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    Trets France

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  1. Hi For the Lvars Aerosoft : http://www.avsim.com/topic/451948-aerosoft-airbus-module-43-v2/ Michel
  2. Hi, This is an example that can be answered your questions. Michel
  3. Hello FSliker, I confirm with the FSUIPC & LUA modules and it is possible to program all Aribus Aerosoft. Because the SDK (LVar) provided by Aerosoft is very complete. Good luck for construction. Michel
  4. hello, Reverse Order has not worked for some time. Sending F2 (113) with this statement. 1 = 0R, UR, 5800,11694,1071,113 Is there an option in fsuipc4.ini I will have changed by mistake :oops: Thank you for your answers
  5. Hi, Perhaps a solution for you :idea: Look this http://www.pilote-virtuel.com/viewtopic.php?id=55892 at my message : Gardan Best, Michel
  6. It work very well with Extended More a new list of LVars product by aerosoft. I am an Hardsimmeur and my cockpit work with SIOC + FSUIPC + LUA. http://www.super-marche.com/fs/IMG_08.jpg I think that 95 % of Airbus instructions is possible. Excuse my English lnagage Michel
  7. Hi Allrounder, Your happiness is here : http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php/topic/37876-lua-scripts-for-airbusx-real-throttle%3B-upd-16th-sept/ Michel (a fan of AXE) :razz:
  8. Thank you Pete for your prompt response. I have not see this command because I have not the last version event.lvar : wonderfull Michel
  9. Hi, How proceed for intercept the value of LVar which changes randomly ? With 'event.' ; I suppose ? I know write a script LUA for : - SIOC to FSUIPC to FSX but NOT for : FSX to FSUIPC to SIOC Thank you and excuse my English :neutral: Michel
  10. Hello, I use the LUA script Guenseli (whom I thank again) for my A320 cockpit AirbusX. 98% of instructions work ok, but a bug from a few instructions. extract Sioc Var 1999 name Jostick64, Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3340 Length 4 Var 1998 name Jostick65, Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3344 Length 4 Var 1997 name Jostick66, Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3348 Length 4 extract FSUIPC.ini 3=P64,0,CL25:R,80 4=P64,1,CL25:R,81 5=P64,2,CL25:R,82 6=P64,3,CL25:R,83 7=P64,4,CL25:R,20 --------------------------------------- 93=P66,24,CL25:R,165 ; ECAM FUEL 94=P66,25,CL25:R,166 ; ECAM APU 95=P66,26,CL25:R,167 ; ECAM COND 96=P66,27,CL25:R,168 ; ECAM DOOR 97=P66,28,CL25:R,169 ; ECAM WHEEL 98=P66,29,CL25:R,170 ; ECAM FCTL 99=P66,30,CL25:R,171 ; ECAM ALL Are there some things not correct.ou the LUA script is involved Thank you for your answer
  11. Thank you for your answer Pete Michel
  12. Hello, If an LUA script exists for an add on, does this mean it that there are offsets (FSUIPC) for this add on. LUA script for example AirbusX of Gender If so, how to find these offsets Thank you for your reply and Merry Christmas to all
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