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Everything posted by jetblst

  1. University of North Dakota, Center for Aerospace Sciences - Private Commerical, Instrument. I did my Multi Commercial, CFI, CFII, and MEI in MSP at two flight schools. I did my type ratings and ATP at Flight Safety and Simuflight. (DA-10, RA-390 and BE-350, 300, 200, C-208B, and PC-12). That is why FSUIPC is such a draw to me as it lets me finally have control over the sim a whole lot more. I go back to the days of Flight Sim before Microsoft Owned it. Sublogic days. :lol: Glad I could help!!
  2. From a pilot's point of view I can tell you that trimming an aircraft in real flight is more of an artform than it gets credit for. A good CFI will teach his/her students to keep the aircraft in trim at all times. RW pilots are taught from the ground up to fly this way before they EVER see an autopilot. Unfortuneatly SIM pilots pretty much go for the autoflight A LOT and that is natural. But they miss out on what the trim really does, really. If a pilot really understands this they can do rather remarkable things. Like my CFI could do steep turns in a C172 hands off. That's right. Hands off. She understood trim so well she could do steep turns all day long with just the rudder pedals (of course once established) but she could keep the aircraft in the steep turn using only rudder. Of course she grew up with her dad as a cropduster, she was also a stunt pilot and movie pilot but the fundamentals didnt change. She learned how to use trim early on, rather than the status quo of peops thinking trim is some sort of crutch. So that is why this has been a great find in my book. Using FSUIPC and the trim facilities alone are much better. The calibration via FSUIPC is remarkable. Plus the many other advantages. But the OFFSETS are where true reality in simming starts to take place INMHO. I find that the settings I have are a lot more, A LOT more acurate and give as much true feel for aircraft trim than do the stock models as they are out of the box. The programming for trim in most models is very bad and unrealistc at best. Once your stick and rudder skills become honed to the point of being able to trim the aircraft to "hands off" you can ask yourself, who needs an auto pilot. For example, If you go to the Caravan. While on an instrument approach, trim for straight and level with 10 degrees of flaps and 1500 pounds of torque. 2 miles out from the FAF or MARKER, you should be at 120 KIAS. All you have to do when you hit the marker is bring your power back to 700 lbs of torque. You will stay on the glide slope in a scary accurate way. If not, you will be A LOT closer to staying on the glideslope flying by hand then you were before. Using trim properly also makes doing timed approaches (LOC or VOR approaches) an absolute piece of cake. Take care!! ;-)
  3. Yes! Nice work! Glad you got it working. Kind of hard thing to explain from a non programmer to a non programmer. But looks like we fumbled through it! :) Send FS to normal axis is a yes. Looks like you have it though! Awesome.
  4. Wow. I just did the full blown two speed trim for pitch as I described. Id never really done this before as it is a bit unrealistic in modern aircraft. BUT it made things a bit fun whilst doing my stall series and emergency decents in my Premier. Rather nice. I will go back to the one speed. If you desire the single speed trim system, then two position rocker style button would be my thoughts. However if you desire a two speed trim system on one control, the axis is the way to go using the control range feature. Before changing it to trim, I had this set on an axis that is not working too well on my X52 for my heading bug left and right. Worked nice. Time to clean the joystick again. Hopefully this works for you.
  5. PS, I forgot to tell you, the added bonus to this step if you take the time is now you can have a multispeed trim which will be VERY handy for fine trim. Id make sure to start give myself a good null point or in other words start my ranges at like 500 and -500 and go from there. That way you have a "zero trim movement area" on your axis. Sorry to put it into simple words but that is how I explain things.
  6. Slim, Silly question, but you are using the proper format in your parameter section? Here is what I just did and it works. Go to your axis assignment in FSUIPC as you know how to do. Go page and work on your rocker axis. Move it so FSUIPC can see it. Go to your "Set up to 10 ranges for action" section. By default you will be working on "1" Here is the tricky part. Center your axis (Rocker) push down on it and you should see the in and out windows populate with positive and negative numbers. The From and the To windows will be where you desire your range to be. On my set up my "1" range is From window is -6837 and my To Window is - 387. That determines my range of travel of my axis, for the "1" or FIRST range. Within that AXIS range I want my RUDDER TRIM to move to the RIGHT very slow. SO THEN CHECK both the UP and the Down box. In the control sent when range entered select Offset Sword Increment. IN THE OFFSET box put in x0C04 IN THE PARAMETER box put in 64/16383 This will give you a slower rate of trim. MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THE BOX THAT SAYS " CONTROL TO REPEAT WHILST IN RANGE" Super important. :) Now check it. It should move the trim slowly. Wash rinse repeat for step 2 MY Step 2 or 2nd "2" range goes like this. 2 From = -16384 To = -6837 <-- That number is where I left off on the first range. Its important. Its the start of the second range of the axis. Again check both the up and the down boxes. In the "Control sent when range entered" box again, make sure you have "Offset Sword Increment" selected In the "Offset window again make sure you have x0C04" In the "Parameter window this time change the 64 to 128. This gives less steps for the trim to travel making the trim travel F A S T E R. So your Parameter window should show 128/16383. Now do the same for two more ranges on your axis going the other direction. To do this simply make sure you change the Control sent when range entered window to Offset Sword Decrement and make sure you put in a "-" in front of the 16383 number in the Parameter window. eg 128/-16383. Again dont forget to check the Control to repeat whist in range box on all of this. LOL I didnt a couple of times and got :angry: at myself. NOW, If none of the above works it might be your axis on the stick itself. It may not be a true axis? I dont know. I did this via my X52. I did not do this on my kids flight stick as he is asleep and if he saw me walking out of his room with his flight stick he'd be up all night. :) Let me know if this works!
