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Everything posted by Adamski

  1. Pete - I hope you had a nice break ... and you're suitably refreshed to tackle the 64-bit DLL!!! I think you'll be amazed - not so much by how many people use FSUIPC, but how much those of us that do actually depend on it. Adam.
  2. Fantastic - many thanks, Pete! Adam.
  3. Great news, Pete! That appears to have nailed it! I did nothing part from doing the log change. I copied over the new 4957b DLL and set FixControlAcceleration to "Yes". My FSUIPC weather options are still set to off (or disabled) but that's OK - I never fiddle with weather related stuff in FSUIPC anyway. I've made a few flights - using default or complex add-on aircraft with no problems. OPUS weather and Live Camera are behaving normally. Do you still want/need any logs from me? Many thanks, Adam
  4. My P3D always starts up with the aircraft selection menu (whatever it's called). I have the Baron as my default starting aircraft. In many of the tests, I hit the "OK" button without making any further selection. At other times (wondering whether it was perhaps aircraft related) I'd select a different aircraft and then launch. Sorry if I'm a bit unclear: by "immediately" I meant "immediately after clicking the launch aircraft button". I need to be a bit more precise! I'll set the default start to the generic P3D F-22 Raptor at its default start position next time - or just rename the file as you suggest - which will force P3D to load its basic default, will it not? I'll do the log setting and also move the wx files out of the way somewhere (it's what I meant by "delete" anyway)! Too late tonight - I'll have another play tomorrow - and check out the Windows error log in case there's anything new there. FSUIPC has been working like a dream until this latest P3D 3.4.9 update. I'm dead keen to help find out what the problem is. At least I can always switch the FixControlAcceleration setting back to "No" when I fancy some light relief! Adam.
  5. Pete - here's the debrief (!): 1) Copied over the new 4957a DLL (thanks). No "Control Timer" log entries in any of the logs (unless I'm blind!). 2) Reinstated the FixControlAcceleration option (set to yes). Instant crash (twice). 3) Deleted the wxstationlist.bin file (though didn't delete all my .WX files as they related to themes. But will try deleting all those later (if all else fails). 4) Wondered whether my OPUS auto-start was maybe kicking things off too early, so commented out the entry from [Programs] - and started OPUS FSI manually a short while after entering the aircraft. Result: P3D crash instantly on OPUS load. 5) Tried the same again - but waited longer before starting OPUS - and reinstated the wxstationlist.bin file. Worked fine. 6) As 5) - but deleted the wxstationlist.bin file. Instant crash on aircraft load. Didn't even get a chance to load up OPUS. 7) Added WeatherReadFactor=0 and NoWeatherAtAll=Yes in FSUIPC.ini. Deleted wxstationlist.bin - crash - same as before. 8) Same test as 7) but managed to get into the aircraft and could enter the FSUIP GUI. Crash on OPUS FSI start up. 9) As 8) but with wxstationlist.bin reinstated. Crash after a minute or so (still no OPUS loaded). 10) As 9) but with the.wx file for my default start deleted. Crash when going to outside view (still no OPUS loaded). 11) In desperation - set FixControlAccel=No. Sod's law - everything works fine. I also use OPUS for all my camera views/controls. Could that have anything to do with it? See [10]. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eqzdbx9974b4aja/fsuipc_crashlog2_adam.zip?dl=0 Do you want any Windows error reports? Anything else I can do, Sir? ;-) Adam.
  6. Wow, Peter - I'd no idea things can get as complicated as that! I'll go through your recommendations step by step and report back. :-) Thanks! Adam.
  7. Hi Pete - I have a similar problem - but the culprit in my case appears to be the "FixControlAccel=Yes" setting. I had repeated crashes with 4.57 (I skipped 4.56) but put that down to maybe a corrupt (or out of date) fsuipc.ini. I thought I had it all fixed after rebuilding the ini from scratch (using 4.57). Even the "FixControlAccel=Yes" setting appeared to be OK. However - returning to P3D at some stage later I had the same crash. Setting "FixControlAccel=No" fixed it. I'm not at my sim PC at the moment, but will post the log here later, if it helps. Adam. EDIT: Here are the two logs (successful and crash): https://www.dropbox.com/s/vme4wb2vhflrxv8/fsuipc_crashlog.zip?dl=0
  8. Pete - this may not be the right place - but a quick vote of thanks for your continuing work on FSUIPC. I've been using it for so long I just take it for granted. Keep taking the tablets! :lol: To stay on topic - I've always upgraded as soon as I've heard of a new version. Touch wood, I haven't been caught out yet. Adam.
