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About flypfc

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. If the unit has a digital controller (you can tell if you have to plug a power supply into the unit) Take off the throttle leavers and see if there is a switch hidden under If you have the switch it needs to be in the position marked PFC Also if you are using Elite you may have a UCI connected you will need to remove it and connect the console direct
  2. it sounds like you need to updat fs to 9.1 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=92cf4b8c-ea69-476b-a276-618c4ab52aaf&displaylang=en
  3. Brannon The only advantage to using the USB is that it looks to windows as a joystick and can be used in other games that don’t have a PFC driver If you are only using the hardware in FS and X-plane it is best to connect to the quadrant
  4. Peter The start valve is driven by bleed air not by the fuel valve switch not to get into to much detail to start you turn the starter switch on the overhead to "Gnd" the light " Start valve open" on the Upper Eicas in PM GC comes on. bleed air is forced into the engine. The engine spools up When the N2 reaches 21% you flip the Fuel lever switches to "Run" position the engine ignites
  5. the Jeppesen unit electronics where made by Jeppesen and only work with the Jeppesen flight sim program
  6. It sounds as if you protocol switch is in the wrong position http://www.flypfc.com/illustrations/protocol%20switch.html Please check it and make sure it is in the PFC position
  7. Do you have the 737 NG throttle with to/ga and A/T disconnect switches?? Was your jetliner console sent to PFC for re-wiring? If so the A/T switch has to be in the armed position in order for you to see the button as they are wired together The output to the PFC.dll is the same they look like 1 switch
  8. you will need to set a com port in the gpsout.ini it is default to 1and you will probably need to set the format for the output there just read the .ini
  9. http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p07a7e4dcaa
  10. rafael look here http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.paf4cbf3870
  11. Günter the only supported versions are fsuipc 3.50 and widefs 6.50 with that said ther is no free widefs To register WIDEFS go to http://secure.simmarket.com/product_infcts_id=539
  12. Frank sent you a PM :D
  13. the Jeppesen FS200 console was made by Jeppesen PFC only made the case and the throttle unit the hardware controller was made by Jeppesen and uses there own protocols and only works with there software :(
  14. try using "ANTI_ICE_TOGGLE" i beleve this does the same thing in MSFS
  15. With FSUIPC.DLL correctly installed, and Flight Simulator running and ready, look at the Menu. (Press ALT to bring it up if it is hidden). There should be a “Modules” item, probably the vary last word at the right-hand end of the menu. Select it. You should then see “FSUIPC …”. If you don’t, press ESC to get out of the menu, wait a few seconds, and then try again. If you still don’t see it, then either you have not installed FSUIPC.DLL correctly or there is an older version running after you open FSUIPC click on the "Register an application program" button, and the details can be entered into a dialogue box Once this is done and accepted, the relevant program can be run without restarting FS—but if that program is already running it will have to be restarted
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