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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Sorry, some degree of confusion has evidently set in here. Didn't I just say "he remembers the position, but not the fact that it is undocked"? I thought you wanted both parts of this, not just the part that FSNav does do already? If you don't want the automatic undocking what is this thread for, please? Should I cross this off my list after all? Regards, Pete
  2. No, I am sorry, but you did not! You have not told me WHICH of the Landing Light controls you are trying to use, NOR whether you are programming it on Press or Release or both, NOR whether your "knob" is a toggle switch or a momentary button, or what! I'm very sorry, but I cannot see your system from here and I cannot help at all unless you explain what you are trying to do and what you are finding a problem with. Honestly, there is nothing simpler than programming an on-off light switch! :cry: Pete
  3. I've added to my list of things to consider adding to FSUIPC, an "Initial commands" facility -- a section in the FSUIPC.INI file, manually edited only, in which you can list keystrokes and controls for execution once only, when FS is first ready to fly. This will apply to FS2004 only, because I cannot detect "ready to fly" reliably enough in earlier versions. I am not promising this in any particular release, but it is on the list. If it is easy enough to slip in and test it may be soon. Regards, Pete
  4. Is that the same as "Ctrl" on UK/US keyboards? You still don't say what control you are programming. Please check my last message. There is nothing clever or complicated or difficult about the landing lights switch. You simply turn it off or on as desired. Just use the correct controls for whatever sort of switch you have. If you won't even tell me what you are doing I really cannot help further. Sorry, Regards, Pete
  5. I don't know. I think you need to check with Active Camera support. I don't have it myself. Sorry. Pete
  6. FSUIPC provides interface facilities for programs to switch these on or off automatically, in any case. Regards, Pete
  7. No, sorry. I did once have a facility, originally a separate module, called "SetFSNav" to make FSNav remember its undocked position, and indeed undock it, but Helge changed something and it caused problems. After some pressure he agreed to build the facility inot FSNav. He said he had, however, I understand that he only did half the job -- he remembers the position, but not the fact that it is undocked. Regards, Pete
  8. No, not at all. You keep reading part of it out of context as I suggested earlier. If you don't use external weather programs the whole subject is irrelevant, if you do then this option allows YOU to control the upper altitude of the layer. If you don't have FSUIPC you can't run the external weather programs using it, so that too is irrlevant. Pete
  9. 3.202 is well out of date and is not supported. please be sure to update. Current is 3.22 and version 3.30 is imminent. Sorry, what is "Strg"? What control are you using? These are the useful ones: LANDING LIGHTS OFF LANDING LIGHTS ON LANDING LIGHTS TOGGLE If you have a push button, program it as TOGGLE, but only when pressed, not released. If you have a toggle switch, program it for ON when "pressed" and OFF when "released". That's all. Please be sure to always use the latest FSUIPC. I cannot support old versions. Regards, Pete
  10. WideFS cannot possibly split off bits of the program "FS" to different PCs. WideFS links EXTERNAL PROGRAMS which interface to FSIOPC, running on different PCs, to FSUIPC running on the FS PC. You cannot have one copy of FS running on one PC and bits of it running elsewhere. All of its gauges and graphics need the rest of it too. This is explained very clearly in the documentation, which is always best to read BEFORE paying for its use. Just glance briefly at the WideFS.DOC. Quite near the beginning you will see this:
  11. Sorry, no. I have never heard of such a message, and it is not one from FS as far as I know. Do you have some add-on like Active Camera loaded? Else it may be a function of the cockpit you are using. Try posting to the FS2004 Forum. Regards, Pete
  12. You have misunderstood, sorry. Those facilities are for manipulating values entered directly into FSUIPC's flight controls offsets by an external driver program, such as that for the Aerosoft GA28R cockpit. Exactly what you want is provided in the NEXT version of FSUIPC, 3.30, which is nearly ready but which is unfortunately delayed by my sight problems which limit my PC working to 30 minute bursts a few times a day. I hope to get 3.30 sorted out for release soon, but please don't hold your breath! :wink: Regards, Pete
