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Everything posted by roa
Thanks, I tried every type before emailing you, but not FLT64. Using that as a type now, it works:)
AS seen in the image above, I try to read the ELECTRICL info via FSUIPC's Offsets function, but I do not get the correct values as I get by reading directly via SimConnect( I am using the Simvar Watcheer client). What am I doing wrong here? I am also only getting the last offset to display in MSFS top bar.
There are still several G1000 buttons not listed in the Events list, i.e. all the button on PDF from AP-- to-- FLC. Anyone knows if the WASM is open source so we can add in these missing events, if possible?
John, thanks for your prompt reply. Now we also need Events for the B747, B787 and A320, so we can access all buttons etc. in those VC cockpits
Can these mobiflight events implemented in the wasm module also be "reach" via standard SimConnect Events? What is the protocol or methods used to access and trigger any of these new event from a SImConnect Client?
Where do I find the WASM module? Tried to Download MobiFlight and did an update, but Windows 10 block the update and MobiFlight module just stops working.
If you would like someone to beta test your new "MakeRwys", I volunteer for the task.
I am using Opencockpits MCP and all rotaries works fine with 1 degree increments. I am not using FSUIPC7, but Oi4FS. As it works in Oi4FS, it should also be possible to get it working correctly in FSUIPC7, I guess.
Just found it in the Offset list. It is offset 07E2 as S16 Simconnect variable AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD VAR
I wonder if there is any offset for the SPEED value when the G1000 avionic system is set to FLC? Marked with red in the image.
Thanks for the answers, something new to learn every day:) I checked again in MSFS and found that a "Toggle Autopilot Flight Level Change" binding to a keypress or a button works. Did't find anything for the VNAV. But, as there is a FLC control that can be accessed via keypress or button binding in MSFS, should that be possible in FSUIPC as well?
In most MSFS GA airplanes there are autopilot buttons for VNAV(VNV) and FLC. Does anyone knows which Events(Controls) that correspond with these buttons. I can't find them in the Control list. Also, what is the difference between AP PANEl ALTITUDE HOLD and AP ALT HOLD?
Thanks for letting us know. It is hard to know what is known issues and what is not when you are not in the MSFS developer beta team.
I don't believe that any of the Simconnect G1000 Events that can seen via FSUIPC's binding function are working. In addition the GA in MSFS use the newer version G1000 and some of these buttons, like VS, is only in live in the A1000 JAVASCRIPTS.
I have asked myself the same question. VS button plus many other buttons are only implemented in the Javascript code for the A1000 and not Simconnect. In order to send a command to trigger the VS button function in the Javascript you need another interface than Simconnect.
I believe you don't see it, because it is a LVar that is not implemented in Simconnect.
Just wondering, where does ASOBO communicate?
Hi, I just wondered if someone could give a hint if it is possible to read and write to the MSFS's airplanes LVars that are using the G1000 or specific airplane type avionics ( B747, B787 A320)? None of the G1000 and other specific avionics (B747,B787) knobs and buttons , but the "standard" HDG, ALT etc. are read or write able via SimConnect.
But, the Microsoft.Flightsimulator.Simconnec.dll in the SDK's \lib\managed\ folder. I use this in my managed code and it is working, but I still need the SimConnect.dll in my app folder. I thought this was the static library that could be embedded in the app code, but probably misunderstood. I see now that you meant the SimConnect.lib. Bear with my questions, as I am just a hobby programmer. I find it odd that if all apps that use managed code should need to have the SImConnect.dll included in the app folder to work. There must be a common folder that can be used or a way to embed the dll.
John, could you give me a hint on how to compile the static library into a C# program to avoid that the user must have the Simconnect.dll in the app folder.. I though I new how to do it, but was wrong. I have added Microsoft.FlightSimulator.Simconnect.dll to my Reference and have a "using Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect; in my managed code c#
OK, Thanks for the tip on the static library. I will use that in my code from now on.
Hi Pete, Do you know if there is a common folder location we can use for the new MSFS Simconnect.dll? Or must every Simconnect client app has its own Simconnect.dll in the folder where the exe for the app is located?
It has nothing to do with that. The problem is in the rendering code in FS2020. The code in FS2020 detects the Simconnect Client Events sent to it, but, go to sleep for a period before executing the Event. It is the same for all Simconnect clients at the moment. Very frustrating bug and not that very professional handling by MS/ASOBO in the process between beta and release if you ask me.
Thanks for your fast replay:) Changed to DirectInput method in P3D, and now both axes and buttons are detected. Do you know if there is less performance using the DirectInput than the RawInput method? The reason for not using FSUIPC is that I have my own built app that uses Simconnect. This app is a special joystick button and keyboard shortcut binding app for PMDG Events. I know I can use FSUIPC also for PMDG Events, but my app is easier and better for PMDG airplanes.
Hi, I have some Opencockpits USB Axes Cards connected to my PC. They are advertised as standard Joystick compatible. Both Axes and Buttons are all detected by Windows and FSUIPC. So with FSUIPC, everything is OK. But, in Prepar3D's Control setup, only the cards axes are detected, no buttons are detected when I try to bind a button to an event? I know I should ask Opencockpits about this, but no answer yet. Is there a known fact that some joysticks will only be detected by FSUIPC and not in P3D, or is there something I miss in my P3D configuration?