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Everything posted by Delta14Sierra

  1. Pete, Here is the Windows Log: Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14 Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00000000 Faulting process id: 0x8a4 Faulting application start time: 0x01cd165999cc10c7 Faulting application path: D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe Faulting module path: unknown Report Id: 6941ae98-824d-11e1-a755-001fd081ae61 I did some further testing and I think I have narrowed things down a little. The line from the ipcReady.log with the strange characters in the filename references a lua script (setupDuke.lua) which contains the following entries: -- Load Linda ipc.runlua("Linda") -- Instruments using GF-166 displays ipc.runlua("FT-Timer.lua") ipc.runlua("Duke-ADF1.lua") ipc.runlua("Duke-FL-XPDR.lua") ipc.runlua("DME-Select.lua") ipc.runlua("Altimeter.lua") ipc.runlua("CabinAlt.lua") ipc.runlua("Oil-Temp-Press.lua") -- LEDs of GF-RP48 modules ipc.runlua("Flaps.lua") -- Flaps ipc.runlua("ATC-LED.lua") -- ATC LEDs ipc.runlua("GPS-LED.lua") -- GPS LEDs ipc.runlua("GF-LEDs.lua") -- Sound/Ident LEDs ipc.runlua("ATC-Popup-LED.lua") -- GoFlight Modules Cold & Dark ipc.runlua("GF-Dark.lua") Suspecting that one or more of the above LUA scripts is causing the problem, I "commented out" (--) all of the lines. I then "uncommented" each line one-by-one followed by a launch of FSX. The ONLY line that is causing the above issue is: ipc.runlua("linda"). Below is the Linda.log ********* LUA: "Linda" Log [from FSUIPC version 4.82] ********* 197980 System time = 09/04/2012 10:07:58, Simulator time = 10:04:49 (18:04Z) 197980 ˜±t` LUA.0: beginning "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\M2°­2 As a final check, I "commented out" --ipc.runlua("linda"), but "uncommented" all of the other ipc.runlua entries. FSX launched without issue. So unless I am missing something else, it appears to me that the issue has something to do with the launch of LINDA.
  2. Please direct me as to where to find this info.
  3. Please be patient...next two days are hectic for me. Will be back in touch on Tuesday.
  4. I also do not know what those strange characters are in the file names. It appears to me as though they are corrupted. I do NOT have a Modules\DLL folder. I do have a number of DLL files in the Modules folder: A2A_Feel.dll AccuFeelMenu.dll ActiGate.dll FSSimTimMenu.dll FSUIPC.DLL FSUIPC4.dll GFDev.dll pfcfsx.dll sb3gaugebridge.dll ViMaCore2004.DLL ViMaIScn.DLL ViMaNET.DLL
  5. Pete, Here is a start... ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.82 by Pete Dowson ********* FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=61000000 609 System time = 07/04/2012 11:05:54 609 FLT path = "C:\Users\D14S\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 640 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... 656 FS path = "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" 2762 Run: "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe" 2871 Run: "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\NAVCOM_v8a.exe" 2964 LogOptions=80000000 00000001 2964 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed 2964 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok 2964 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 2964 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 11139 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 11139 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 11139 FSUIPC Menu entry added 11170 C:\Users\D14S\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\Default.FLT 11170 D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\RealAir Duke Turbine\RealAir_Duke_Turbine.AIR 118546 System time = 07/04/2012 11:07:52, Simulator time = 11:06:01 (19:06Z) 119996 Aircraft="RealAir Beech Duke Turbine Winglets Era" 120043 Starting everything now ... 120106 Using "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\GFDEV.DLL", version 120106 GoFlight GFLGT detected: 1 device 120106 GoFlight GF166 detected: 5 devices 120106 GoFlight GFMCP detected: 1 device 120106 GoFlight GFRP48 detected: 3 devices FSUIPC.INI file: [AUTO] [General] UpdatedByVersion=4820 History=D9ZRTPK6FSKONVC9S3WHU MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No FixControlAccel=No FixMachSpeedBug=No VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=Yes CloudIcing=Yes GenerateCirrus=Yes SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=No TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=Yes WindSmoothness=-1 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No PressureSmoothness=50 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=No ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=Yes LoadPlanMenu=Yes PauseAfterCrash=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 SaveDataWithFlights=Yes ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=No UseProfiles=Yes TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No WeatherReadFactor=5 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 Console=No GetNearestAirports=Yes LuaRerunDelay=66 ConsoleWindow=-8,-8,669,1143 EnableMouseLook=Yes InitDelay=0 AxesWrongRange=No DeleteVehiclesForAES=Yes LogLua=Yes MouseWheelMove=No AutoScanDevices=Yes FSVersionUsed="Microsoft Flight Simulator X",10.0.61637.0 SimConnectUsed=10.0.61259.0 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 1.GUID={6FFCBF40-DB82-11DE-8001-444553540000} 0=PFC USB Joystick 0.GUID={E005A440-B81E-11DF-8001-444553540000} 4=BU0836X Interface 4.GUID={46426490-950B-11E0-8001-444553540000} 3=GoFlight GF-TQ6 Throttle System 3.GUID={873E2BE0-CB13-11DF-8007-444553540000} 2=BU0836X Interface 2.GUID={C5E58370-808A-11E0-8001-444553540000} [buttons] !PollInterval=25 !ButtonRepeat=20,10 PollInterval=15 ButtonRepeat=75,0 !1=;PFC Yoke Unswitched !1=CR(-2,2)2,0,C65607,0 ;L1-ELEV_TRIM_DN !2=CR(-2,2)2,1,C65615,0 ;L2-ELEV_TRIM_UP !3=CP(-2,2)2,4,K65,9 ;R1-View Previous In Category !4=CP(-2,2)2,5,K65,8 ;R2-View Next In Category !5=CP(-2,2)2,6,C65580,0 ;RPB-AP_MASTER 6=P16,18,K71,8 7=CP(-2,2)165,2,C65759,0 ;FLAPS_UP-FLAPS_DECR 8=CP(-2,2)165,1,C65758,0 ;FLAPS_DN-FLAPS_INCR !2=;PFC Yoke Switched !9=CP(+2,2)2,0,K50,9 ;L1-GPS !10=CP(+2,2)2,1,C65564,0 ;L2-ATC !11=CP(+2,2)2,4,K83,8 ;R1-View Next Category !12=CP(+2,2)2,5,K83,9 ;R2-View Previous Category !13=CP(+2,2)2,6,K66,8 ;RPB-ALTIMETER_RESET 14=CP(+2,2)165,2,C66483,0 ;FLAPS_UP-TOGGLE_PUSHBACK 15=CP(+2,2)165,1,C65589,0 ;FLAPS_DN-SPOILERS !3=;GF-RP48-A (175,Buttons=0-7,R1=8-11,R2=12-15,R3=16-19,R4=20-23) !4=;GF-RP48-B (174,Buttons=0-7,R1=8-11,R2=12-15,R3=16-19,R4=20-23) !5=;GF-T8-A (109,Buttons=0-7) !6=;GF-T8-B (109,Buttons=8-15) !7=;GF-P8-A (101,Buttons=0-7) !8=;GF-166-NAV1 (141,Buttons=0-2) 37=P101,6,C65793,0 44=P109,15,CL1:R,2 46=U109,15,CL1:R,1 !47=P101,6,C66375,0 ;TOGGLE_GPS_DRIVES_NAV1 !48=U101,6,C66375,0 ;TOGGLE_GPS_DRIVES_NAV1 50=P101,5,C66181,0 51=P101,7,C66288,0 52=P101,4,C66180,0 56=P174,5,C66477,0 81=P101,0,C66172,0 82=P109,11,CL26:R,1 83=U109,11,CL26:R,2 84=P109,8,C66241,0 85=U109,8,C66241,0 86=P109,9,C66339,0 87=U109,9,C66339,0 88=P109,10,C66242,0 89=U109,10,C66242,0 90=P109,12,C66338,0 91=U109,12,C66338,0 92=P109,13,C66072,0 93=U109,13,C66073,0 94=P109,14,C66287,0 95=U109,14,C66287,0 96=P101,1,C66173,0 97=P101,2,C66174,0 98=P101,3,C66175,0 105=P0,38,CL49:R,3 106=U0,38,CL49:R,4 228=P174,6,C65846,0 229=P174,7,C65844,0 248=P126,0,C65876,3 265=P174,0,C66463,0 284=P174,1,C66464,0 286=P142,24,CL15:R,4 295=P142,18,CL15:R,5 300=P142,27,CL15:R,3 311=P174,2,C66465,0 312=P174,3,C65842,0 313=P175,0,C66172,0 314=P175,1,C66173,0 315=P175,2,C66174,0 316=P175,3,C66175,0 317=P175,4,C66176,0 318=P175,5,C66177,0 319=P175,6,C66178,0 320=P175,7,C66179,0 327=P125,16,C65876,3 328=P175,10,CL3:R,1 329=U175,10,CL3:R,1 330=P175,9,CL3:R,2 331=U175,9,CL3:R,2 332=P175,11,CL3:R,1 333=U175,11,CL3:R,1 334=P175,8,CL3:R,2 335=U175,8,CL3:R,2 336=P175,14,CL3:R,3 337=U175,14,CL3:R,3 338=P175,15,CL3:R,3 339=U175,15,CL3:R,3 340=P175,13,CL3:R,4 341=U175,13,CL3:R,4 342=P175,12,CL3:R,4 343=U175,12,CL3:R,4 344=P175,18,CL3:R,5 345=U175,18,CL3:R,5 346=P175,19,CL3:R,5 347=U175,19,CL3:R,5 348=P175,17,CL3:R,6 349=U175,17,CL3:R,6 350=P175,16,CL3:R,6 351=U175,16,CL3:R,6 352=P175,23,CL3:R,7 353=U175,23,CL3:R,7 354=P175,22,CL3:R,7 355=U175,22,CL3:R,7 356=P175,21,CL3:R,8 357=U175,21,CL3:R,8 358=P175,20,CL3:R,8 359=U175,20,CL3:R,8 362=P142,25,CL15:R,4 363=P142,26,CL15:R,3 368=P142,16,C65793,0 387=P142,17,C66288,0 404=P143,0,CL84:R,1 405=P143,1,CL84:R,2 406=P143,2,CL84:R,3 461=P174,4,C65843,0 493=P0,21,C1084,0 494=U0,21,CL54:R,0 514=P176,0,C66604,0 515=P176,1,C66605,0 516=P176,2,C66606,0 517=P176,3,C66609,0 518=P176,4,C66611,0 519=P176,5,C66612,0 520=P176,6,C66615,0 521=P176,7,C66616,0 522=P2,21,C1084,0 523=U2,21,CL54:R,0 524=P141,17,C65564,0 526=P141,18,C66619,0 536=P141,16,C66624,0 538=P142,1,C66618,0 539=P142,0,C66617,0 540=P142,2,C66619,0 541=P142,9,CL9:R,1 543=P142,8,CL9:R,1 544=U142,8,CL9:R,1 545=P142,10,CL9:R,2 547=P142,11,CL9:R,2 548=U142,11,CL9:R,2 [AutoSave] AutoSaveEnabled=Yes Interval=300 Files=10 SaveOnGround=Yes Next=2 1=Sat 094746 2=Sat 090251 3=Sat 090750 4=Sat 091250 5=Sat 091749 6=Sat 092249 7=Sat 092748 8=Sat 093248 9=Sat 093747 10=Sat 094247 [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=COM0 Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=<none set> Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [WideServer] WideFSenabled=No [Axes] 0=0X,256,D,9,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,14,0,0,0 4=0U,256,D,18,0,0,0 5=0V,256,D,13,0,0,0 6=0S,256,D,33,0,0,0 7=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 8=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 9=1R,256,D,3,0,0,0 10=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 11=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 12=2Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 13=2R,256,D,14,0,0,0 14=2U,256,D,18,0,0,0 15=2V,256,D,13,0,0,0 16=2S,1008,D,33,0,0,0 17=3X,256,D,9,0,0,0 18=3Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 19=3Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 20=3R,256,D,14,0,0,0 21=3U,256,D,18,0,0,0 22=3V,256,D,13,0,0,0 23=3S,256,D,33,0,0,0 24=17X,512,D,9,0,0,0 25=17Y,512,D,10,0,0,0 26=17Z,512,D,17,0,0,0 27=17R,512,D,18,0,0,0 28=17U,512,D,13,0,0,0 29=17V,512,D,14,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration] ExcludeThrottleSet=No ExcludeMixtureSet=No ExcludePropPitchSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 LeftBrake=-16384,16383/16 RightBrake=-16383,16384/16 Rudder=-16384,-512,512,16383 Rudder Trim=-16128,-255,255,255/32 PanHeading=-16384,-512,512,16383/8 AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes Aileron=-15866,-512,512,15866/8 Elevator=-15866,-512,512,15866/8 Rudder=-15866,-512,512,15866 LeftBrake=-15866,15866/16 RightBrake=-15866,15866/16 Throttle1=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Throttle2=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Mixture1=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Mixture2=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 PropPitch1=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 PropPitch2=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Rudder Trim=-16128,-255,255,255/32 PanHeading=-16384,-600,600,16383/8 SlopeLeftBrake=-7 SlopeRightBrake=-7 [Monitor] Display=1 [sounds] Path=D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver [Window.LUA display] !Docked=7424, 3403, 3503, 20 Docked=7411, 2933, 3559, 31 [Axes.Twin Turbine] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,33,0,0,0 4=0U,256,D,18,0,0,0 5=0V,256,D,13,0,0,0 6=0S,256,D,33,0,0,0 7=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 8=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 9=1R,256,D,3,0,0,0 