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Capt. PERO

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Capt. PERO last won the day on October 10 2016

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    Schwäbisch Hall
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  1. Thanks John. I found out, that JeeHell FMGS shows the value of 0x6020 for Altitude Indicated. But so far no luck by writing this into the sim to affect VATSIM. This is my code but the value of Altitude in VATSIM stays untouched... ipc.writeStruct(0x0024, "1UW", 0x0574, "1UW", 4, "1SD", ipc.readDBL("6020"))
  2. @Wim Soldaat have you fixed this issue with this workarround? We are faceing the same with JeeHell FMGS in MSFS on VATSIM. Next step would be finding out, which variable VATSIM is using to determine the altitude.
  3. Other findings. Once a menu has been shown .isMenu stays True (is False unless Menu has been shown first time) .Changed stays True in any case I tested, even if the menu disappears
  4. Hi Paul, 1. The OnScreen Menu stays and is functional if a new single-message arrives but the TextMenu instance loses the menu. I would expect that .MenuItems stay (as they are still on the screen) and .Message changes 2. No, I just need a proof way to detect if the menu is still on the screen and which items are shown. If a new .Message clears .MenuItems I have no idea to detect if the TextMenu is still shown on the display. This is my application:
  5. Hi Paul, happy new year and hope you are doing well. Looks like a new value in TextMenu.Message clears TextMenu.MenuItemCount and even TextMenu.MenuItems Lets say there is a SimConnect Window (GSX in my case) open which gives myTextmenu.MenuItemCount > 0 If now a new message appears TextMenu.Message <> "" it resets the MenuItemCount (and all items). For me it should stay > 0 as long as the menu is not shown any more or the items are different. Using FSUIPCClient.dll v3.2.25.395
  6. @Paul Hentystrange. But I can confirm that the issue is solved with 3.2.25. Thanks a lot!!! Regards Peter
  7. Hi @Paul Henty thanks for the asap feedback. This is the dataset from the system. Why don't the scenery designers keep in mind that special characters aren't a good idea. Thanks. Peter makerwysData.zip
  8. Hi gents, I am using this function in VB.NET but on one client with P3Dv4 it crashed with "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. (Parameter 'length')" The function I am using is Try If FSUIPCConnection.IsOpen = False Then FSUIPCConnection.Open() FSUIPCConnection.AirportsDatabase.Load() Else FSUIPCConnection.Process() End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message.toString) End Try It is running great on other PCs with P3Dv5. FSUIPCClient.dll Version Any ideas? Regards, Peter
  9. Thanks. Sorted out, anything is working again! Topic can be closed.
  10. Hi Pete, I am lost a little. Might be easier if you send me a test version. 🙂 Email via PM. Regards, Peter
  11. Hi Pete, thanks for your support. I am running "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water /+Q" in my program SIMstarter NG P3D since my software has been released. A BETA Tester informed me, that SIMstarter does not work with Makerwys 5.1 any more. While testing I found out that one parameter is working and two parameter won't. My first thought was, that "/Water" does not work any more and therefore I tested the others to make analysis for you guys easier. Do I get you right, with 5.11 I would get the same result as before (runways with water runways, silent execution and auto close when finished? My software is waiting for the process beining closed to work with the new generated files. Regards, Peter
  12. If this helps: it worked with this until v5.1: 🙂 "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water /+Q"
  13. Same behavior as above. Starts and closes makerwys. Can you pls check?
  14. Hi, looks like makerwys is closing when adding multiple commandline parameters. Can you please have a look at this? "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" => Ok "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/+Q" => Ok "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water" => Ok "<P3DRoot>\makerwys.exe" "/Water /+Q" => Fail Fail means, makerwys.exe closes without creating any files.
  15. Hey Pete, it was a "longer weekend" but I can confirm that keypresses are working again adding LuaTrapKeyEvent=No to the [General] section of your FSUIPC6.INI file. Why isn't it default any more? Can you turn it back to default in further versions? Thank you for your support!
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