimConnect calls into FS9. To acheive this, I need to find ways of implementing the varions Simconnect API functions and callbacks into FSUIPC or other interfaces. Some things I can see how to achieve through reading/writing offsets, particularly where dealing with simulation variables, however there are other things I am more curious about. These include the Simconnect API calls to create ATC AI aircraft, set flight plans etc, which are more the domain of the traffic toolbox explorer and perhaps are implemented in underlying dlls. Some questions: a) Has anyone come up with a list mapping SimConnect API calls to FSUIPC offsets or similar? b) If there are SimConnect APIs outside of the scope of FSUIPC, does anyone have a list of how those could be implemented in FS9? Perhaps by interfacing to the underlying DLLs (along the lines of "delete AI" in FSX). I've not written FSUIPC applications before, so please forgive the ignorance behind the questions. Thanks Simon
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