10=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 11=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 12=2Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 13=2V,256,D,13,0,0,0 14=2S,1008,D,33,0,0,0 15=3X,256,D,9,0,0,0 16=3Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 17=3Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 18=3R,256,D,14,0,0,0 19=3U,256,D,18,0,0,0 20=3V,256,D,13,0,0,0 21=3S,256,D,33,0,0,0 22=17X,512,D,9,0,0,0 23=17Y,512,D,10,0,0,0 24=17Z,512,D,17,0,0,0 25=17R,512,D,18,0,0,0 26=17U,512,D,13,0,0,0 27=17V,512,D,14,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Twin Turbine] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=No ExcludeMixtureSet=No ExcludePropPitchSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-13145,-512,512,15473/8 Elevator=-15139,-512,512,15018/8 Rudder=-16384,-512,512,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,16383/16 RightBrake=-16384,16383/16 Throttle1=-16042,-5802,-5632,16042 Throttle2=-16207,-5109,-4933,16207 Mixture1=-16384,8192,8192,16046/32 Mixture2=-16384,8192,8192,15679/32 PropPitch1=-16211,0,512,15521/32 PropPitch2=-16384,0,512,15849/32 SyncSlopePropPitch2=9/6,24/20,34/31,46/42,57/53,69/65,79/77,91/90,95/94,105/106,113/114,120/120,127/128 Rudder Trim=-16128,-255,255,255/32 PanHeading=-16384,-600,600,16383/8 SyncSlopeMixture2=1/0,23/19,36/32,47/43,57/50,66/64,80/77,92/89,96/95,104/104,112/112,116/116,120/120,125/124 SlopePanHeading=7 SlopeAileron=2 SlopeElevator=2 SlopeLeftBrake=15 SlopeRightBrake=15 SlopeRudder=2 SyncSlopeThrottle2=37/36,43/43,55/55,67/68,73/70,85/83,102/103,113/112,127/128 [Axes.Twin Piston] 0=0X,256,D,9,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,14,0,0,0 4=0U,256,D,18,0,0,0 5=0V,256,D,13,0,0,0 6=0S,256,D,33,0,0,0 7=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 8=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 9=1R,256,D,3,0,0,0 10=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 11=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 12=2Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 13=2R,256,D,14,0,0,0 14=2U,256,D,18,0,0,0 15=2V,256,D,13,0,0,0 16=2S,1008,D,33,0,0,0 17=3X,256,D,9,0,0,0 18=3Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 19=3Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 20=3R,256,D,14,0,0,0 21=3U,256,D,18,0,0,0 22=3V,256,D,13,0,0,0 23=17X,512,D,9,0,0,0 24=17Y,512,D,10,0,0,0 25=17Z,512,D,17,0,0,0 26=17R,512,D,18,0,0,0 27=17U,512,D,13,0,0,0 28=17V,512,D,14,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Twin Piston] ExcludeThrottleSet=No ExcludeMixtureSet=No ExcludePropPitchSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 LeftBrake=-16384,16383/16 RightBrake=-16383,16384/16 Rudder=-16384,-512,512,16383 Rudder Trim=-16128,-255,255,255/32 PanHeading=-16384,-512,512,16383/8 AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes Aileron=-15866,-512,512,15866/8 Elevator=-15866,-512,512,15866/8 Rudder=-15866,-512,512,15866 LeftBrake=-15866,15866/16 RightBrake=-15866,15866/16 Throttle1=-16213,-512,512,15530/32 Throttle2=-16031,-512,512,16031/32 Mixture1=-16384,8192,8192,16046/32 Mixture2=-16205,8192,8192,15855/32 PropPitch1=-16211,0,512,16211/32 PropPitch2=-16203,0,512,16205/32 Rudder Trim=-16128,-255,255,255/32 PanHeading=-16384,-600,600,16383/8 SlopeLeftBrake=15 SlopeRightBrake=15 SyncSlopeThrottle2=68/67,90/89,113/114,126/126 SyncSlopeMixture2=55/49,77/75,103/105,120/121 SyncSlopePropPitch2=55/53,72/68,87/84,108/106,124/123 SlopeAileron=2 SlopeRudder=1 [Axes.Quad Piston] 0=0X,256,D,9,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,14,0,0,0 4=0U,256,D,18,0,0,0 5=0V,256,D,13,0,0,0 6=0S,256,D,33,0,0,0 7=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 8=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 9=1R,256,D,3,0,0,0 10=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 11=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 12=2Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 13=2R,256,D,14,0,0,0 14=2U,256,D,18,0,0,0 15=2V,256,D,13,0,0,0 16=2S,1008,D,33,0,0,0 17=3X,256,D,1,0,0,0 18=3Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 19=3R,256,D,33,0,0,0 20=3S,256,D,33,0,0,0 21=17X,512,D,9,0,0,0 22=17Y,512,D,10,0,0,0 23=17Z,512,D,17,0,0,0 24=17R,512,D,18,0,0,0 25=17U,512,D,13,0,0,0 26=17V,512,D,14,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Quad Piston] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=No ExcludeMixtureSet=No ExcludePropPitchSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapThr12to34=Yes MapProp12to34=Yes MapMix12to34=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-15866,-512,512,15866/8 Elevator=-15866,-512,512,15866/8 Rudder=-15866,-512,512,15866 LeftBrake=-15866,15866/16 RightBrake=-15866,15866/16 Throttle1=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Throttle2=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Mixture1=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Mixture2=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 PropPitch1=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 PropPitch2=-15866,-15866,-15000,15866/32 Rudder Trim=-16128,-255,255,255/32 PanHeading=-16384,-600,600,16383/8 SlopeLeftBrake=-7 SlopeRightBrake=-7 [Profile.Twin Turbine] 1=Twin Turbine 2=RealAir Beech Duke Turbine N626N Winglets Ventral 3=RealAir Beech Duke Turbine Winglets Era [Profile.Twin Piston] 1=Twin Piston 2=RealAir Beech Duke N1873K Winglets Ventral 3=Islander 00 [Profile.Quad Piston] 1=Quad Piston [buttons.Twin Piston] 0=P4,0,CL44:R,5 1=U4,0,CL44:R,6 2=P4,1,CL44:R,5 3=U4,1,CL44:R,6 4=P0,1,CL44:R,5 5=U0,1,CL44:R,6 [MacroFiles] 1=767 2=iFly737 3=leveld767 4=XPDR_Set [LuaFiles] 1=Altimeter 2=Annunciators 3=Avionics-PWR 4=C172-Timer-XPDR 5=CabinAlt 6=DeIceTwinEng 7=display vals 8=DME-Initialize 9=DME-Select 10=Duke-ADF1 11=Duke-ADF2 - Copy 12=Duke-ADF2-orig 13=Duke-ADF2-Workin 14=Duke-ADF2 15=Duke-FL-XPDR 16=Duke-Timer-XPDR 17=DukeAvionics 18=DukeBeaconLights 