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Everything posted by nantelp

  1. Thank you Peter, I think I understand now, I disable the aileron and elevator in PCF for all the aircraft and then I use FSUIPC profile for each plane configuration . For each profile I will be able to configure the aileron/elevator either with my PFC YOKE or my T6000. I just need to assign and calibrate in FSUIPC. So I can create something like this: profile Q400.ini - using aileron/elevator axis from my PFC Yoke Profile A320.ini - using aileron/elevator axis from my T6000 I spend a lot of time to get those profiles to work, so I want to make sure I understand before I change them. Of course I will backup them before I start experimenting. Again thanks Pierre
  2. Thank you for the reply, If I disable the aileron and elevator in PCF, I will disable them for all the plane, correct? from the PCF menu I cannot assign this configuration to a specific plane, like you can for Quadrant. You said "So you can use Profiles to assign one control for some aircraft and the other for other aircraft. " What parameter do I have to change or add in the profile.ini to be able to disable the PCF control? I do know how to assign and calibrate the T6000. I have included one of my profile file as a example. Once again thank you Pete for your support Pierre CRJ 700-900.ini
  3. Hi Peter, I already own a Cirrus II by PFC and I just procured a Thrustmaster 6000 joystick. I am looking at starting to fly some airbus plane and I would like to use both my T6000 for aileron & Elevator and use my PFC rudder and Engine Jet Spoilers/Throttles/Reversers in parallel . At the present time I am not flying any plane that requires a stick, so I have everything configured between PFCcom64 and FSUIPC5 (with the use of profile), I use the T6000 as the tiller, configured with FSUIPC. So I would like to disable the yoke and keep the rest of the Cirrus II functionality, and use the T6000 for the stick. Is this possible. I use P3D ver 4.2 Thanks
  4. Hi Peter, I am trying to synchronize my throttle (2 jets, turbo prop and 4 jets). I have tried many time with PFC and I cannot get my throttle to be sync, I thought I could use the sync option in FSUIPC5, but until now I have no great success. Pierre
  5. HI, I have some questions about configuring my PFC C2 (Com1 Port). I have red the instructions from both PFCcom64.DLL and FSUIPC5 and I am wondering, can I use a mix of both utilities ? I would like to configure my throttle quadrants with FSUIPC5 and keep the rest within PFCcom64 (Yoke rudder ldg gear, lights...). If I do this, I have 6 different quadrants, should I create a profile for each in FSUIPC or should I create a profile per plane? Like if I use the 2 jets quadrant for the B737 and the B777 (both PMDG) I would need one or two profile? Do I also have to disable the quadrant in the PFCcom64? Finally, if I understand the process, I have to configure the axis first (in the axis assignment) and then I calibrate each axis in the joystick calibration menu? Pierre
  6. Thank you Peter for the quick reply and the info Pierre
  7. I am using P3D V4 and PF3, I have a registered version of FSUICP5. I use the display function of FSUICP to display the ATC message, and I will like to have the display window always on, not closing. Is this possible? Thanks Pierre
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