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Francois Dumas

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Posts posted by Francois Dumas

  1. Folks,

    I can't speak for some Italy based publisher of course, but my understanding is that nobody is actively tending to the LAGO site anymore. It is just a left-over of better times. I have no contacts with them anymore since several years. Someone from the company that bought them is still sending invoices..... not to me ;-)

    Because of those facts simMarket has stopped selling the products. The original files are still available for existing simMarket (NOT LAGO) customers. We have no idea who the LAGO customers are, nor any means of checking it.

    When possible I still try to accommodate existing users such as Brad and others.

    LAGO Georender products have been taken off the market for the same reason.

    FSAddon Orcas and Wenatchee have been taken off the market because they were just too costly to sell. Sad fact of life that it takes a lot of time in administration and bank cost for any product. Just can't be maintained. On top pf that I had a run-in with the author and didn't really feel like continuing to do him favors. Sorry.

    ALL products copyrights and publishing agreements remain intact and valid, so no, they do not become freeware in any way and may not been distributed freely. As publishers and retailers we DO help existing customers, as with any other product, where possible.

    Harvey & Monroe was taken off simMarket more or less by accident. Since there is a problem with the installer and Avast! anti-virus, I am building a new installer for it. It will be available again after I return from skiing holidays, at a reduced price of US$ 20.

  2. Sometimes it would really be preferable to discuss each other's projects in this small market. We've tried it a few times.... but then there is competition and many designers vying for the same buck..... I have good contacts with quite a few colleagues and we sort of 'schedule' our projects, but there are too many to know (and sometimes 'like' ) them all :)

  3. Again, the 'blog' was and is not meant to substitute the (any) forum, but more as an outlet from the makers of Emma to show their work whenever they have some time to spare (and something to tell/show). Wordpress software has become a weapon of choice of myself because it is easy to manage, easy to change lay-outs, has good security and is more linear than a multiple-thread forum. When you just want to TELL something from one source it is a lot simpler in my mind.

    I run FSAddon.com and FSAddon.eu the same way.... and even have opened 'comments' now.

    Hope this clears the fog......

  4. LOL, I hear ya guys.

    Just for your information, I have a domain, forum and site 'on standby' should anything happen to simFlight, or to my managing it (I've been ungraciously banned from someone else's forum before in my life, being cut off from many friends there).

    So there always be a place for EFFC and other readers, don't worry. But I think it won't come to that, not even to voting about it.

    I'll hopefully have a clearer head tomorrow, after my ordeal and hopefully with a clean bill of health.

    As for Lizzie...... good news: we are probably going to make an FSX model first (that's what we've been working on (well, on and OFF) for two years now. But there is a new developer involved and he reckns we may also make an FS9 Lizzie after we publish the main (FSX) one. Keep your fingers crossed.

    The developer (whom I now also must pay on top of all the others who've worked on it in the past) is Chuck Jodry from Canada. Please cheer him on !

    I just got an email from Rob Young this morning: he has now finally started building the flight model for Lizzie! Yay !!! :)

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