19=DukeCowlFlaps 20=DukeDeIce 21=DukeFuelPump 22=DukeIgnition 23=DukeInverter 24=DukeInverter2 25=DukeLandLights 26=DukeMstrWarning 27=DukeNavLights 28=DukePitotHeat 29=DukeTankSelector 30=ET-Timer-Left 31=ET-Timer 32=FT-Timer-Left 33=FT-Timer 34=GF-166-0 35=GF-166-1-LED 36=GF-166-1 37=GF-166-2-LED 38=GF-166-2 39=GF-166-3 40=GF-Dark 41=GF-ModDisp 42=GF-RP48-0-LED 43=GF-RP48-1-LED 44=GF-RP48-2-ATC 45=GF-RP48-2-LED 46=GF-RP48-2a-LED 47=GF-RP48-3 48=GF-RP48-ATC 49=GF-RP48-LED 50=GF-Setup 51=GF166-Timer-XPDR 52=gfdDisplay 53=GFpower 54=ipcReady 55=Kneeboard 56=liar 57=linda 58=log lvars 59=Magnetos 60=MasterSwitches 61=NavCom1 62=NavCom2 63=Overspeed 64=RandomFailure 65=set 66=setup 67=setupAircraft 68=setupC172 69=setupDefault 70=setupDuke 71=ToggleMB 72=YD-OnOff 73=YD 74=Duke-ADF1 - Copy 75=Duke-ADF2-back 76=Duke-ADF1-AAA 77=poll-GF166-1 78=pollrate 79=HidDemo 80=poll-rate 81=Altimeter-NOT 82=AltimeterYES 83=Duke-ADF1YES 84=Duke-ADF-Swap 85=Duke-ADF2-YES 86=ATC-LED 87=ATC-Popup-LED 88=Compass 89=Flaps 90=CabinAlt-bak 91=CabinAlt-bak1 92=CabinAlt1 93=CabinAlt2 94=Duke-ADF-Swap-ba 95=GPS-LED 96=GF-LEDs 97=GF-RP48-0 98=GF-LEDs-bak 99=GPS-LED-orig 100=GF-LEDs-old 101=NC165 102=common 103=Oil-Temp-Press [Programs] RunIf1=CLOSE,D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe RunIf2=CLOSE,D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\NAVCOM_v8a.exe !RunIf3=CLOSE,D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FPS_Limiter\FPS_Limiter.exe /r:D3D9 /f:25 /x:ON /l:ON !RunIf3=CLOSE,"C:\Users\Schumm\Desktop\RemoteFlight Server.appref-ms" !Run1=CLOSE,D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\GFdisplay.exe !Run1=CLOSE,C:\Program Files (x86)\FSWidgets Network Pack\FSWNetHost.exe [Keys] 1=N49,8,66172,0 [Profile.Single Prop] 1=Flight One Skyhawk 172R KUMP [Keys.Twin Turbine] 1=N49,8,66172,0 [buttons.Twin Turbine] 6=P16,18,K71,8 7=CP(-2,2)165,2,C65759,0 ;FLAPS_UP-FLAPS_DECR 8=CP(-2,2)165,1,C65758,0 ;FLAPS_DN-FLAPS_INCR 14=CP(+2,2)165,2,C66483,0 ;FLAPS_UP-TOGGLE_PUSHBACK 15=CP(+2,2)165,1,C65589,0 ;FLAPS_DN-SPOILERS 37=P101,6,C65793,0 44=P109,15,CL1:R,2 46=U109,15,CL1:R,1 50=P101,5,C66181,0 51=P101,7,C66288,0 52=P101,4,C66180,0 56=P174,5,C66477,0 81=P101,0,C66172,0 82=P109,11,CL26:R,1 83=U109,11,CL26:R,2 84=P109,8,C66241,0 85=U109,8,C66241,0 86=P109,9,C66339,0 87=U109,9,C66339,0 88=P109,10,C66242,0 89=U109,10,C66242,0 90=P109,12,C66338,0 91=U109,12,C66338,0 92=P109,13,C66072,0 93=U109,13,C66073,0 94=P109,14,C66287,0 95=U109,14,C66287,0 96=P101,1,C66173,0 97=P101,2,C66174,0 98=P101,3,C66175,0 105=P0,38,CL49:R,3 106=U0,38,CL49:R,4 228=P174,6,C65846,0 229=P174,7,C65844,0 248=P126,0,C65876,3 265=P174,0,C66463,0 284=P174,1,C66464,0 286=P142,24,CL15:R,4 295=P142,18,CL15:R,5 300=P142,27,CL15:R,3 311=P174,2,C66465,0 312=P174,3,C65842,0 313=P175,0,C66172,0 314=P175,1,C66173,0 315=P175,2,C66174,0 316=P175,3,C66175,0 317=P175,4,C66176,0 318=P175,5,C66177,0 319=P175,6,C66178,0 320=P175,7,C66179,0 327=P125,16,C65876,3 328=P175,10,CL3:R,1 329=U175,10,CL3:R,1 330=P175,9,CL3:R,2 331=U175,9,CL3:R,2 332=P175,11,CL3:R,1 333=U175,11,CL3:R,1 334=P175,8,CL3:R,2 335=U175,8,CL3:R,2 336=P175,14,CL3:R,3 337=U175,14,CL3:R,3 338=P175,15,CL3:R,3 339=U175,15,CL3:R,3 340=P175,13,CL3:R,4 341=U175,13,CL3:R,4 342=P175,12,CL3:R,4 343=U175,12,CL3:R,4 344=P175,18,CL3:R,5 345=U175,18,CL3:R,5 346=P175,19,CL3:R,5 347=U175,19,CL3:R,5 348=P175,17,CL3:R,6 349=U175,17,CL3:R,6 350=P175,16,CL3:R,6 351=U175,16,CL3:R,6 352=P175,23,CL3:R,7 353=U175,23,CL3:R,7 354=P175,22,CL3:R,7 355=U175,22,CL3:R,7 356=P175,21,CL3:R,8 357=U175,21,CL3:R,8 358=P175,20,CL3:R,8 359=U175,20,CL3:R,8 362=P142,25,CL15:R,4 363=P142,26,CL15:R,3 368=P142,16,C65793,0 387=P142,17,C66288,0 404=P143,0,CL84:R,1 405=P143,1,CL84:R,2 406=P143,2,CL84:R,3 461=P174,4,C65843,0 493=P0,21,C1084,0 494=U0,21,CL54:R,0 496=P142,0,C66617,0 497=P142,2,C66619,0 512=P142,1,C66618,0 514=P176,0,C66604,0 515=P176,1,C66605,0 516=P176,2,C66606,0 517=P176,3,C66609,0 518=P176,4,C66611,0 519=P176,5,C66612,0 520=P176,6,C66615,0 521=P176,7,C66616,0 522=P2,21,C1084,0 523=U2,21,CL54:R,0 524=P141,17,C65564,0 525=P141,16,C66624,0 526=P141,18,C66623,0 536=P141,1,C65876,0 537=P141,0,C65727,0 538=P141,2,CL15:R,5 553=P142,28,C66322,0 554=P142,29,C66322,0 555=P142,30,C66321,0 556=P142,31,C66321,0 557=U142,29,C66322,0 558=U142,28,C66322,0 559=U142,30,C66321,0 560=U142,31,C66321,0 565=U142,26,CL15:R,3 566=U142,27,CL15:R,3 567=U142,25,CL15:R,4 568=U142,24,CL15:R,4 573=P142,9,CL9:R,1 574=U142,9,CL9:R,1 575=P142,8,CL9:R,1 576=U142,8,CL9:R,1 577=P142,10,CL9:R,2 578=U142,10,CL9:R,2 581=P142,13,C65665,0 582=U142,13,C65665,0 583=P142,12,C1029,0 584=U142,12,C1029,0 585=P142,14,C65664,0 586=U142,14,C65664,0 587=P142,15,C1028,0 588=U142,15,C1028,0 ********* LUA: "Linda" Log [from FSUIPC version 4.82] ********* 120121 System time = 07/04/2012 11:07:53, Simulator time = 11:06:01 (19:06Z) 120121 HmÅ` LUA.0: beginning "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\MMp¦Ä ********* LUA: "ipcReady" Log [from FSUIPC version 4.82] ********* 120106 System time = 07/04/2012 11:07:53, Simulator time = 11:06:01 (19:06Z) 120106 ZÃ` LUA.0: beginning "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ModuÀAà 120106 LUA.0: ended "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipŒÃ‘wÒ¥Eüó‚2¤3 120106 System time = 07/04/2012 11:07:53, Simulator time = 11:06:01 (19:06Z) ********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********
  6. I am experiencing an issue that coincides with the installation of FSUIPC 4.82. After setting up and launching into a flight, FSX is crashing at the moment when LINDA and LUA scripts typically load. Subsequent computer reboots and relaunching of FSX results in the same experience. I went back to my previous version of FSUIPC (version 4.811), and the problem went away. I am also able to complete flights, and my LINDA assignments and LUA scripts load and work without issue.
