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Everything posted by f.skywalker

  1. Hallo Pete, I need only a few hints. Unfortunately, it is not easy to see everything. So many people with different Options. I would like to find a middle value and just wanted the Settings from the developer. In each forum there are different opinions on the settings. That's why I want to know your values Sorry about my bad englisch...i use google Frank
  2. Hi Pete, please can you Post your Settings for me: I use UT2 with P3D 3.4 HF3 [Traffic Limiter] TrafficLimit=xx AirportPreference=xx GroundPreference=xx NearerPreference=xx PlannedAirportsPreference=xx Thanks from EDDM Frank
  3. Hi Pete, here is writing Frank from EDDM. I send you a Post about the not working FSUIPC 4939m with Linda(Lua) (VR Insight Combo Panel) At this time a test your FSUIPC 4939n_Test.zip. I have copy the fsuipc.dll in my modules start the fsx and make a Test, It is working..... After my next flight a send you a Post about the working from Version (n) Perfect...........i hope you found the Problem...... Thanks about my bad englisch. Frank from EDDM
  4. Hallo Pete, here is a link from Linda. http://fs-linda.com/ This tool is for configuration Hardware ( Jocksticks, Panels) It s working only with fsuipc. i do not understand why the Version (m) will not work. Before i install a new Version i copy the modules file for security. The old modules file is working perfect. (k) Should I delete all files of FSUIPC and then reinstall ..... Frank from EDDM
  5. Hi Pete, after i have install FSUIPC 4.939m my vrinsight MCP Combo dont work with linda 2.6.3. The knobs are not working. I have no funktions. (Windows 7 64, FSX) Version 4.939k and all older Versions are works with no Problems. Sorry about my bad englisch. Greatings from EDDM Frank
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