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Everything posted by ThomasAH

  1. WideFS is only needed if you want to connect the pedals to a second computer. Confirm that you are configuring the correct controller by looking at the values in FSUIPC. I can't provide more details at the moment, but whatever you configure should be visible in FSUIPC. If you still have problems, please post your FSUIPC4.ini and FSUIPC4.log files here.
  2. Hi Pete! I just wanted to report the duplicate annotations problem with user comments and saw that you already fixed this in 4.957c: I can confirm that this problem is now fixed, but with this change, the bug you already have fixed in 4.954b returned: Annotations for disconnected devices are removed again. With 4.957b this problem does not occur, but of course annotations are duplicated when comments are used. See this thread for the original bug report.
  3. The brakes are two axes, so you can assign them to AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET and AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET.
  4. I tried the demo few months ago and it worked. (though then I tried the demo of PW372 Radio Stack and decided to buy that one, because I just want the radio panel in a single view, not having to switch between various panels) Both need a separate server component on your FSX computer and your phone/tablet has to be able to access it. As alaxus said, just follow their corresponding instructions.
  5. The Defender version I used was from Windows 7 with recently updated patterns (1 or 2 days before my post)
  6. Additionally your installation of FSUIPC is extremely old. From 2009? Edit: And you have installed your flight simulator below C:\Programme Files (x86)\, which is usually a bad idea with windows versions after XP.
  7. 1. This is the FAQ forum, please post further questions in the general forum (one level higher). I assume someone will move this thread, so no need to post again. 2. The current MakeRunways_4697.zip from the "Download Links" forum looks clean for me with ClamAV and Windows Defender. Edit: and 4.692 from the main page looks clean, too.
  8. Just use OOWcheck and OOWcheckInterval to check for OutOfWorld errors :)
  9. With SPAD you can assign different virtual joystick buttons to the switch panel switches, so this should help you. I'm not sure if you need the paid version of FSUIPC, but I would recommend that anyway,
  10. I think you can resize/position them and save your flight to keep this. If you do this for all your saved flights (especially the default flight), you should get the behaviour your want. Actually you may only have to save it once and then copy the [Atc_Menu] section of your .FLT files. (of course this assumes that GSX and PRO ATC X use this coordinates, too, which I don't know)
  11. You can use FSUIPC for that by setting compound button commands directly in the fsuipc4.ini, see the FSUIPC advanced user's manual.
  12. If you rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\SaiD0BAC.pr0 to e.g. SaiD0BAC.pr0-off and reboot, Windows detects the mode switch as three separate buttons and you can assign functions via FSUIPC.
  13. Works fine in 4.954b. Great service as always, thank you!
  14. Yes, that are the only conditional ones for disconnected devices. The following conditional settings for the (connected) joystick survived: 18=D07BC=0 RJ,7,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- 19=D07BC>0 RJ,7,C66583,0 -{AP_PITCH_REF_INC_UP}- 20=D07BC=0 RJ,6,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 21=D07BC>0 RJ,6,C66584,0 -{AP_PITCH_REF_INC_DN}- ... 47=CP(-J,0)J,32,K104,8 -{Key press: Num8}- 48=CP(-J,0)J,36,K98,8 -{Key press: Num2}- 49=CP(-J,0)J,38,K100,8 -{Key press: Num4}- 50=CP(-J,0)J,34,K102,8 -{Key press: Num6}- 51=D07D0>0 RJ,6,C65804,1 -{AP_ATT_HOLD_ON}- 52=D07D0>0 RJ,7,C65804,1 -{AP_ATT_HOLD_ON}- They map the POV hat to numpad keys to trigger specific EZCA actions (switching views), but if I press the button behind the POV hat with my index finger, I can pan around. I have something similar to a +Y,0 conditional configured in EZCA for that, so these are not in FSUIPC. I don't think that I ever had problems with axes giving ghost inputs or something like that. But yes, if I had such problems, I would probably use different profiles.