  7. Pete, Thank you for your direction!!!! Below is what I have come up with and it is functioning more to my liking. Just like you said, using the event.gfd made a HUGE difference. However, I am certain that I did not properly implement ipc.elapsedtime because my milliseconds value (0.5) is nowhere near what you said it would be (300-700). If you could give me some further direction concerning this, I would appreciate it. Also, while I could get a value (1) identifying the inner rotary using gfd.GetValues and gfd.Dial, I could not get any value at all so as to identify (and utilize) the outer rotary. When I have a little more time, I intend to experiment with event.button to see if I can identify and utilize the outer rotary that way. Any insight you might provide would be most appreciated. Again, thank you for your coaching. I have learned a lot in the last couple of days and I appreciate it so much! (Concerning the multiple ipc.control() commands...the way it displays on my GF-166 is more to my liking than with a single ipc.control() command.) -- launched from ipc.runlua time1 = ipc.elapsedtime() function AltDisp(offset, value) gfd.SetDisplay(GF166, 1, 0, string.format("%2.2f ",(value/16)*0.0295302)) end function AltRotary(model, unit) gfd.GetValues(GF166,1) Dial1 = gfd.Dial(1) if Dial1 == -1 then time2 = ipc.elapsedtime() if (time2 - time1) < 0.5 then ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) ipc.control(65884) else ipc.control(65884) end time1 = ipc.elapsedtime() end if Dial1 == 1 then time2 = ipc.elapsedtime() if (time2 - time1) < 0.5 then ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) ipc.control(65883) else ipc.control(65883) end time1 = ipc.elapsedtime() end end event.gfd("GF166",1,"AltRotary") event.offset("0330", "UW", "AltDisp") [/CODE]
  8. Pete, Thank you for the direction. It is most appreciated! I will be back in touch to let you know what I have learned. Dan
  9. Pete, What you are making me aware of is of great interest to me. However, it is also new territory for me. I am more than eager to learn, but I am not quite sure where to start. I will dig into the LUA script examples that are included with FSUIPC to see what I can glean from there. But any direction, insight or examples that you can provide to help me on my way would be most appreciated. Dan
  10. Pete, Using Lua, my goal is to use several GF-166 radios and have them more accurately model the function and displays of several instruments in the RealAir Beech Duke. Thus far, I have accomplished replicating the DME and XPDR. I am currently working on the ADF w/Timer. By way of example, the following is a short Lua script I am using to control/display the Altimeter on a GF-166. It is launched via ipc.ready and, via FSUIPC, the rotaries are assigned either Kohlsman Dec/Inc. unit = 1 function AltDisp(offset, value) value = value / 16 value = value * 0.0295302 gfd.SetDisplay(GF166, unit, 0, string.format("%2.2f ",value)) end event.offset("0330", "UW", "AltDisp") [/CODE] My issue is that the rotaries can only go so fast before they bog down in making adjustments. I know that the encoders can make significantly faster adjustments because there seems to be no limit to their speed when designating the function of a GF-166 via GFconfig. In trying to research and solve this issue, I came across this current thread on the forum and thought that it might prove helpful to me in this matter. HidScanner has provided me with the following info for one of my GF-166 radios: [CODE] Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0050#7&2870454e&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0050 (Version 1.4) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= GF-166 Serial Number= Usage Page: 14 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 7 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 8 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 9 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 2 Number of Feature Value Caps: 5 Number of Feature Data Indices: 14 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 1 -> 8 Value Dial at index 0, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits [/CODE] Using this info, I made adjustments to HidDemo.lua to reflect the respective GF-166. Vendor = "GoFlight" Product = "GF-166" Device = 0 Logging = true I launched HidDemo from a button assignment in FSUIPC and made adjustments in both directions using each of the rotary encoders. However, when I went to look for the HidDemo.log in the Modules folder, it had not been generated. I tried several times in doing this step with no results. Recalling that GF modules interact with GFDev.dll, I thought that maybe I was heading down a dead end street, and that is when I posed the question to you whether or not what I was attempting was even possible. Your insight and direction at this point would be most appreciated. Dan FYI...Concerning HidDemo.lua: When I "Syntax Checked" in the LuaEdit program, it claimed that the following lines had errors. I could not see where the errors were, but thought that this might be of interest to you. 99 ipc.writeUW(0x3ba8 + ((i-1) * 2), val) -- Error Message: ')' expected near 'x3ba8' 130 ipc.writeUD(0x3340 + ((i-1) * :cool:, buttons[i]) -- Error Message: ')' expected near 'x3340'
  11. Pete, I have been tinkering with HidDemo.lua & rotaries.lua trying to increase the polling rate on a GoFlight GF-166. However, I have not made any headway at all in accomplishing this. I am recalling that GF rotaries interact through GFDev.dll so I am assuming that is where my roadblock lies. Nonetheless, is there a way that you know of whereby I can alter the polling rate of a GF-166? Although the rotary speed is just fine when using GoFlight software, the rotary speed is terribly slow when working with Lua. Have a great day! Dan
  12. Below is an assortment of LUA scripts I have for assigning commands to the Beech Duke Turbine (as well as the Beech Duke B60) under LINDA. I started with the scripts that came with LINDA and have since added my own. With the scripts I have added, I have been able to get EVERY switch on the left sub-panel to work. Even if you do not use LINDA, you should be able to glean valuable info to write your own individual scripts for the RealAir Beech Duke. Because many of the commands are "toggles," it is important to have your mechanical switches in their DEFAULT starting positions. Since I start up Cold & Dark, all of my mechanical switches must be off, otherwise their subsequent functions will not represent what is going on in the cockpit. NOTE: Some of these scripts include lines for sending commands to various GoFlight modules. You will need to edit to suit your personal use. There are multiple hours behind some of these snippets of code, so enjoy! -- ################################ -- RealAir Duke Turbine specific functions -- ################################ -- ## Annunciators ############### function Annunciator_1_Test_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:DukeT_Annun_Test_1", 1) end function Annunciator_1_Test_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:DukeT_Annun_Test_1", 0) end function Annunciator_2_Test_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:DukeT_Annun_Test_2", 1) end function Annunciator_2_Test_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:DukeT_Annun_Test_2", 0) end function Annunciator_Test_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:Main_Annun_Test", 1) end function Annunciator_Test_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:Main_Annun_Test", 0) end function Duke_Master_Warning_Reset () LVarSet = "L:MW_Reset" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) end -- ## Avionics ############### function Duke_Avionics_Master_On () ipc.control(66701, 1) -- Avionics Master Switch On 0x3103 gfd.SetBright(GF46,1,15) gfd.SetBright(GFMCP,0,15) ipc.set("AvionicsMaster", 