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Everything posted by jcboliveira

  1. I don't know if it's the best way but what I do is detect 3 consecutives errors in reading/write/process. If that happen the close connection and try to reopen with a timer. José
  2. For some people 1.0 is an option. Sorry I really have intentions to change AIBridge but don't find the time for it yet. José
  3. I know about the key. Simply forgot to test it :oops: by my history you know that I'm problematic with keys :) Regards José PS: It seems our countries are going to meet each other in the Euro.
  4. Pete The Lee Tcas already changes some of SB3 memory locations. Of course it will work with all AIBridge versions. Don't know about the key because I have the full FSUIPC version and tested the gauge with it. Regards José
  5. I will try to see what can be done. José
  6. Sorry, forgot to ask for notification. If you need password that means that you are using fshost. AIBridge 3 doesn't support password (yet) I think remember that FShost had a FS2002 interface also. What is FSHost version, do you know? José
  7. What version of AIBridge are you using? For FS2004 please try the 3 the FS2002 and FS2004 multiplayer aren't compatible. Just follow my site link. Regards Jos
  8. - N Yes there is typo but fly doesn't rime with inovate and the Portuguese word for fly is "voar" so I tranform it in voate :) Pete That what I thought, well lot of airfile related problems could be solved with that. I can imagine different airfiles for each flight situation: Climb, cruise, autopilot on etc. Regards José
  9. Hi Pete Do you know any way of changing the airfile (or some parameters) in run time. The only solution that I can think of is rename the aircraft.cfg and reload airplane but that it isn't a clean solution. Regards José
  10. Pete Thanks for the info. DS Sure. You can even put a copy in your site but the link is better since is allways the last version. Regarding the TCAS. Lee Hetherington is finishing a TCAS II, he already made a TCAS that you can find at AVSIM. José Oliveira
  11. I think so. The FSUIPC key doesn't rely in the program name but in the program version resource. José Oliveira PS: You can did all my latest stuff in my site
  12. Try this: Using FSUIPC read the values from the GoFlight then if the PMDG as an assigned key to the function just use sendkey oy a message with KEYDOWN. If doesn't have then you can use the key2mouse http://www.wideview.it/key2mouse.htm Or if you know directX just control the mouse. José Oliveira
  13. The problem is still there. The time zone problem also leads to the UTC jump bug and that is what, I think, FS Real Time tries to solve. Pete: Hope you had nice vacations. In the FS9 the bgl don't work and noticed some side effect like loosing the ability to crash airplanes in the ground in some zones. :) Regards José
  14. The only explanation is that they are assigned to X,Y rotation and not X,Y linear. Try to D/L this: http://www.airsim.net/modules.php?name=tit&lid=62 This a package for PSS but inside the package there is a configurator program that will indentify the axis name. Since the program doesn't use FS but reads the joystick directly with DirectX the axis name is the correct one. José Oliveira
  15. Hi As Pete said next version will do it. If you know C++ there is a nice way of doing that described in the simclients forum. It uses MFC but easly converted to Windows API calls. José
  16. Hi Pete It's part of a T/D analysis that my FSacars provides to VA's. The system was based in the V/S variation analysis but now I was trying to collect that data only using this offset as a trigger. :( Best regards José PS: Finally upgraded AIBridge to FS2004 Multiplayer interface. I'm expecting doing some tests during this week.
  17. Hi Pete I'm completely without ideas. I have a program that detects the aircraft T/D event using the 0x366 offset. In a lot of users it works with no problem but in others there is a delay in the detection. The delay sometimes is very long like detecting when the A/C is with 16 Kt. I'm pooling the offset at 100ms. Regards José
  18. Try this: http://www.airsim.net/modules.php?name=etit&lid=2 Regards José Oliveira
  19. Sorry meant 3060, 3068, 3070. Now what I need is to find out when FS updates the dynamics to intercept the simulator at the right time. José
  20. Thanks I've been playing with the 0x3070, 0x368, 0x360 and it really get's a nice effect. The update timer value (that reflects how much you allow FS to update the aircraft dynamics) and memory value interact each other. Of course catapult, arrestor cables, ground effect etc all this seem possible just by playing with that values. Now, getting precise effects that's another story, it seems that the update value timer should be really low (50ms) to allow precise control. Another strange thing is that FS needs some initial velocity. Regards José
  21. Hi again Yes I'm trying to release the brakes within a program I think that you explainned me what I need to know. I nee to disconnect the joystick first. Maybe is not a good option. There are a fine rain effects that give a wet look to the runway, made a small module to automate the effects use and thougth it will be fun to decrease brakes effectivness. Thanks José
  22. Hi Pete done some tests changing the values in offsets: bc4,bc6, c00, c01 that controls brakes and can't see any difference. I'm writing a 0 in these offsets from within a timer (tried from 2S to 50ms). I'm using CH pedals. Do you have any idea how can I control the brakes? It will be a nice feature to go with my module that controls rain and snow effects. Regards and thanks José
  23. I think Rob is right. It depends on the gauges and maybe in the modules, usually in a clean FS install I have no problems with mulyiple keystrokes but after a while it's becaming a pure luck event. José
  24. Not by command line as far I know. You must do it using lobby connection, so a program must do it for you, actually like MS messenger does. I think that I have somewhere a program that do that. Just can't remember where :? Edit: Found it, is for FS2002 not 2004 and creates a server. So don't think that is what you are looking for. José
  25. It's possible:This is done in a timer callback with 3s. FSUIPC_Read(0xc1a, 2, &Rate, &DwResult); FSUIPC_Process(&DwResult); if (Rate!=256&&NoRate) { Rate=256; FSUIPC_Write(0xc1a, 2,&Rate,&DwResult); if (FSUIPC_Process(&DwResult)!=TRUE) return; } else { if (Rate==256&&OnRate!=1) { OnRate=1; FSTime ( &hour,&minute); message=(char*)calloc (200,1); lenght=sprintf ((char*)message,"%02d:%02d Simulation Rate 1x\n",hour,minute); MainWnd->SendMessageDialog(TEXT1, message); free (message); } if (Rate==512&&OnRate!=2) { OnRate=2; FSTime ( &hour,&minute); message=(char*)calloc (200,1); lenght=sprintf ((char*)message,"%02d:%02d Simulation Rate2x\n",hour,minute); MainWnd->SendMessageDialog(TEXT1, message); free (message); } if (Rate==4*256&&OnRate!=4) { OnRate=4; FSTime ( &hour,&minute); message=(char*)calloc (200,1); lenght=sprintf ((char*)message,"%02d:%02d Simulation Rate 4x\n",hour,minute); MainWnd->SendMessageDialog(TEXT1, message); free (message); } if (Rate==8*256&&OnRate!=8) { OnRate=8; FSTime ( &hour,&minute); message=(char*)calloc (200,1); lenght=sprintf ((char*)message,"%02d:%02d Simulation Rate 8x\n",hour,minute); MainWnd->SendMessageDialog(TEXT1, message); free (message); } if (Rate==16*256&&OnRate!=16) { OnRate=16; FSTime ( &hour,&minute); lenght=sprintf ((char*)message,"%02d:%02d Simulation Rate 16x\n",hour,minute); MainWnd->SendMessageDialog(TEXT1, message); free (message); }
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