  9. Thanks, Pete. I value your opinion ... looks like it'll go on Santa's list ;-)
  10. Wow, Pete ... that was *fast* ... thank you ... at least you've put me out of my misery! I've re-enabled them in the past when I'm in "photo-shoot mode" but often forget to disable it again and wonder why my controls have gone erratic! I looked at EZCA but was a bit leery of all the key assignments that needed to be set up. Is that much of an issue (for someone not quite as savvy as you, LOL)?
  11. Thanks to some great help here, I've managed to pretty well stabilise my (fairly spikey) X-52 Saitek throttle/stick and CH rudder combination. This required passing all axis & control management via FSUIPC and disabling the FSX controllers option. All good so far. However - I often compose fancy screen shots and used to use the mouse-yoke-pan function to fine tune my [outside] views with the mouse, as panning around with my POV hats was too coarse. I've found that the "mouse-yoke-pan" function only works when FSX controllers are enabled. Is there a way round this?
  12. This should be printed in red and bold in the manual! :wink: I followed those instructions (which are pretty good, I have to say) but I think my pots may be past it. I don't just get small spikes - I get really huge values at the very beginning, then a smooth bit and a final huge value when the pedal is all the way down. I did calibrate just short of this last spike - or I couldn't have got them to work at all! It's that huge spike at the beginning that causes the brakes to jam on - just when you're taxiing past the control tower :lol: On the subject of spiky pots - it's great to see Bob Church around in this forum. I'm a long time Falcon/Thrustmaster customer of his! I have every hope that FSUIPC can do in software what his digital chips did in hardware for my venerable TM gear 8) I'll have another go at calibrating - but it's already 100x better than it was - much appreciated! EDIT/UPDATE: Last calibration seems to have totally tamed the beast :D
  13. Well - I'm embarrassed :oops: to say I think I've solved it! The advice here got me thinkingthat nothing was being sent by the TBso I re-did my calibration and set my DELTA to a much smaller value. I'd set it unnaturally high as I was getting a fair few spurious spikes that were jamming the brakes on when taxiing. I found a sweet spot that didn't trigger the brakes, yet was enough for FSUIPC to "see" the axes. I've tested it about four times now - each time from a fresh FSX startup - and all is OKyay!!! Thanks to both Petes here for pointing me in the right directionI'm a happy camper :D
  14. Thanks Pete D and Pete H (!!). I must say I'm still a bit perplexed by this. I agree that the toe brakes shouldn't be behaving differently. I updated to 4.616. 1) I disabled power management for all USB devices (then rebooted). 2) Started up FSX without touching any controllers. Same problem. All axes work except the toe brakes. 3) Restarted FSX, but kept moving the toe brakes as the flight loaded. This time, the axes were recognised, but didn't appear to be calibrated properly. Opening up the FSUIPC window gets things back to normal again. How can I check if they're operating "digitally"? As far as I can make out, they apply gradually - more pressure gives greater braking effect. I suspect that my TB calibration is somehow not quite as it should be. I've scoured various posts as to how to do it but can't see where I may be going wrong. Adam.
  15. FSUIPC 4.60a. I have a Saitek X52 throttle/stick plus CH rudders with toe brakes. All axes are UNassigned in FSX. Everything calibrates and works fine via FSUIPC- all my additional axes (rudder, toe brakes, reverser, prop, mixture) are mapped to various rotaries or sliders ... However - I seem to need to open up FSUIPC and just use one additional axis and closing the window (without making any changes whatsoever) before FSX "sees" my toe brakes. When I'm in this pre-open FSUIPC window "limbo", all my axes operate fine - except the toe brakes. It's not a huge problem - I make a point of opening and closing FSUIPC for each new FSX session, but I'm wondering whether this can be avoided. It feels like FSUIPC isn't quite initiliasing properly on startup. My first post here, so be gentle with me! *Great* program, BTW Pete! EDIT: Just installed 4.616. Same issue. Correction to the above: simply opening and closing the FSUIPC window kicks things off.
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