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Everything posted by jfail

  1. I forgot to mention that I had administrative/drive ownership problems also. Suddenly some programs could not write to drive C or I could not copy a file to drive C etc. after the problem with Tower.exe/MSE ocurred. Apparently when MSE sees the false positive on Tower.exe it causes some other problems such as loss of drive/file ownership to occur. The way to fix the problem is: 1. Do the procedure as Kevin states to turn off MSE, reinstall Tower, set MSE to ignore Tower.exe, re-enable MSE and reboot. 2. If you run into the administrative/ownership problems, one of the two links/procedures below should fix the problem, don't forget to reboot after applying the fix(es). http://www.techfleece.com/2011/05/15/how-to-take-ownership-of-files-or-folders-or-an-entire-hard-drive/
  2. I had the same problem today. Just came out of nowhere. I did as Kevin did and all is well now, thanks for the detective work Kevin. In using MSE for many years this is the first time I have run into a false positive.
  3. I would welcome this utility very much.
  4. 4.923 working great here. Thanks very much for your hard work Pete, we all appreciate it.
  5. Did you read posts 15 thru 20?? You should be able to get it going no problem. Give us some specifics and maybe we can help.
  6. Hey Andy, You got it!!! Works fine now, I should have thought of the key file (getting old and dumb, that's why we need bright guys like you around). Thanks again John
  7. Does not work for me. I have a registered copy of FSUIPC 4921f and have been using FSUIPC in 1.4 for a long time with no problems. I ran the full FSUIPC installation program, entered my registration codes for FSUIPC and WideFS. It detected my P3D 1.4 installation and the V2 installation. It is working fine in P3D 1.4. I, like others am not able to get the FSUIPC menu to come up when clicking on FSUIPC on the P3D V2 Addons menu. I tried renaming the SimConnectP3D2.dll in the P3D V2 modules folder as described above. The FSUIPC menu does indeed come up however it is indicating that I have an unregistered copy. Am I missing something??
  8. I did not realize I had forgotten to attach the FSUIPC4.log from Prepar3D\Modules which is now attached (renamed to FSUIPC Prepar3D Log.txt). Both the Prepar3D and FSX folders on the host are shared and have been for some time. As far as the registry entries go, I was merely trying to make sure that everything was pointed at correctly in the registry. I did not correctly state my case in that the only registry entry I "Actually" changed was on the host as an experiment. When that did not fix the problem I put it back the way it was. That was the ONLY actual change I made to the registry on any computer. Remember, in my original post I said everything (RC4, STB, REX and others) is/are working properly across the network so sharing of the appropriate folders (FSX/Prepar3D) on the host is/was probably not an issue. I have confirmed that both folders are shared. STB/REX are using separate Simconnect.xml files so not directly related. RC4 of course does use FSUIPC/WideFS and is working so I was confused as to the source of the error I am receiving when I run IYP. The only problem I am having is the "No simulator path found in registry Error - 9004" that I am encountering when I run IYP with Prepar3D across the network. IYP is working fine with FSX across the network. In my original post I was only asking your opinion if the 9004 error was coming from WideFS, FSUIPC or IYP. Since I had no idea where the message was being generated from I thought I should ask you about it and then I could try to solve the problem. If I still am not being clear then I apologize in advance. FSUIPC4 Prepar3D Log.txt
  9. Obviously I did not explain myself well enough in my original question and I did not come across clearly but then you could have been more patient in your reply. "Why? That makes no sense to me at all." is not the most helpful comment. "It sounds like you are messing up registries and mapping drives for nothing. What made you start on this path?" I tried to explain myself about this but again not good enough to get a helpful reply. I am not the brightest light bulb in the room and maybe I made some mistakes in explaining myself. Obviously you are a very bright person and I mean just that (not a snide comment) and do not have much patience with people asking dumb questions. We will just let it go and I will not try to get it working anymore.
  10. Sorry for asking. I did not realize I would get chewed out for trying to make it work.
  11. Hi Peter, I need some guidance. I have FSX and It's Your Plane by Robert Cezar running across my network with FSUIPC 4.83 and WideClient 6.94 and it works just fine as well as Radar Contact4. When I installed FSUIPC on the host it correctly detected the FSX. FSX is installed on Z:\FSX (The host) and IYP is on the client. The FSTweak registry tool running on the client shows Z:\FSX as the location of FSX. I also have Prepar3D 1.3 installed on the host computer in \Prepar3D. When I installed FSUIPC 4.83 it also detected the P3D installation as well as the FSX installation. I am trying to get It's Your Plane working with P3D across the network. I used the FSTweak registry tool to setup the registry entry for the FSX path on the client computer to Z:\Prepar3D. I also used it to set the registry FSX path on the host to C:\Prepar3D. When I run IYP on the client it starts but then terminates with a "No simulator path found in the registry, Error - 9004" and exits to Windows 7 64 bit. I have no idea if this error message is coming from IYP or from WideFS. I corresponded with Robert of IYP and he says that IYP depends on FSUIPC to return the location of \Prepar3D at 3E00 in FSUIPC. He referred to FSInterrogate2std.exe which I downloaded and tried but I am by no means any sort of a hex code programmer so I have no idea what I am looking at. It "appears" to me that Radar Contact 4 IS working properly with P3D in that I do not get any error messages when I run it with P3D on the network. I have attached the FSUIPC4 Install.log (renamed to .txt) that I found in C:\Prepar3D\Modules. I also have attached Wideclient.log (renamed to .txt) from the client computer. If I return the FSX registry entry on the client to Z:\FSX and start FSX on the host and run IYP across the network then IYP works just fine. Setting the registry entry on the client back to Z:\Prepar3D and running Prepar3D on the host with IYP on the client results in the error again. I hope I have made myself clear. Both of the computers are on the same homegroup network. I appreciate your input. WideClient.txt FSUIPC4 Install.txt
  12. Hi Peter Thanks for the reply. I finally figured it out and of course it had nothing to do with FSUIPC. It turned out to be a problem with EXE.XML which is a configuration file that has data that applies to the Saitec Switch Panel. I received an update to Real Environment Extreme 2.0 over the weekend. In that update they wanted a new EXE.XML file to be created in the FSX folder. I did not check to see if such a file already existed (Stupid huh?) and the new one overwrote the old one. That was the problem and I have it fixed now. So I need to get with the Real Environment Extreme people to find a fix. On the sensitivity of the pedals. I used the Joystick settings #2 brakes. I held the brakes at a point I thought was good then then clicked the set button. It seemed to make the brakes and differential brakes far less sensitive on the CH pedals. It seemed to work ok so I did not mess with it further. Maybe you have some better ideas for me???? That would be great if you do. Again thanks for the input, I appreciate it very much and glad it had nothing to do with FSUIPC. I was pretty frustrated trying to find the problem and as you said it was a coincidence. Thanks again John
  13. I was having trouble with my CH Products pedals brakes and differential brakes being far too sensitive. FSUIPC 4.52 (fully licensed) joystick settings #2 Prop, Mixture and Brakes calibration and sensitivity settings worked great to fix that. Now for some reason my Saitek Pro Panel switch controls, Landing gear, switches etc. no longer work. The test panel for the Pro Panel Switch works fine but the switch no longer functions when I make a flight. This only occurred since I have implemented the sensitivity settings for the brakes in FSUIPC. It is probably important to note that I had FSUIPC installed but never used in FSX until I did the sensitivity settings for the brakes. I must be missing something and not seeing the forest since the trees are in the way!!! Thanks for any help John
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