  7. Hi Slim, I am no way an expert in offsets but if you look at some of my posts you may get SOME help. Here, this is a repost from a user who posted in my post about offsets. I downloaded the SDK for the programmers guide and also for the list of offsets. From there you can get the proper offset number and start experimenting with them until Pete gets back. I am not sure if you have the proper offset for what you want to do. I have no need for rudder trim as of now so I dont know. I too have the elevator trim set up like you do and yes it rocks!!! Anyway here you go. T here is documentation included in the FSUIPC SDK. Link taken from this page http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html The SDK is listed under the FS2004 section of the site but its actually the same SDK for all supported versions i.e. FS2004, FSX and Prepar3d. http://fsuipc.simfli.../FSUIPC_SDK.zip Good Luck!
  8. Yes absolutely. I must have missed it as I did go through that doc before I posted here about the problem. Either way THANKS so much. If I may, are you any good at offsets for axis? I dabbled with it a while ago and got lost. LOL
  9. Well, THANK YOU fine sir that did it!! Very nice in deed. So the aileron OFFSET is 0C02 and the PARAMETER I am using is 64/16383 for the SWORD INCREMENT and 64/-16383 for the SWORD DECREMENT, and it works VERY VERY well. Much more realistic to the actual aircraft of which I fly. For anyone wishing to use this for your ELEVATOR TRIM the OFFSET is x0BC0 and I use the same parameters for the SWORD INCREMENT and the SWORD DECREMENT as above. The real benefit of this is I have now been able to offload the trim task from one of my axis wheels on my controller and I no longer need the mouse wheel as this is fine enough tuning for what I need. Thanks so much mgh!! :) Where and or how did you find what the offset number was so I can experiment with others.
  10. Hi Pete or anyone who might help. I just used the example given in the main user guide for my registered copy of FSUIPC for the off set elevator trim. With further reading I see I needed the FSUIPC for programers to get the offset for aileron trim. I would like to use the same procedure for my aileron trim. I seached the FSUIPC for programmers and only found the offset for HELO trim. IE 0C06 2 Helo bank (aileron) trim control: ・16383 to +16383, but only when ―ApplyHeloTrim‖set to ‗oth・. Is this the offset for aileron trim as well? 2EB0 8 Aileron trim deflection, in radians, as a double (FLOAT64). Right turn positive, left turn negative. I am new to the offset procedure and would appreciate guidance. THANKS SO MUCH! This works wonderful as I have my X52 set up so I have an AXIS for trim, then another button style trim for slower and then I use my mousewheel as trim for very fine trim adjustments. :)
  11. Thanks again Pete for getting back to me on this. Yes this is for invoking a menu, (Add Ons). I will try the LUAs next.
  12. Hey Pete, I am using FS Widgets EFB and I am finding this bit of software extremely valuable the more I use it. To open the EFB requires a sequence of ALT-D-W-S. Reading through the A.U.G. the sequencial button assignment looks like what I need. I have this working using button number 7. Here is how I programmed the FSUIPC.INI file [buttons] .. 21=P0,7,K68,24 22=P0,7,K87,0 23=P0,7,K83,0 The problem is that this sequence on my system is unreliable. Sometimes this works the first time I press button number 7 or the third time, or yet not until the tenth press, etc. I tested and re-tested to no avail. So what I did was to try this using two different buttons. Buttons 0 and 14. The reasoning for this is that the 0 and 14 are actually two buttons in one (trigger) on the X52. How I coded this is... [buttons] .. 21=P0,0,K68,24 22=P0,0,K87,0 23=P0,14,K83,0 This works well test after test and I am more or less happy with it. I would like to be able to do this all on one button however. Is this possible? What is not to understand mainly here is why this doesn't work with reliability on one button. I must have overlooked something. Thanks Pete! If I can get this to work on one button I would like to assign this to bring up FSUIPC in the same manner. :grin:
  13. Yes sir! You are correct!! :mrgreen: As much as I would love to learn the finer points to this issue I am a bit pressed for time. I'm headed back to FSX SP2. Thanks again Pete for your quick response!