  13. As far as I know, no -- there are threads elsewhere in this forum about this very subject. So far no one has found a satisfactory way for me to provide such support, and the methods which work fine with Roger Wilco and AVC don't appear to be any good with Team Speak. Regards, Pete
  14. Sorry, this is not something I know anything about nor which is anything to do with any of my software. Are you sure you are posting to the right forum? Please try the FS2004 forum. Regards, Pete
  15. Okay. Here it is in context: Isn't that clear? If not, what is it you don't understand? Regards, Pete
  16. I thought it was always running, if installed, and F9 just displayed its window. No. FSNav is already running. You surely would not want only to see its window and not FS when loading FS? Just press F9 when you want to se its window, F9 to hid it. No. Like FSNav, Active Camera is an entirely separate FS module which is in no way related to FSUIPC. Regards, Pete
  17. It means that in clouds you see however far you'd expect to see in a cloud of that density. The point is that at the level FSUIPC is "fiddling" the visibility it could easily make the visibility ignore the clouds, which would be horrible and unrealistic. No, of course not. That's the whole point of using words like "internal" and "external"! Sorry, I don't understand this out of context. FS provides the visible facilities you describe here, not FSUIPC. Pete
  18. What other programs are you running? For example, what are the WideClient's supporting? What other add-in modules? You need to performa a process of elimination. First run with no other accessory programs at all, no WideClients, nothing. Then, if that is okay, start adding things back. Regards, Pete
  19. Yes, it has been there a long time but was spotted only a few weeks ago. I've corrected it here but there's been no other reason to make a new release yet. Thanks anyway! Regards, Pete
  20. Is it supposed to? I thought the FS2002 series were 5.xx. Version 6 of FSMeteo uses the new weather facilities unique to FS2004 normally -- maybe you need to set this in its INI or options? It can only operate via Global weather setting in FS2002. I'm sorry I can't help any further here. I expect your Log files will be useful to Marc, the FSMeteo author, though. The FSUIPC log shows nothing wrong. Regards, Pete
  21. That's because Microsoft forgot to provide such a control. It is an FSUIPC addition. Buttons are easier. Key presses can be sent over, but WideClient MUST have the keyboard focus for it to see them. You have to tell WideClient to do this as described in this section of WideFS.doc: Once you have the keypresses going to the FS PC, you can program them in FSUIPC's Keys page as usual. Bear in mind that FSUIPC does not know where the keypresses came from, so the same ones will operate the same way on the FS PC too. Regards, Pete
  22. Sorry, I just noticed a "Question 3" hidden in there: If the visibility soecified for the FS visibility layer is changed, or the upper altitude of the visibility layer changes, then your limits are re-imposed if neceassary and then everything is ra-calculated to give a new target visibility for your current altitude. If you haven't got the FSUIPC smoothing enabled, it will change as quickly as FS tries to change it. With smoothing enabled it changes at the rate you have specified. Regards, Pete
  23. "Surface visibility" is actually short for "surface layer visibility", which simply means the layer from zero to whatever is set for the upper altitude of that layer. I think originally FS was meant to support multiple visibility layers, but it has never worked with more than one, so "surface" means "the extent of the FS visibility layer". It keeps the surface visibility, whatever value that may have (30 miles or less, because it is a clear day and your limit for that is 3000) up to the top of the visibility layer, whatever that may be (FS dialogues or downloads set it, FSMeteo and other external programs set it -- though FSUIPC offers an optional override for that), and THEN it gradually and smoothly changes the value from that altitude to 25000 feet, by which time it will be 40 miles, your upper limit. The reason the changeover from a fixed (surface) visibility to the graduated one is at the top of the visibility layer is that you specified 0 as the lower altitude -- this is a special facility to operate in this way, and it is recommended as you then get the best results. Regards, Pete
  24. Didn't you try going to the Keys or Buttons options and looking through the drop-down list? It comes uner "A" for Autobrake, so it is near the beginning (they are in alphabetic order). Also, searching through the FSUIPC User Guide would find this: mentioned in both the Keys and Buttons sections. Regards, Pete
  25. Sorry, I don't understand the question. Is this just some graphics view you need? You may get better luck in the FS2004 forum I think. Regards, Pete
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