1) end function Duke_Avionics_Master_Off () ipc.control(66701, 0) -- Avionics Master Switch Off 0x3103 gfd.SetBright(GF46,1,0) gfd.SetBright(GFMCP,0,0) ipc.set("AvionicsMaster", 0) end function Duke_Main_Inverter_On () Inverter = "L:Duke_Inverter_Switch" ipc.writeLvar(Inverter, 0) end function Duke_Standby_Inverter_On () Inverter = "L:Duke_Inverter_Switch" ipc.writeLvar(Inverter, 2) end function Duke_Inverter_Off () Inverter = "L:Duke_Inverter_Switch" ipc.writeLvar(Inverter, 1) end function Duke_Instruments_On () _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:NavCom1_On", 0) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:NavCom2_On", 0) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", 1) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:dukeGpsOn", 1) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:ADF_On_Switch", 1) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:DME_Switch", 1) -- DME On ipc.runlua("DME-Select", 1) value = "1 " .. ipc.readSTR("0C29", 5) -- Reads DME1 Distance gfd.SetDisplay(GF166, 2, 0, value) -- Displays DME1 Distance value = ipc.readSTR("0C2E", 5) -- Reads DME1 Speed gfd.SetDisplay(GF166, 2, 1, value) -- Displays DME1 Speed end function Duke_Instruments_Off () _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:DME_Switch", 0) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:NavCom1_On", 1) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:NavCom2_On", 1) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", 0) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:dukeGpsOn", 0) _sleep(200, 400) ipc.writeLvar("L:ADF_On_Switch", 0) end -- ## Electrics ##################################### function Toggle_Master_Battery () ipc.control(66241, 0) gfd.SetBright(GFMCP,0,0) if ipc.get("MasterBattery") == 0 then gfd.SetBright(GFLGT, 0, 15) ipc.set("MasterBattery", 1) elseif ipc.get("MasterBattery") == 1 then gfd.SetBright(GFLGT, 0, 0) ipc.set("MasterBattery", 0) end end function Duke_L_Ignition_Switch_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 2) end function Duke_L_Ignition_Switch_Auto () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 0) end function Duke_L_Ignition_Switch_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 1) end function Duke_R_Ignition_Switch_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 2) end function Duke_R_Ignition_Switch_Auto () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 0) end function Duke_R_Ignition_Switch_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 1) end -- Magnetos function Magneto_1_Off () ipc.sleep(250) ipc.writeUW("0892", 0) end function Magneto_1_R_On () ipc.writeUW("0892", 2) end function Magneto_1_L_On () ipc.writeUW("0892", 1) end function Magneto_1_Both () ipc.writeUW("0892", 3) end function Magneto_1_Start () ipc.writeUW("0892", 4) end function Magneto_2_Off () ipc.sleep(250) ipc.writeUW("092A", 0) end function Magneto_2_R_On () ipc.writeUW("092A", 2) end function Magneto_2_L_On () ipc.writeUW("092A", 1) end function Magneto_2_Both () ipc.writeUW("092A", 3) end function Magneto_2_Start () ipc.writeUW("092A", 4) end -- ignition function DukeT_Ignition_L_on () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 2) DspShow ("IgnL", "On") end function DukeT_Ignition_R_on () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 2) DspShow ("IgnR", "On") end function DukeT_Ignition_B_on () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 2) ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 2) DspShow ("IgnB", "On") end function DukeT_Ignition_L_auto () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 0) DspShow ("IgnL", "Auto") end function DukeT_Ignition_R_auto () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 0) DspShow ("IgnR", "Auto") end function DukeT_Ignition_B_auto () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 0) ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 0) DspShow ("IgnB", "Auto") end function DukeT_Ignition_L_off () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 1) DspShow ("IgnL", "Off") end function DukeT_Ignition_R_off () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 1) DspShow ("IgnR", "Off") end function DukeT_Ignition_B_off () ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwL", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:ignSwR", 1) DspShow ("IgnB", "Off") end -- generator function DukeT_Generator_L_on () ipc.writeSB("3b78", 1) DspShow ("GenL", "On") end function DukeT_Generator_R_on () ipc.writeSB("3ab8", 1) DspShow ("GenR", "On") end function DukeT_Generator_B_on () ipc.writeSB("3b78", 1) ipc.writeSB("3ab8", 1) DspShow ("GenB", "On") end function DukeT_Generator_L_off () ipc.writeSB("3b78", 0) DspShow ("GenL", "Off") end function DukeT_Generator_R_off () ipc.writeSB("3ab8", 0) DspShow ("GenR", "Off") end function DukeT_Generator_B_off () ipc.writeSB("3b78", 0) ipc.writeSB("3ab8", 0) DspShow ("GenB", "Off") end -- starter function DukeT_Starter_L_on () ipc.writeSB("0892", 1) DspShow ("SttL", "On") end function DukeT_Starter_L_off () ipc.writeSB("0892", 0) DspShow ("SttL", "Off") end function DukeT_Starter_R_on () ipc.writeSB("092a", 1) DspShow ("SttR", "On") end function DukeT_Starter_R_off () ipc.writeSB("092a", 0) DspShow ("SttR", "Off") end -- ## Lights ##################################### function Duke_Beacon_Lights () ipc.control(66239) end function Duke_Beacon_Recognition_Lights () ipc.control(66239) ipc.control(66377) end function Duke_Nav_Lights () ipc.control(66379) end function Duke_Nav_Strobe_Lights () ipc.control(66379) ipc.control(65560) end function Duke_L_R_Landing_Lights_On () ipc.control(66059, 1) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.control(66376, 1) end function Duke_L_R_Landing_Lights_Off () ipc.control(66060, 0) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.control(66376, 0) end -- Landing lights left toggle function DukeT_LandingLightsL_toggle () ipc.control(65751) end -- Landing lights right toggle function DukeT_LandingLightsR_toggle () ipc.control(66376) end -- cockpit lights toggle function DukeT_CockpitLights_toggle () ipc.control(66579) end -- ## Fuel ##################################### function Duke_L_Pump_1_On () ipc.writeLvar("fuelPumpL", 0) -- Select L Fuel Pump 1 ipc.control(66340) -- Toggle L Fuel Pump 1 end function Duke_L_Pump_1_Off () ipc.control(66340) -- Toggle L Fuel Pump 1 end function Duke_L_Pump_2_On () ipc.writeLvar("fuelPumpL", 2) -- Select L Fuel Pump 2 ipc.control(66340) -- Toggle L Fuel Pump 2 end function Duke_L_Pump_2_Off () ipc.control(66340) -- Toggle L Fuel Pump 2 end function Duke_R_Pump_1_On () ipc.writeLvar("fuelPumpR", 0) -- Select R Fuel Pump 1 ipc.control(66341) -- Toggle R Fuel Pump 1 end function Duke_R_Pump_1_Off () ipc.control(66341) -- Toggle R Fuel Pump 1 end function Duke_R_Pump_2_On () ipc.writeLvar("fuelPumpR", 2) -- Select R Fuel Pump 2 ipc.control(66341) -- Toggle R Fuel Pump 2 end function Duke_R_Pump_2_Off () ipc.control(66341) -- Toggle R Fuel Pump 2 end function Duke_Tank_Selector_L_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_L", 50) ipc.writeLvar("FUEL_SELECTOR_ALL") end function Duke_Tank_Selector_L_Crossfeed () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_L", 100) end function Duke_Tank_Selector_L_Off () ipc.sleep(250) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_L", 0) end function Duke_Tank_Selector_R_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_R", 50) ipc.writeLvar("FUEL_SELECTOR_ALL") end function Duke_Tank_Selector_R_Crossfeed () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_R", 100) end function Duke_Tank_Selector_R_Off () ipc.sleep(250) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_R", 0) end -- Fuel pump + valve ENG1 on (both engines) function DukeT_FuelPumpENG1_on () ipc.writeSB("3b98", 1) end function DukeT_FuelPumpENG1_off () ipc.writeSB("3b98", 0) end function