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Everything posted by michael.engl

  1. Hi I have updated my P4Dv4.5 with latest FSUIPC 6.0.9. I have a hardware from Homecockpits.fr to control GSX instead of Keyboard. Now it does not work If I press the Button "1" in the hardware then 1 is set in GSX. But this is not working now. Could it be FSUIPC? Where can I download the old Version 6.0.8 for trying? Best Michael
  2. Now it works. FSUIPC and WideFS with a different Email-Adress works now. Something confusing that the new version is also Version 6.0
  3. A short detailed question: I m using only P3D 4.5 HF2 on my computer, nevertheless I have bought FSUIPC 6. I have installed the software into modules folder (old method). In the module are now two files. (FSUIPC5.ini and FSUIPC6.ini). Can I delete FSUIPC6.ini and rename FSUIPC5.ini into FSUIPC6.ini. I have many macro, lua with joysticks. I'm just asking for security if I understand it correctly. Best Michael
  4. Hi Pete, thank you very much; you are great. This was the problem. FS9 is running "as administrator". After I have change these all programms are running now. Bye from Munich Michael
  5. I removed the key, but it always the same message. Michael
  6. Now it works now: ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.90 by Pete Dowson ********* Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2 Verifying Certificate for "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\fsuipc.dll" now ... SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay! Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL) User Name="Michael Engl" User Addr="michael.engl@streamvisions.de" FSUIPC Key is provided WideFS Key is provided Module base=61000000 ClassOptions: UIPCMAIN=FF7F, FS98MAIN=FF7F, FS2KMAIN=FF5E WeatherOptions(Orig)=4000B62F[4000B62F] InitDelay: 0 seconds WeatherReadInterval=4 LogOptions=00000001 DebugStatus=255 2449 System time = 15:27:43 2449 D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\ 2449 System time = 15:27:43, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z) 42338 C:\Users\Michael Engl\Documents\Flight Simulator-Dateien\B737 in München.flt 42666 AIRCRAFT\PMDG737-800-Winglets\B737-800WL.air 43056 Aircraft="B737-800 Air Berlin - Virtual Cockpit/Cabin/Winglets" 84739 C:\Users\Michael Engl\Documents\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Von der Benutzeroberfläche erzeugter Flug.flt 85395 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded 87438 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 105269 Traffic File #23 = "scenery\world\scenery\mytrafficline" 105394 Traffic File #24 = "scenery\world\scenery\mytrafficmil" 105581 Traffic File #25 = "scenery\world\scenery\mytrafficown" 106252 Traffic File #35 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_172_woa_lufthansa (regional partners)_su07" 106455 Traffic File #26 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_condor berlin_su08" 106470 Traffic File #31 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_lufthansa_wi08" 106798 Traffic File #33 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_094_woa_air berlin_wi07" 106845 Traffic File #34 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_126_woa_tuifly_su07" 106985 Traffic File #36 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_217_woa_hamburg international_su08" [Log closed by user request, and continued in new file] 151758 System time = 15:30:12, FS2004 time = 15:28:28 (13:28Z) 151758 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Memory managed: 60 Allocs, 179 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** I use Fs 2004 with FSUIPC, Version 3.90. Where i can find the state version numbers ? Michael
  7. OK. Hear is my log.file Mark said: Hi Michael It look to be an fsuipc issue or a registration problems. Contact Peter Dowson, the author of fsuipc. Best Regard, Marc Thank you for your help Michael from Munich It doesn't work, i think the logFile is too big ; the explorer crashed ; can i send it per mail?
  8. Thank you Pete; Mark said it is an registration problem (maybe). How can i send you my registration details and the log. By form or mail? How is it possible to registrat FSUIPS again. And what means "Press fly now" Best regads Michael
  9. Hi Pete, do you have an idea for this problem. How can i reregistration fsuipc? Best regards Michael :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Michael It look to be an fsuipc issue or a registration problems. Contact Peter Dowson, the author of fsuipc. Best Regard, Marc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Marc, i use FS Meteo with FS 2004 and the newest version of FSUIPC (registred). When i will starting FS Meteo 8 the programm give me a message under status "Warte auf FSUIPS Press fly now" it means "Wait for FSUIPS Press fly now" What can i do? Best regards Michael
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