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  1. Thank you both LO and John for your prompt and detailed help. This should get me going. Cheers! Ph
  2. I also get that no-climb problem with the PMDG 737-800. I have done exactly as suggested above (unless I misunderstood the whole thing...) but it did not help in my case. My FSUIPC.ini and latest log are attached. Thanks in advance for your help. Philippe FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  3. Thank you, John, for your quick answer which explains it all. I had not found the documentation for this and had just used info gleaned in some threads, which did not specify that P: prefix. I now see some other ones where it is clearly indicated. My bad! I knew about the underscores. Thanks again and best regards,
  4. What am I doing wrong? I am trying to execute a valid preset by writing it into the 7C50 offset: cmd=string.sub(input,1,6) -- rotaries 6 char for i = 1, 4, 1 do if (cmd == MCProt[i]) then -- detects OK ipc.log(MCProt[i]) -- debug OK ipc.log(MCPpresets[i]) -- debug OK ipc.writeSTR(0x7C50, MCPpresets[i], 21) end end The offset does not get executed although it works perfectly when linked to a physical button. I have tried with length restriction (to get rid of the ending 00 code) and without. I have also tried replacing spaces with underscores (as published in Hubhop). This is what gets logged when I alternate between two commands: 187266 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR INC 187282 WRITElua 7C50, 21 bytes: 57 54 20 43 4A 34 20 41 50 20 41 4C 54 20 56 41 WT CJ4 AP ALT VA 187282 52 20 49 4E 43 R INC 192532 LUA.3: ALTinc 192547 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR INC 195828 LUA.3: ALTinc 195844 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR INC 197250 LUA.3: ALTinc 197266 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR INC 198766 LUA.3: ALTinc 198766 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR INC 200547 LUA.3: ALTinc 200563 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR INC 202844 LUA.3: ALTdec 202860 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR DEC 202875 WRITE repeated 5 times 202875 WRITElua 7C50, 21 bytes: 57 54 20 43 4A 34 20 41 50 20 41 4C 54 20 56 41 WT CJ4 AP ALT VA 202875 52 20 44 45 43 R DEC 208578 LUA.3: ALTdec 208594 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR DEC 211032 LUA.3: ALTdec 211047 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR DEC 212750 LUA.3: ALTdec 212766 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR DEC 214735 LUA.3: ALTinc 214750 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR INC 214766 WRITE repeated 3 times 214766 WRITElua 7C50, 21 bytes: 57 54 20 43 4A 34 20 41 50 20 41 4C 54 20 56 41 WT CJ4 AP ALT VA 214766 52 20 49 4E 43 R INC Thanks for your help. Philippe
  5. Thanks, John, for your usual prompt and detailed explanations.
  6. I think I have read everything on this subject but I still need help. I have created a cj4.mcro file with the following contents: [Macros] 1=H:Generic_Upr_RANGE_DEC=Set 2=H:Generic_Upr_RANGE_INC=Set 3=H:WT_CJ4_AP_NAV_PRESSED=Set 4=H:WT_CJ4_AP_VNAV_PRESSED=Set 5=H:WT_CJ4_AP_MASTER_ON=Set 6=CJ4:load_FP 6.1=H:CJ4_FMC_1_BTN_IDX 6.2=H:CJ4_FMC_1_BTN_NEXTPAGE 6.3=H:CJ4_FMC_1_BTN_R1 6.4=H:CJ4_FMC_1_BTN_L3 There is a CJ4.hvar file in the ...\work folder with all those hvars listed. I can activate the individual Hvars using the WASM tool tab and they show up in the scrolldown assignment list but macro #6 never appears on that scrolldown menu. It does not matter if the "a/c specific" case is ticked or not. I have tried to include the #6 macro in its own dedicated citation.mcro file with no success. Both MacroFiles entries have been created in the .ini file. I must be missing something obvious but right now it's obvious to everybody but me... I have attached the latest WASM log Thanks for your help! FSUIPC_WASM.log
  7. Thanks Pete. I had chosen that variety of selections at random for testing purposes. Clearly my random generator was faulty. Thanks for the work-around. Philippe
  8. Hi, John. I need your help to achieve directly with FSUIPC what I have previously done with Arduino. I have 8 momentary buttons on a voltage ladder connected to an analog input ("axis") of a virtual joystick. I wish to use the axis ranges to trigger MSFS controls. In FSUIPC, I have assigned the axis to a useless MSFS axis (but I have also tried to not assign it at all - same result). Button presses are detected by the scan and correct values show up. The programmed ranges are displayed OK in the "ranges for action" window. However, the corresponding MSFS actions are not triggered. I have tried with and without "repeat while held". The other axes and buttons on that virtual joystick work fine. What am I doing wrong? I have attached the .ini file. Thanks, Philippe FSUIPC7.ini