  14. Hello again Pete and thanks in advance for fielding my latest situation. CTD here too. Windows 7 FSX Gold. I removed this installation so as I can use a different plane. I can use the sim time before I go fly the real thing. I reinstalled FSX Delux as I need to run Carenado's 210 which does not run on SP2. I reinstalled FSX Delux into C:\Flight Simulator X. Tested FSX. Loads and appears to work fine until I add FSUIPC4.703. Now I know the problem is on my end since before the reinstall of FSX Delux, FSUIPC4.703 had been running perfectly. I checked into the FAQ mentioned above by the way and I cannot get the "publishers" tab on my internet options. For some reason its not there on my Windows 7 Home install version. I read this current post but since my situation is a slight bit different I thought I would start here if that is ok with you. Thanks for your help on this. Here is the FSUIPC.log, DLL.XML and there was no EXE.xml ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.703 by Pete Dowson ********* Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... User Name="You know who I am :grin: " User Addr=" :grin: " FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired Running inside FSX on Windows 7 (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07) Module base=61000000 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed DebugStatus=15 999 System time = 31/08/2011 16:49:59 999 FLT path = "C:\Users\Mark\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 999 FS path = "C:\Flight Simulator X\" 1467 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 1576 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 1576 WARNING: Failed to install Mouse Macro hooks! 15398 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect! 15398 Trying another version of SimConnect ... 15569 Trying to connect to SimConnect SP1 May07 ... 15585 Now running with SimConnect SP1 May07 15585 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay [ DLL.XML ] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"> <Descr>Launch</Descr> <Filename>dll.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad> <Launch.Addon> <Name>Object Placement Tool</Name> <Disabled>True</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\object_placement.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>Traffic Toolbox</Name> <Disabled>True</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>Visual Effects Tool</Name> <Disabled>True</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>FSUIPC 4</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>Modules\FSUIPC4.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document> [EXE.XML] was not listed in the folder containing (FSX.CFG)
  15. Yes you did. I was simply having trouble making heads or tails. Got it now. Thanks again for the patience and the help. Jet.
  16. No response needed. TY
  17. Hoping to shed some more light on this. From my part of the world, "What is not to understand" comes across like (How can you not understand this easy material). Where by now I see you are saying it more as (What is it that you are not understanding about this... Shortened now to "What is not to understand." I get what you are now asking me or how you are asking me. In other words the tone got lost over the Atlantic somwhere I think Pete. ;-) Also on my end in return, I was doing a poor job of asking you WHY I got that message. I see where it could be interpreted as me asking what does this message mean. Yes you and I agree it means what it says. I should have asked why did I GET this message. Now I have a better understanding of it. It is because we are programming the buttons via the .ini file. and that method (locks you out) of that particuar button via the interface because it is now conditional on another button's condition.. If I understand that correctly.
  18. Fair enough. BIG missunderstanding then. It seemed as if you were expecting me to know all the ins and outs of this, when you responsd with comments like, "What is not to understand." In my mind, there was ( a lot ) not to understand as this material is new for me. On my end that came across as rude. A person can take that as something other than what you meant which is what I did. Now that you have clarified that with your post I better understand how you are trying to help. I appologize for the above, I just thought I was being flamed in the forum and I took offense, whilst all I was trying to do was learn. ;-) Pete, my approach to learning new material is to first, understand things an item at a time, one by one, line by line. I do not learn well reading pages of new material and then go make it all work somehow. I do not have that kind of photographic memory. When I made the syntax error in my .ini line above, I read no further in the text simply because the next paragraph or two deals with button flags. I was simply not ready to go on to that. Your examples for the compound switches 1=CP(+1,1)0,3, ... 2=CP(+1,2)0,3, ... 3=CP(+1,3)0,3, ...even further down in the material did not register to me as the (exact) syntax of the compound switch. That registered to me as syntax for something to do with button flags or something. I am simply explaining how I got lost in your examples and material. If I may, a suggestion would be to give a working example of a compound switch (exactly after) the N=CP(+j2,b2)j,b... like you gave me with [52=CP(+0,7)0,9,C66059,0] above. First that would have made things clear. Second, it would have been handy to merely cut and paste [52=CP(+0,7)0,9,C66059,0] into my .ini file. All I would have had to do was plug in the joystick button numbers, restart FS and viala it would have worked. Once I got the syntax from you, plugged the line into my .ini file, started FS, and saw the compound switch work, the syntax and the commands became more clear. Even though this is the A.U.G. it would be nice to see more clarity sections like the "Appendix: Axis assignment in FSUIPC4 – 10x2 Commandments" (User Guide). I found that a really nice tool. Nice and simple and very clear to follow.
