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Everything posted by skino

  1. Thank you very much. That helps me a lot. I am always enthusiastic about your DLL and your great support for us hobby programmers
  2. Thanks for your quick reply The code runs perfectly. I use it with X-Plane 11/Xuipc and there it is possible to disable wind and clouds in the manual weather setting. For purely visual reasons, I would like to have a short text there. For example, "No data" or "No cloud layer". I had hoped that I could do this with the line If layerText = "" Then layerText = "No Clouds" as I assume that the LayerTXT is empty or has a lenght of zero, as it is nothing transferred to the listbox. I wanted to take advantage of this by entering my own text in the listbox, but this line is not displayed and I don't understand why. That is the whole point of my question. Another question about the clouds The cloud types from 0 to 9 I believe, is there a documentaion what these type numbers mean? Like type_0 = cumulus or similar?
  3. In a small program I read out the weather data including the cloud layers, as explained in your demo project. This also works very well and reliably. But there's one thing I can't get to work: an entry in the cloud grid when there are no clouds. For example, it should say "No data" or something like that and the control should not simply be empty. I have tried that. Once via the length of LayerTEXT and currently via the content, but the control remains empty if there are no clouds. What am I doing wrong? Me.lstClouds.Items.Clear() For Each layer As FsCloudLayer In weather.CloudLayers Dim cover As FsCloudCoverage = layer.CoverageOctas ' Gets the description of the coverage (e.g. Few, Broken etc) Dim coverDescription As String = cover.ToString().Substring(0, cover.ToString().Length - 2) ' add the number of Octars coverDescription += " (" & CInt(cover).ToString() & "/8)" ' Get the precipitation (rain/snow) Dim precipitation As String = "" If layer.PrecipitationType <> FsPrecipitationType.None Then precipitation = " - " & layer.PrecipitationRate.ToString() & " " & layer.PrecipitationType.ToString() End If Dim layerText As String = "-" & layer.LowerAltitudeFeet & "ft" & " " & coverDescription & precipitation If layerText = "" Then layerText = "No Clouds" Me.lstClouds.Items.Add(layerText) Next
  4. Perfect. Thanks very much. When I get home I will try it and give you feedback.😃
  5. Works perfect. An absolutely perfect piece of software. Thank you so much.
  6. Many Thanks. Good news for all Sim programmers.
  7. Thank you for the fast answer. You mean the broadcast entry in the Options.Ini? He is active. The entries for both FMCs are also in the Ini.
  8. The thread is already old but my question goes in the same direction. How can I read the content of the CDU screen? In the FSUIPC documents stands "This is the raw matrix provided by PMDG, in offsets 0x5400-0x57FF (for CDU 0) and 0x5800-0x5BFF (for CDU1). " But I get no or meaningless data. How can I do that in VB? I'm grateful for any help.
  9. I want to play in VB NET over the offset 4200 five sound files, but have no idea how I can realize this. The trigger should be a joystick button or a key. The file should only be played once. How can I call the WAV file? Is it also possible directly via the FSUIPC module in the simulator? Am grateful for any help.
  10. Found the error. The code can not run in a timer. Have now put it in a button and there is no more error. I also get no tanks displayed (in P3Dv3), no matter which aircraft I choose.
  11. Hello Paul, If I use this code I always get an error message Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Dim ps As PayloadServices = FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Centre_Main).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox6.Checked = True End If Label3.Text = ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Centre_Main).LevelUSGallons & " Gal" If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Centre_2).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox7.Checked = True End If If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Centre_3).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox8.Checked = True End If If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Left_Aux).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox11.Checked = True End If If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Left_Main).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox10.Checked = True End If If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Left_Tip).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox9.Checked = True End If If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Right_Aux).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox13.Checked = True End If If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Right_Main).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox12.Checked = True End If If ps.FuelTanks(FSFuelTanks.Right_Tip).CapacityUSGallons = 0 Then CheckBox3.Checked = True End If ps.RefreshData() If My.Settings.NoPanel = 1 Then Form1.Hide() Tank34.Hide() Else Form1.Show() Tank34.Show() End If FSUIPCConnection.Process("AircraftInfo") Label2.Text = aircraftType.Value End Sub
  12. Thanks for the comprehensive explanation. That helps a lot. Peter
  13. I want to fill the standard aircraft in the FSX and P3D with a small VB tool. A value is to be written into a text field and transferred as gallons into the simulator. The necessary functions and declarations, I have not found in the client Dll. How exactly do I get the tanks filled? I am grateful for every note. Of course also for VB code examples.
  14. Thanks Pete, the code I need to analyze and understand first. Peter
  15. That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks for the good news and as always excellent support. :)
  16. I can display text in FSX with FSUIPC. Can I read this text, if it was created by another program? This text is generated by x PRO ATC-X http://pointsoftware.de/proatcx_d/index.html and I'd like to read it in VB.NET. Is this possible via offset? 3380 ? I want to have the text, for example, greater to be able to read it easily at high resolution.
  17. Thank you for the quick help. That sounds logical. I will try it. :)
  18. I'm trying the status of the LEDs on PM MCP read. Programming language is VB-2013. I have the offset declared as SHORT because it has 2 bytes. Public LED As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)(&H4F0) How do I get the status of each LED in VB? 04F0 2 MCP/FCU Lights (Read Only) Bit Light 0 A/P Master L (1) 1 A/P Master C (2) 2 VS 3 ALT HLD 4 APP 5 LOC 6 LNAV 7 HDG 8 FLCH 9 SPD 10 THR 11 A/T 12 F/D 13 A/P Master R 14 VNAV I am grateful for any help :)
  19. OK, many thanks.
  20. "...Of course, writing to a "free" offset does nothing at all unless something else is reading it!..." Yes, good idea :mrgreen: I have written with the PMDG 777 SDK a programme which read the data of the PMDG 777 MCP. These data should be read with the ArcazeFsuipcConnector. There is no Preset for it. My programme should write the values in a free offset and the Connector she should process. Is there an example in VB.NET/VB2010 to write a value in a free offset? For example, the number 300 in offset 0x66C0? Peter
  21. Thanks for the quick answer. Yes, I have the SDK. I have already worked with it. ( http://boefb.webnode.com/ ) I can send to the free offset a value like to the offset for the MCP Altitude to example? Peter
  22. How can i use a free offset (66C0-66FF)? My external programme (VB 2010) should write "1" or "0" in a free offset. Is this possible? Peter
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