DukeT_FuelPumpENG2_on () ipc.writeSB("3ad8", 1) end function DukeT_FuelPumpENG2_off () ipc.writeSB("3ad8", 0) end function DukeT_FuelValveENG1_on () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_L", 50) end function DukeT_FuelValveENG1_off () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_L", 0) end function DukeT_FuelValveENG2_on () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_R", 50) end function DukeT_FuelValveENG2_off () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_R", 0) end function DukeT_FuelPumps_on () ipc.writeSB("3b98", 1) ipc.writeSB("3ad8", 1) end function DukeT_FuelPumps_off () ipc.writeSB("3b98", 0) ipc.writeSB("3ad8", 0) end function DukeT_FuelValves_on () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_L", 50) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_R", 50) end function DukeT_FuelValves_off () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_L", 0) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Tank_Selector_R", 0) end -- ## Cowl Flaps ##################################### function L_Cowl_Flap_Half () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", 1) end function L_Cowl_Flap_Open () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", 2) end function L_Cowl_Flap_Close () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", 0) end function R_Cowl_Flap_Half () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", 1) end function R_Cowl_Flap_Open () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", 2) end function R_Cowl_Flap_Close () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", 0) end -- oil cowl flaps closed function DukeT_Cowl_close () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", 0) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", 0) DspShow ("Cowl", "clos") end -- oil cowl flaps half function DukeT_Cowl_half () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", 1) DspShow ("Cowl", "half") end -- oil cowl flaps open function DukeT_Cowl_open () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", 2) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", 2) DspShow ("Cowl", "open") end function CawlFlaps_LEFT_open () local buf = ipc.readLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1") + 1 if buf &gt; 2 then buf = 2 end ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", buf) DspShow ("CowL", "open") end function CawlFlaps_LEFT_close () local buf = ipc.readLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1") - 1 if buf &lt; 0 then buf = 0 end ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_1", buf) DspShow ("CowL", "clos") end function CawlFlaps_RIGHT_open () local buf = ipc.readLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2") + 1 if buf &gt; 2 then buf = 2 end ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", buf) DspShow ("CowR", "open") end function CawlFlaps_RIGHT_close () local buf = ipc.readLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2") - 1 if buf &lt; 0 then buf = 0 end ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Cowl_Flaps_Switch_2", buf) DspShow ("CowR", "clos") end function CawlFlaps_BOTH_open () CawlFlaps_LEFT_open () CawlFlaps_RIGHT_open () DspShow ("Cwls", "open") end function CawlFlaps_BOTH_close () CawlFlaps_LEFT_close () CawlFlaps_RIGHT_close () DspShow ("Cwls", "clos") end -- ## De-Ice ############### function Fuel_Vent_Heat_1_2_On () ipc.writeLvar("L:fuelVentHeatL", 1) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.writeLvar("L:fuelVentHeatR", 1) end function Fuel_Vent_Heat_1_2_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:fuelVentHeatR", 0) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.writeLvar("L:fuelVentHeatL", 0) end function Duke_Surface_DeIce_One_Cycle () ipc.writeLvar("Duke_Surface_Deice", 0) end function Duke_Surface_DeIce_Manual () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Surface_Deice", 2) end function Duke_Surface_DeIce_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Surface_Deice", 1) end function Structural_Deice_Toggle () ipc.writeLvar("L:TOGGLE_STRUCTURAL_DEICE") end function Duke_Pitot_Switches_L_R_On () ipc.control(66072) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.writeLvar("L:Stall_Heat", 1) end function Duke_Pitot_Switches_L_R_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:Stall_Heat", 0) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.control(66073) end function Duke_Prop_Windshield_Heat_On () ipc.control(66338) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Wshield_Heat", 1) end function Duke_Prop_Windshield_Heat_Off () ipc.writeLvar("L:Duke_Wshield_Heat", 0) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.control(66338) end function AntiIce_On () ipc.control(66029) end function AntiIce_Off () ipc.control(66030) end function AntiIce_Eng_1_2_Toggle () ipc.control(66484) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.control(66485) end -- ## Other ############### --Parking Brakes function Parking_Brakes_On () ipc.writeSW("0BC8",32767) end function Parking_Brakes_Off () ipc.writeSW("0BC8",0) end -- Pressure Dump function Pressure_Dump_On () -- ipc.writeLVar("L:pressureDumpSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66841, 1) -- Pressurization Dump Switch On ipc.writeUB("0328", 1) end function Pressure_Dump_Off () -- ipc.writeLVar("L:pressureDumpSwitch", 0) ipc.control(66841, 0) -- Pressurization Dump Switch Off ipc.writeUB("0328", 0) end -- Pressure Shutoff Levers 1 &amp; 2 function Pressure_Shutoff_Lever1_On () -- ipc.writeLvar("L:pressAirShutoffLever1", 1) end function Pressure_Shutoff_Lever1_Off () -- ipc.writeLVar("L:pressAirShutoffLever1", 0) end function Pressure_Shutoff_Lever2_On () -- ipc.writeLVar("L:pressAirShutoffLever2", 1) end function Pressure_Shutoff_Lever2_Off () -- ipc.writeLVar("L:pressAirShutoffLever2", 0) end -- Gyro Pilot-Copilot function Gyro_Pilot_Copilot_On () -- ipc.writeLVar("L:Gyro_Pilot_Copilot", 1) end function Gyro_Pilot_Copilot_Off () -- ipc.writeLVar("L:Gyro_Pilot_Copilot", 0) end -- XPDR inc function DukeT_XPDR_inc () i = ipc.readLvar("L:XPDR_State") if i &lt; 5 then ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", i+1) end if i == 5 then ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", 5) end end -- XPDR dec function DukeT_XPDR_dec () i = ipc.readLvar("L:XPDR_State") if i &gt; 0 then ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", i-1) end if i == 0 then ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", 0) end end function Master_Warning_Reset () LVarSet = "L:MW_Reset" ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, 1) DspShow("MSTR", "CLR") end function Yoke_Hide () LVarSet = "L:DukeYokeVis" ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, 1) DspShow("YOKE", "OFF") end function Yoke_Show () LVarSet = "L:DukeYokeVis" ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, 0) DspShow("YOKE", "ON") end function RXP_530_show () -- shift + 2 ipc.keypress(50,9) end function Reliability () ipc.writeUW("0372",50) end function Center_Ailerons_Rudder () ipc.control(65612) end function Refresh_Scenery () ipc.control(65562) end -- ## system ############### function InitVars () Yoke_Hide () end
  13. if ipcPARAM == 1 then value = ipc.readLvar("L:XPDR_State") -- Reads XPDR Selector State if value &lt; 5 then value = value + 1 ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", value) end end if ipcPARAM == 2 then value = ipc.readLvar("L:XPDR_State") -- Reads XPDR Selector State if value &gt; 0 then value = value - 1 ipc.writeLvar("L:XPDR_State", value) end end
  14. Pete, I have a feeling you are right on concerning add-on aircraft, as this is one that is known to operate outside the FSX standards in various ways. In the meantime, I think I need to let my frustration level simmer down a little, as well as do so more reading and testing. I really appreciate your time and insight. You have been most kind!
