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Posts posted by Andydigital

  1. Swap the middle mouse button to another button in your mouse software if you can, that's what I did with my Logitech G700S, I use the mouse wheel click for very rarely used features just because of that zoom problem. I use it to toggle between DPi levels and have middle click on one of the other buttons now instead.

  2. I don't think FSX crashing, it's probably minimising because of the keys used, Emutec shouldn't be using Win + 7 or any other such Win key combinations as those keys are reserved for use by the Windows operating system itself. Win +7 will actually cause your 7th from left quick launch icon program to load or minimise depending on its current state. Use Tab, CTRL and Shift and combinations there of as modifiers instead if you are stuck for modifier keys to use and don't use the ALT key either as that will cause the FSX menu to appear.

    Unfortunately RealityXP only allow you to control their excellent gauges with keystrokes as mouse macros don't work and stupidly they do not support joystick devices being assigned directly either.

  3. Pete can this BrakeReleaseThreshold= feature be used in a profile section? If not is there any chance it can be made to work in a profile so that A2A C172 users can disable this feature for this aircraft. I find it very useful in the rest of my aircraft and its not needed with the 172 because they already simulate this feature, I think that is why there is this clash. Thanks.

  4. I don't fly online so I have no experience with IVAP, but it may be a unique case in that it expects to find the simconnect.cfg file in its own folder, simply make a copy of the simconnect.cfg file from your Documents folder and paste it to the IVAP folder you mention above. Hopefully that fixes it.


    All apps should be using the same Simconnect port number, in your case 4506. Simconnect is more or less the same as WideFS from FSUIPC, i.e. only one port it used to link the FS server PC to the Client PC i.e. where you are running your maps and other FS related addons. It doesn't matter what the port number is as long as it is configured the same at both FSX server and client PC. The port must also must not be being used by some other program/processes that are not related to simconnect.  I know that sounds confusing, but multiple programs designed to use Simconnect can share the same port, other none FS programs that don't use Simconnect cannot share ports at the same time.

  5. Make backups of everything just in case it does stop working and you can then restore everything, but yes by my understanding of Simconnect most of the above is correct. Do not delete the simconnect.ini file, its not doing any harm, I believe that is just for logging purposes, so removing it won't do an harm either.


    Also this below needs the red section removing, and the edit needs making in orange;


    simconnect.cfg   path: C:\Users\[user]\Documents  -> the file now gets completely deleted ?


    Address=my FSX server adress

    Port=500 <-------- change this to 4506 the same as the simconnect.xml above.

    Address=my FSX server adress

    Address=my FSX server adress




    simconnect.cfg   path: C:\Program Files (x86)\IVAO\IvAp v2 -> without entering my FSX server adress, IvApV2 does not connect online at clients computer -> the file now gets completely deleted ?


    Yes as far as I understand it you shouldn't need the above in the IVAP folder. As I said though make backups of stuff that you delete so you can restore things if my advice is bad, I'm fairly certain its not though.

  6. Your file looks like this, everything in red text can be deleted as it is not required.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">
    <Address>my FSX server adress</Address>
    <Address>my FSX server adress</Address>
    <Address>my FSX server adress</Address>

    <Address>my FSX server adress</Address>



    Here is what mine looks like;


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
    <SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">


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