  19. I was looking for a way to make a work around "mode switch" with this section of the AUG. I cannot figure out why you missed that line. That is why I took the trouble to understand this. Sorry. I'll ask for help somewhere else. This is probably why not too many people venture over here. Sorry to waste your time.
  20. Great News! It worked. So now that I get this to work, I do not understand the next message. Sorry in advance for not understanding why I cant assign this button to something else. I was looking for a way to make a work around "mode switch" with this section of the AUG. Am I missunderstanding the whole concept of conditional switches?
  21. In my .ini per A.U.G., [General] .. [buttons] .. 51=R0,27,Cx32000BC0,x3FFF0040 52=CP(+j0,b7)9,C66059,0 Button 7 has to be on (held down) for button 9 to turn on the landing lights. That is what I am trying to accomplish. No luck so far. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I have tried to test this a number of times. Re-Loaded FS each time. Experimented with different buttons. Ensured they were the correct buttons via FSUIPC interface.
  22. I understand where it is now. In following how to try to attempt what I wanted to do from (how to get the most from your flight stick) it brought me directly to multi button programming. Skipping past the key definitions. Now I have something to work with. Thanks Pete.
  23. Me Too. I am thinking I am too dumb to figure out the AUG. What I would like to do is on say a Saitek X52 is hold down Button 6 and make available several other (already programmed buttons). Kind of like the Mode Switch on the X52 that now is nothing more than a lovely colored light that offers a great mood effect but little else. :blink: This would be handy to turn on less used systems like lights, master switch, avionics switch, etc. I spent the balance of the evening going over the AUG and to no avail. Google too. I just cannot figure out the CU CP in other words... 16=H1,2,K69,8 17=H1,2,K49,8 Presses and holds the ‗E‘ key then presses and holds the ‗1‘ key, so both are pressed together. They are both released (in the same order) when the button is released. 18=P1,3,K69,8 19=P1,3,K49,8 20=P1,3,K50,8 21=P1,3,K51,8 22=P1,3,K52,8 Presses and releases ‗E‘, then ‗1‘, ‗2‘, ‗3‘, and ‗4‘ in rapid succession, selecting all Engines. 23=P2,3,K76,24 24=P2,3,K65,8 25=P2,3,K69,8 or n=CP(+j2,b2)j,b, .... n=CU(+j2,b2)j,b, ... n=CP(–j2,b2)j,b, ... n=CU(–j2,b2)j,b, ... :blink: :shock: :???: :cry: First is there an idiots guide to button codes? :mrgreen: Second, can I even do what I want to do? Thanks in advance :?: :smile: Jet.
  24. Actually, you can use the F2 button for reverse via the X52 and FSUIPC. I have done this many times with great success. However you have to check the "enable joystick" in MSFS using a mix of FSUIPC and your controller. Caviat here is that you might have your axes reset into MSFS rather than staying put via FSU. I find that rarely happens. X52... Select Buttons/Switches GO TO THE SELECT FOR KEYPRESS SIDE. Push "Set" Button. Push your "F2" Button on your keyboard. (Selects Reduce throttles in MSFS). Select Keypress to be repeated while held. (Self Explanitory). Push the (Second) "Set" Button. Push your F1 Button on your keyboard. (Sets your throttles to idle when you release whatever button you assign this to). Enjoy! (NOTE) After figuring out axis range and multiple commands on one axis I now have my reverses and spoilers on my x52 slider via FSUIPC. Seemed logical as in jets you'd use them in that combo on landings. Of course I set this into my jet profiles as well. Gotta love profiles.
  25. HA! You two beat me to it. My next question was just that. I hope Pete doesn't mind us chatting on this here but it pertains totally to my question. I wanted to know if there is some way to set the (cfg) file up so it goes where I want. Once I become educated on that, then there would probably be a neat tool or device, (something) that can give the casual user some relief on this. I figured that since the screen (let's say upper panel) shows up at (some) size, then then there has to be something that tells it to be that size when you either load the aircraft after a new install, or some software or change in the program makes it resize to that default. So if it can resize to that default, it would be nice to find out what causes that and change it to fit the end user's needs. I'm headed over to the devolopers forum for some guidance on this. THANKS guys, if you get some more info, let me know! Jet
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