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Everything posted by kingm56

  1. Thanks, Paul!
  2. Evening Paul! First, I hope you're doing well. Concerning the title, do you know if this method works for MSFS? It seem to work for P3D, but does not register a button input in MSFS. Appreciate all your support, sir.
  3. kingm56


    John, I wanted to provide you with a little more clarity on I was referring to. 1. MSFS launched with my last aircraft, the Aerosoft CRJ 2. I switched aircraft to the FBW A320 before starting my flight 3. In the attached text file, you'll note both the FBW and CRJ LVARs are still listed. This is causing some anomalies for the LVARs that share nomenclatures. Also, is there a max number of LVARs that FSUIPC will load? I suspect there is as you'll note not all the FBW A320 LVARS were loaded. MattLvars.txtLvars.txt
  4. kingm56


    Hey John! If I change aircraft from the FBWA320 to Asobo 787, all the latter LVARS are still visible when I scan for LVARs. After reading the advanced user documentation, I think the LvarScanDelay option may help.
  5. kingm56


    Apologize upfront is this has been posted elsewhere; however, I could not find a resolution in my search. In short, are you tracking a problem with loading/reading LVARs when switching aircraft? For example, if I switch between the FBW A320 and Aerosoft CRJ, some of the latters LVARS (e.g. altitude, landing elevation, heading values) won't load. This problem is correctable by reinstalling FSUIPC 7; however, I'm wondering if it's possible for FSUIPC to flush the LVARs each time it's launched? Thank you in advance! Matt
  6. Afternoon, Paul! I'm curious if its possible to manipulate XMLVAR, Event (K:), and Aircraft (A:) variables via your .dll; or, are we limited to SIMVARs and LVARS?
  7. Incredibly helpful...thank you, John.
  8. Has anyone had luck manipulating the fuel pumps on any of the Airliners (e.g. 747, 787 or A320) in MSFS? I've tried offsets 3104 and 3125; although, they're reported as working in the v.28.ods, I could not get them accurately report the setting, or manipulate the controls. I've also tried simvar TOGGLE_ELECT_FUEL_PUMP, to no avail. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Thank you very much, John! These HVARs replaced H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_INC and H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_DEC; you can probably remove those...
  10. John, Any chance we can get the following hvars added to the A320.hvar file in the FUSIPC-Lvar-module folder? H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_INC_TRACK H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_DEC_TRACK H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_INC_HEADING H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_DEC_HEADING
  11. Paul, I hope you're doing well, my friend. I have a question pertaining to FBWA320 HVARs; specifically, I can manipulate all variable except for two: H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_INC H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_DEC FsHVar hvar = this.VS.HVars[H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_INC]; if (hvar != null) { hvar.Set(); } Do you have any thoughts why these won't work? They're included in the A320.hvar module file. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated
  12. John, Sorry to resurrect a 3-month old thread; however, I have a related question. First, all the HVARs work great with the exception of H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_INC and H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_DEC. Do you know if these have been tested?
  13. That's exactly what I was thinking too, Paul. Thanks,buddy!
  14. Hey Paul! The updated dll seems to work great, with one exception; specifically, I continue to get crashes (faulty FSUIPC_WAPID.dll module). Interesting enough, the crash only occurs when using the Aerosoft CRJ; plus, the crash happens without initiated an FSUIPC connection; it happens seconds after vs.Start() is called.
  15. Yes sir I am. It's persistent now; I believe it's an access error but I can't nail it down.
  16. Good day, Mr Dowson. When trying to access the WAPID.dll via C# application, the appliction crashes with the error below. I believe this is an access error; howerver, I'd be grateful for your opinion private void Dashboard_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { vs.OnVariablesReadyChanged += VS_OnVariablesReadyChanged; vs.Init(this.Handle); vs.LVARUpdateFrequency = 10; // Get new lvar values 10 times per second (Hz) vs.Start(); } catch (Exception) { } } private void VS_OnVariablesReadyChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (vs.VariablesReady) { Forms.Main.AppendMsgCtrText(Environment.NewLine + "WASM Module Started", Color.PaleGreen, true); } else { Forms.Main.AppendMsgCtrText(Environment.NewLine + "WASM Module Stopped", Color.Orange, true); } } catch (Exception) { } } Error Faulting module name: FSUIPC_WAPID.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x60e59e60 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x000000000000722c Faulting process id: 0x40d4 Faulting application start time: 0x01d77c0232fdc7ce
  17. Afternoon, Paul I get a random error trying to access FSUIPC_WAPID.dll; it happens on occasions when I call VS.Start. Any suggestions? Faulting module name: FSUIPC_WAPID.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x60be530f Exception code: 0xc0000005
  18. kingm56

    FBW A320

    Hey Mr. Dowson! I can get all the LVARs and HVAR to work except for the XMLVAR_Momentary* variables. They appear to write only for a second before being written over. Any ideas? Concerning your question, I downloaded the SPAD profile from here: https://github.com/flybywiresim/a32nx/tree/master/docs#mapping-of-events-to-control-autopilot--autothrust Is the user using the development version of the FBW? Wasn't support added for those variables during a recent update?
  19. kingm56

    FBW A320

    I asked this question for the Asobo A320; so, I apologize for asking again for a different aircraft. In regards to the FBW A320, I can bind almost every control with the exception of the batteries. Has anyone found a LVAR, HVAR, Control or Offset that will toggle both batteries to the ON position. As the documentation states, it's possible to toggle off via TOGGLE_MASTER_BATTERY control; however, it does not work in reverse. ANY help would be greatly appreciated as this is the last hurdle to building a solid cockpit for MSFS.
  20. Has anyone found an offset or control to manipulate the MSFS A320s batteries? Offsets 3102 and 281C have no effect; interesting enough, control 66241 (TOGGLE_MASTER_BATTERY) can toggle batteries off, but not on. I've tried all the other controls in the Controls List for MSFS Build 999.txt file too. I've event tried to set the LVAR "A320_Neo_BAT_State" to 2.0000; again no effect. Hoping someone was able to find something that worked...
  21. Worked perfectly; thank you and I apologize for the duplicate post
  22. Evening Paul! With John's latest release, is it now possible read LVARs via old method (e.g. FSUIPCConnection.ReadLvar(".....")?
  23. Afternoon, John I just installed the latest FSUIPC7; however, even though I have selected WASM module for installation, it does not install. It appears FSUIPC cannot find the community folder; however, it's in its default location. Here's the applicable exert from the log: Installing FSUIPC7 WASM module in . Create folder: \fsuipc-lvar-module Output folder: \fsuipc-lvar-module Skipped: layout.json Skipped: manifest.json Skipped: FSUIPC_WASM.ini Create folder: \fsuipc-lvar-module\modules Output folder: \fsuipc-lvar-module\modules Skipped: FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm Skipped: A320.hvar Skipped: TBM.hvar Skipped: DA40-NG.hvar FSUIPC7 WASM module installation completed.
  24. Hey Sir! Is there a link to installing WASM? I just run the exe and it connects. Is there something more?
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