  15. I did put OilTemp1 inside while 1 do (see below). But prior to previous post, I forgot to refresh ipcready.lua. Sorry about that! Limit1 = 80 * 16384 / 140 -- Celsius Conversion while 1 do OilTemp1 = ipc.readSW(0x08B8) -- Celsius OilTemp1 Offset if OilTemp1 > Limit1 then -- OilTemp1 Trigger LED In FSUIPC, I am logging 08B8 SW to FS window with IPC Reads and Lua Program Logging selected. In flight, as the Oil Temp gauge climbs to 80C, the value also rises. Right around 80C on the gauge, the value for 08B8 is 6923. With that number in hand, I tried using Limit1 = 6923. But still, no LED.
  16. Why not use logging to see what values you are getting? Maybe the aircraft you are using doesn't update this value. For 0x08B8, I get a constant 6868. So because this value does not change, even though the OilTemp does, am I to assume that this aircraft does not update this value?
  17. Pete, Thanks for the direction. But still, no joy! I had used the very equation you provided (Limit1 = 80 * 16384 / 140) in a previous attempt. However, when I did not get the desired results, I went on to trying other approaches. I did change ipc.sleep to (1000) as you suggested, but still, I am not getting the LED to light when the Oil Temp exceeds 80 degrees Celsius. In other attempts at solving this, I have tried using Limit1 = 9362.28 (the result of 80 * 16384 / 140). I have also tried using the Rankine Offset (see below) in my script, as well as using Limit1 = 635.67 (the result of 80 * 1.8 + 491.67). OilTemp1 = ipc.readDBL(3B58) -- Rankine OilTemp1 Offset Limit1 = 80 x 1.8 + 491.67 -- Rankine Conversion Below is the current script with the changes you provided. Please advise on what it is that I am not yet taking into account. -- LED-3 - Oil Temperature Sensor OilTemp1 = ipc.readSW(08B8) -- Celsius OilTemp1 Offset Limit1 = 80 * 16384 / 140 -- Celsius Conversion while 1 do if OilTemp1 > Limit1 then -- OilTemp1 Trigger LED gfd.SetLight(GFP8, 0, 2) ipc.sleep(500) gfd.ClearLight(GFP8, 0, 2) ipc.sleep(500) gfd.SetLight(GFP8, 0, 2) ipc.sleep(1000) else if OilTemp1 < Limit1 then -- OilTemp1 Clear LED gfd.ClearLight(GFP8, 0, 2) end ipc.sleep(1000) end
  18. Pete, I am trying to make a Lua script that will act as a sensor for when the Oil Temp in each Engine of a Twin Engine gets above 80 degrees Celsius. I am using a GoFlight module as my LED test light. Below is my most recent attempt for Engine1 which I assembled from insights gained from Lua documents and numerous Lua script examples. If you could steer me in the right direction as to what it is I am missing, I would sure appreciate it. Dan OilTemp1 = ipc.readSW(08B8) -- OilTemp1 Offset Limit1 = 80 * 140 / 16384 -- to 80 Celsius while 1 do if OilTemp1 > Limit1 then -- OilTemp1 Trigger LED gfd.SetLight(GFP8, 0, 2) ipc.sleep(500) gfd.ClearLight(GFP8, 0, 2) ipc.sleep(500) gfd.SetLight(GFP8, 0, 2) ipc.sleep(1000) else if OilTemp1 < Limit1 then -- OilTemp1 Clear LED gfd.ClearLight(GFP8, 0, 2) end ipc.sleep(20) end
  19. Works! Thank you so much! You have been most helpful and instructive! I am on my way over to the FAQ forum to download the stated file. I look forward to furthering my knowledge on this matter. Challenging though it is, I am enjoying it!
  20. I was able to get the LED on my GoFlight module to light when toggling from NAV to GPS. Thank you so much for your direction. I have not yet begun to work on the Cowl Flaps, but will begin on that in the next day or so. (I am hoping to get an LED to light on my GoFlight GF-T8 to light when using the LUA script found on the forum under the title: "Lua file cowl flaps switches Duke B60 solved"). However, I am currently trying to get an LED to light on one of my GoFlight modules when toggling Marker_Sound_Toggle. But I am at a loss as to the correct value I need to enter the LUA script for when the Marker_Sound_Toggle is turned on. Understanding that 2^2 is 2 squared, I have tried using 4, but that does not work. Any insight that you could provide as to where I need to look for the proper value, I would most appreciate it. I have learned a lot lately, but I have a long way to go. function MarkerIdent(offset, value) if value == 132 then gfd.SetLight(GF166, 0, 2) else gfd.ClearLight(GF166, 0, 2) end end event.offset(0x3122, "SB", "MarkerIdent") I got the 132 from logging 3122: 8201644 Monitor IPC:3122 (U8) = 132 8201644 SimRead: 3122="MARKER SOUND" INT32: 1 (0x00000001) 8202642 Monitor IPC:3122 (U8) = 128 8202642 SimRead: 3122="MARKER SOUND" INT32: 0 (0x00000000)
  21. Thank you for the clarification. I was, indeed, reading it the wrong way.
  22. (Sorry...this is a duplicate post. I initially posted it under Flight Simulator 10). While trying to get a couple of my GoFlight LEDs on my GF-P8 to act as Flap Indicator Lights, I came across the following inconsistency/typo listed in the "FSUIPC4 Status of IPC Offsets for FSX" PDF: 0BDC - 4 - Flaps control, 0=up, 16383=full. The "notches" for different aircraft are spaced equally across this range: calculate the increment by 16383/(number of positions-1), ignoring fractions. See also offset 3BFA below. 3BFA - 2 - Flaps détente increment. The full range of flap movement is 0–0x3FFF (16383). Each détente position or "notch" is spaced equally over this range, no matter what flap angle is represented—a table in the AIR file gives those. To obtain the number of détentes, divide this increment value into 16383 and add 1. For example 2047 (0x7FF) would be the increment for 9 positions. I could not get the first flap indicator to light using the equation as listed for offset 0BDC (16383 divided by 2 minus 1 equals 8190). However, it now works using the equation listed for offset 3BFA (16383 divided by 2 plus 1 equals 8192). It would seem to me that the minus 1 (in 0BDC) should be changed to plus 1 (as in 3BFA). Below you will find the working LUA script which I have included in ipcReady.lua. BTW, I only use the first few GF-P8 buttons for ATC instructions so those LEDs never stay lit. Caveat: If I use either ATC1 or ATC2 while the appropriate Flap Indicator Lights are lit, they will cancel out the respective LED acting as the Flap Indicator Light. But that is a consequence I will have to live with. Of course, you can choose any of the LEDs you want. (Now, on to trying to get LEDs to light for Cowl Flaps and NAV/GPS. Any help with correctly identifying these offsets would be most appreciated.) -- LED-1-Flaps1 function Flaps1(offset, value) if value == 8192 then gfd.SetLight(GFP8, 0, 0) else gfd.ClearLight(GFP8, 0, 0) end end event.offset(0x0BDC, "SW", "Flaps1") -- LED-2-Flaps2 function Flaps2(offset, value) if value == 16383 then gfd.SetLight(GFP8, 0, 1) else gfd.ClearLight(GFP8, 0, 1) end end event.offset(0x0BDC, "SW", "Flaps2")
  23. I figured that out on my own before I got back to your response. However, I do appreciate your kind direction. I am still taking baby steps in learning Lua code, but I am learning a lot each step I take. Thank you so much for your help!
  24. I have copied code as above and saved it as DukeCowlFlaps.lua. I have placed the file in the Modules folder. I have assigned "Lua DukeCowlFlaps" to a GoFlight GF-P8 button under FSUIPC (registered). However, nothing happens when I press the respective button. Any insight would be most appreciated!
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