  15. Mostly works with 4.954a, thank you! There are only four lines with conditions that lost their annotation now: 32=CP(-Y,0)Y,32,K104,8 -{Key press: Num8}- 33=CP(-Y,0)Y,36,K98,8 -{Key press: Num2}- 34=CP(-Y,0)Y,38,K100,8 -{Key press: Num4}- 35=CP(-Y,0)Y,34,K102,8 -{Key press: Num6}- get truncated to: 32=CP(-Y,0)Y,32,K104,8 33=CP(-Y,0)Y,36,K98,8 34=CP(-Y,0)Y,38,K100,8 35=CP(-Y,0)Y,34,K102,8
  16. Not enough desk space. If I have the yoke and everything else connected, it looks like this: But I need the desktop for other things, e.g. using the computer not for flight simulation, then I store yoke/rudder/... in a cabinet: But if the cabinet is closed, the USB cables can't be connected. As setting up all these things takes some minutes, I often fly just with a simple joystick. Beats not having the time to fly at all. That was quick. Thank you! I'll try it.
  17. Hi! In 4.951 you added "annotations for assignments in the INI, decoding controls and keys", which is a great feature! The annotations are only added when the corresponding controller is in use, which is okay for me, but the problem is: Since I sometimes fly with a joystick and sometimes with a yoke, the button annotations for one or the other are lost when I start FSX without having them connected. One example from my FSUIPC4.ini (Y is my yoke, J is my joystick): 1=RY,6,C65880,0 -{HEADING_BUG_DEC}- 27=RJ,4,C65880,0 -{HEADING_BUG_DEC}- When I start FSX without the yoke connected, this is changed to: 1=RY,6,C65880,0 27=RJ,4,C65880,0 -{HEADING_BUG_DEC}- It would be good if the annotations could survive this. Edit: I was using 4.952
  18. If I remember correctly, a second copy of FSX (or P3D) on the second computer would allow exactly this: Search for "shared cockpit" in multiplayer mode. There are some issues with that, so you might want to use WidevieW or OpusFSX Live View. Disclaimer: I haven't tried any of this.
  19. ClamAV does not find problems in the download, www.metascan-online.com confirms this. But you might want to check your whole computer, as that particular Trojan is a very nasty one.
  20. Maybe point this out to simmarket staff? Please stop that! Additionally, don't assume that people have the same name for their whole life, just because they are men. (this last one might be a point for Pete, too ... marriages and other things happen that can provide you with a new name)
  21. -- Copyright 2016 Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas@jtah.de> -- -- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, -- are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright -- notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, -- without any warranty. -- Move mouse to upper window edge of FSX window mouse is not used. -- Workaround for a performance issue when the mouse pointer is -- inside the FSX window. -- This script requires a registered copy of FSUIPC 4.949f or newer. -- -- Install inside the FSUIPC modules directory: -- 1. save this file as FSX/Modules/lua/mousemove.lua -- 2. add ipc.runlua('lua\\movemouse') to FSX/Modules/ipcReady.lua function mousemove_reset() mousemove_timeout = 3 end function mousemove_timer() x, y = mouse.getpos() if x ~= mousemove_old_x or y ~= mousemove_old_y then mousemove_reset() mousemove_old_x = x mousemove_old_y = y elseif mousemove_timeout > 0 then mousemove_timeout = mousemove_timeout - 1 elseif mousemove_timeout == 0 then mousemove_timeout = -1 if ext.hasfocus() then mouse.move(25, 0, 2) -- left half of FS top edge end end end mousemove_old_x = nil mousemove_old_y = nil event.mouseleft("mousemove_reset") event.mousemiddle("mousemove_reset") event.mouseright("mousemove_reset") event.mousewheel("mousemove_reset") event.mousehoriz("mousemove_reset") event.timer(1000, "mousemove_timer") Same file as attachment for your convenience: movemouse.lua.txt
  22. Mention that FSUIPC and WideFS are a single program with two registration keys that only accepts a single email address. Maybe he didn't notice this. Edit: See Pete's answer
  23. I replaced the ext.postmessage call in above script with: if ext.hasfocus() then mouse.move(25, 0, 2) -- left half of FS top edge end and it works great, thank you again! I'll make a proper post in the user contributions forum about this. Edit: here is the post: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/80982-mousemovelua-move-mouse-to-upper-window-edge-of-fsx-if-the-mouse-is-not-used/
  24. Thank you very much! I'll try it this weekend.
  25. Thank you, and get well soon!
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