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About GHD

  • Birthday 05/19/1938

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  • Location
    Tyne & Wear, UK

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  1. It works fine with my simple legacy programs 😀
  2. Many of the default airfields have been reworked for V5.
  3. I have several C++ programs which interface to FSX via FSUIPC. If I specify FSConnection(SIM_ANY); will the 32 bit program connect to 64bit P3D V4 or do I need to recompile my program in 64bit? George Edit. They seem to work ok.
  4. One cannot have sloping runways.
  5. If you are reading the altitude from the top-left of the screen, this is the distance from the ground to your aircraft CoG.
  6. Thanks Thomas, All is now working. George
  7. I have installed FSUIPC onto a W10 machine and added the following to the FSUIPC4.ini file: [Monitor] Display=4 Monitor0=0,024C,4,0 on XP it correctly displays the VAS, but on W10, the value is zero:
  8. Have you tried <Numpad> 5 to stop the spinning?
  9. This happens on my system also. Is it really a problem? All I do is unpause and slew slightly. George
  10. Thanks Pete. George
  11. I have recently changed my ISP but the .key file contains my previous email address. I have been able to install 4.939k successfuly. Is there anything I need to do? George
  12. Thanks Pete. It seems to have cured the "Pure Virtual Function Call" error with Tessellation off.
  13. Great :cool:
  14. In my case (with Tessellation off), it causes an R6025 error. With Tesselation on it doesn't. Removing FSUIPC V4.936 cures the problem with Tessellation off.
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