  9. Hi all, FWIW, I have exactly the same problem. I have but can't tell what version I had before my reinstall. It was all OK then. Philippe
  10. Thanks, John, for your quick response. After a reinstall, the problem was still there. Then I ran FSUIPC as admin and all is well. In retrospect, I am not sure this was the issue. I might well have been confused with the aileron reversed logic and clicked on the wrong "set" button when setting the limit value. I have not dared try again to test my hypothesis. As the saying goes: if it ain't broke... Thanks again and best regards, Philippe
  11. Also, I find something confusing in the user guide: On page 30 , in bold red: NOTE that you do not have to assign axes in FSUIPC in order to be able to use the joystick calibration facilities then, at the top of page 36: FSUIPC does not interfere with any joystick axis at all by default. You have to assign axes in the Axes Assignment pages first. To be sure, I do assign everything in FSUIPC only.
  12. Hi, Same problem here. I have been using FSUIPC for eons (BTW thanks for a great product!) and never had a problem until I got into MSFS just now. I have tried this several times with the same result: - in fly mode on the rwy - removed the MSFS assignments for my virtual joystick (ail and elev) - assigned both axes in FSUIPC - elevator calibration goes perfectly, exactly as explained in the guide - aileron calibration: reset/ set. Initial values as expected (-16k,-512,+512,+16k). "in" values change smoothly over the entire range. -- rightmost position, press set, the current value goes into the right box AND both middle boxes -- leftmost position or middle position: pressing "set" does nothing at all. I have tried in the opposite order with the same frustrating result. I have also tried with/without "rev" checked. I am stumped. Thanks for your help!
  13. This probably won't help you much but the part that maintains the faulty timer monitors the freeze/unfreeze status of the sim. The author is investigating. VNPC also monitors a few other parameters but all those work perfectly. Except for the potential effect on the timer, the freeze status is detected correctly and with no delay. I have of course verified that all is OK if I run VNPC on the same PC as FS, which is my workaround for now. Best regards, Phil
  14. Good day, Pete. I have just come across a problem when using my new VA ACARS over WideFS (VNPC from Norwegian virtual). Everything logs OK, with no delay whatsoever. I am getting exactly the same performance as I have been used to over many years using FSC, Squawkbox, Radar contact, other ACARS, etc. So my installation is well "broken in". HOWEVER, VNPC maintains a running flight time and this increments at a perfectly regular rate of almost exactly one fifth of real time! Funny thing is I remember having had that very same issue (1/5 also) with the old BAVirtual ACARS but I can't remember how (or even whether) I got it fixed (seniority has some drawbacks...) I have scoured the forums, found no clue. FS9 Wideclient Wide server Win XP on client Win 7 on server FSUIPC 3999z.9a Thanks and best regards, Philippe wideclient.ini ============================================== [Config] Port=8002 Window=-4,-4,1928,1178 ServerName=FLIGHTDECK Protocol=TCP Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=2000,1000 PollInterval=2000 Port2=9002 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=500 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ---------------------------------- [user] Log=Errors Run1=C:\Aerosoft\FSC9\fsc.exe Run2=C:\Program Files\Phoenix\BAVPhoenix.exe ; =============================================== [sounds] Path=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Wide FS\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=SigmaTel C-Major Audio
  15. Good day, Pete. I have tried to launch different programs based on the selected aircraft (e.g iFlytoFSUIPC vs Lekseecon) with no success. Can you confirm that this is not supported? Cheers. Phil PS: Yes, I have read the documentation, probably too fast :o)
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