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Jason Fayre

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Everything posted by Jason Fayre

  1. Brilliant! This appears to be working with this test version. As far as I know, the issues were only with update 15. Thanks so much for looking at this!
  2. Hello, For our Talking Flight Monitor accessibility software, we are getting several reports that the functionality to read the text of the PMDG 737 CDU is not working in Sim Update 15. This is with the latest version of FSUIPC. These offsets are still working in the current update 14. Sim Update 15 will be released in a couple weeks. If the CDU function is broken, this is going to make flying the PMDG 737 impossible for our users. Does anyone know if this is a known issue, either with FSUIPC or the PMDG specifically?
  3. Hello, Is anyone aware of an issue trying to read the text of the PMDG 737 CDU in Sim Update 15 of MSFS? Our Talking Flight Monitor relies on this feature. For some reason, in Sim Update 15, reading the data just comes up blank. Not sure if this is a MSFS or FSUIPC issue. Sim Update 15 is due to be released in a few weeks, and this bug will make flying the PMDG 737 as a blind person pretty much unusable.
  4. Hi Paul, I just sent you a dropbox link to the fs2020 airport database in a PM.
  5. Hi Paul, We're only using traffic services to pull a list of nearby aircraft on request. It isn't running on the main timer.
  6. Hello, We're having some significant performance issues when using the airports database in FS 2020. In P3d, things work fine. This is most likely due to the size of the database in 2020. If we load the database, people are reporting stuttering audio and general lag in fs 2020. If we don't load it, everythin is fine. Is there any optimization that can be done to the airport database code? It does seem to be more of an issue on systems that have lower CPU/GPU specs.
  7. Hi Paul, As always, you are amazing! Andy and I are the developers of Talking Flight Monitor. We use literally almost all of the pmdg offsets, so this is incredibly helpful! I dropped the new library into our project and it appears to be working perfectly so far. Thanks!
  8. Awesome! Thanks! Paul, any idea when you might get the updated offset block into the .net library for the PMDG for MSFS?
  9. In addition to my above message, I'm wondering if it is no longer possible to send specific control states to these controls. We used to be able to send 0 to turn off a switch and 1 to turn it on for example. Other parameters would accept a raw value for things like altitudes and speeds.
  10. Hello, We will want to update our Talking Flight Monitor accessibility software to work with MSFS. We use a huge amount of the pmdg controls, since we use custom accessible panels for the aircraft. Currently, we're using the SendControlToFS function from the FSUIPC .net library. Will this still work for the rotor break? If so, how would I do that? Can't say I'm looking forward to adding all new control statements for MSFS. Ugh!
  11. Thanks John, Regarding the registration issue, I haven't purchased a key for version 7 yet. I plan to though. Interesting. I'm sending these controls via Paul Henty's .net library. These control numbers are from the PMDG SDK for pressing buttons on the CDU. I'll be honest, I'm not totally understanding the issue here. These control numbers are listed in the PMDG 737 for MSFS SDK, so why will they not work with the regular method we used in P3d?
  12. Here is my fsuipc ini and log. I tried sending several controls. These were left soft keys 1 2 and 3 for the left cdu as well as right soft keys 1 2 and 3. FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  13. Hello, I attempting to use FSUIPC 7 with the new 737 sdk for msfs. It looks like there is a problem when sending the PMDG control events. When trying to send the event for the CDU left soft key 1, I got the following in the log: 902766 Exception 1 "ERROR/, , Ref 4883, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=70166 (????), data=536870912 This is fsuipc 7.3.11. Thanks!
  14. Paul, you are awesome! Thanks for fixing this so quickly.
  15. Hi Paul, In our Talking Flight Monitor product, we are running into an issue with reading CDU data. There are a few circumstances where CDU data might need to be pulled by two parts of the software at the same time. One part is running on the UI thread, and the other is running in a system.timers.timer thread. If we end up with a time where the data gets pulled at the same time, I get the following error in our debug log: 2021/07/24 16:24:04.516 - tfm.TFMMainForm.TimerMain_Tick - High priority instruments failed to read: Group '0~~PMDG_CDU~~' does not exist. Any idea what might be happening or any way of correcting this? Thanks!
  16. Thanks everyone! Any idea when this will make it into a release? I want to check with Paul Henty in case he needs to update anything.
  17. Hi John, Thanks for this. We have just started working with the 777, so not sure how easy it will be to check these offsets. We use Paul Henty's FSUIPC .net library, so I'm wondering if he will need to do some work on his end as well.
  18. In an initial test, the CDU data is working. Any idea if other things in the FSUIPC offsets for this aircraft need to be updated? I'm not sure what else was changed in the SDK.
  19. Are the offsets for accessing the CDU the same as in the 747 and 737?
  20. File is attached. PMDG_777X_SDK.h
  21. I'll get it and send it over. There are two of us developing the a-on, and it's the other developer that has this aircraft. What is the best way to get the file to you?
  22. Hello, A friend of mine told me that the newest PMDG 777 update now supports CDU screen data, same as the 737 and 747 do. I don't see any reference to this in the latest FSUIPC 6 777 document. Can anyone confirm that this support is in fact in this aircraft and if fSUIPC will support it? We need CDU data for software we are writing. Thanks!
  23. Hi Paul, I think that gets us 90% of the way there. There are two of us developing this project, so I'm not the one directly working on this particular feature. Andy is going to jump in here and let you know if there is anything else we need. Once again, you are awesome!
  24. Hi, This may be out of the scope of what the .net library is meant to do, but thought I would post this here in case anyone has an idea. We're working on integrating Bing Maps into the Talking Flight Monitor accessibility add-on. Initially, this will tell the user what city, country, etc. that the user is flying over. What we would like to do is give the user a virtual "look around" feature. So, for example, provide a key to list what features are coming up in the aircraft's current heading. So if the user is heading south out of Toronto, they might be told the US boarder is in 50 Nautical miles. From Bing Maps, we can pull GPS coordinates that outline a city, country, State, etc. They are returned as a series of GPS coordinates outlining the geographic location. For example, the outline of Toronto is around 3000 points. My question is, can anyone figure out a way of determining how far you are from a series of points like this, and then calculate distance and baring? Trigonometry is definitely not my strong point, so I'm hoping someone has figured this out or something similar. I know the .net DLL has functions for calculating distance between two points, but not sure how I would use that with a outline like this. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  25. Hi Paul, The latest version I'm seeing from Nuget is 3.1.23. Has 3.1.24 been pushed?
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