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in_04 last won the day on April 11 2022

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  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. I had same problem than bobsk8, will check the new exe and hope problem is fixed. Was annoying to lose the Joystick in flight 🙂
  2. @Pete Dowson any idea why I didn't get zero on the axis as output? Esp. the elevator axis is way off and make flying a helicopter difficult. Uploaded my FSUIPC.ini Gues log isn't really helpful FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  3. Sorry for bother you, Close FSUIPC and restart it and it worked again 🙂
  4. The new FSUIPC version 7.4.14 doesn't show me my Button assignments anymore. The profile is loaded and work, but nothing changes in the dialog. Need support. I changed nothing just updated too the 7.4.14 version. 20240507_FSUIPC7.zip
  5. Hi @Pete DowsonI guess you already looking in the new SU11 release for changes. I currently miss the possibility to assign the rotor related TRIM keys for Longitude trimming. I also guess there are more missing, but these ones would help me a lot for Heli flying. Only lateral is currently in 7.3.14 present.
  6. Ok my current workaround is: Set: AutoConnectToSim=No In the FSUIPC7 INI file, start as usual with EXE.xml, bat and so on. After your in cockpit ready to fly, open FSUIPC and connect it to MSFS. If you want to leave the cockpit, open FSUIPC again and disconnect from MSFS. This works for me without any CTD 🙂
  7. Got FSUIPC7 to work at flight, after I started it a Sim shows the ready to fly button. No error occurred until the moment I stopped the flight and want to go back to main menu. MSFS2020 crashed. Here is the FSUIPC7 log: 390 ### Note: AI Traffic related facilities and data are inhibited! 390 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 3265 Simulator detected 8296 SimConnect_Open succeeded 8296 Running in "KittyHawk", Version: 11.0.282174.999 (SimConnect: 11.0.62651.3) 8296 MSFS version = 11.0.282174.999 8343 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 8343 Offset file 'C:\FSUIPC7\myOffsets.txt' not found (info only) 8343 Maximum number of custom events available is 2048 (defined by ini parameter MaxNumberOfCustomEvents) 8375 C:\Users\Games\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\MISSIONS\Custom\CustomFlight\CustomFlight.FLT 8375 SimObjects\Airplanes\bell 47\aircraft.CFG 8375 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used 8437 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ... 9000 System time = 02/04/2022 17:48:36, Simulator time = 08:48:41 (15:48Z) 9000 Maximum number of custom events available is 2048 (defined by ini parameter MaxNumberOfCustomEvents) 9015 Aircraft="FlyInside B47G" 16000 -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- 506203 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 498 secs = 25.4 fps 506203 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 506203 User aircraft crashed! 520890 E:\Program Files (x86)\SSD1\FS2020\Community\flyinside-bell47\SimObjects\Airplanes\bell 47\aircraft.CFG 529343 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B 533390 MSFS no longer running - exiting 533390 === Hot key unregistered For me it seems the MSFS202 crash has something todo with the time FSUIPC7 start polling the SimConnect_CallDispatch. @John Dowson is there any other hint for getting it to work? Maybe some longer startup delays? The crash is a combination of FSUIPC7 and MSFS2020, only the use of both programs gives the crash, so both sides should take a look if they can find a solution. MSFS2020 runs flawless without FSUIPC7, it runs if I start FSUIPC7 late, but crashes if it I go back to the main menu. So what is difference with SimConnect when not actual in flight? FSUIPC7.log
  8. Got the same crash too with the SU9 Beta on startup Here is the FSUIPC log file Currently only workaround is to disable FSUIPC7 at all. Seems to be a problem with SimConnect_CallDispatch 342875 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ... 344797 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Traffic Message, return = 0xC000014B 344797 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B 348281 MSFS no longer running - exiting MSFS2020 starts without FSUIPC7 flawless. FSUIPC7.log
  9. Hi Pete, believe it or not, but I also get the signature problem "from time to time". Means of ten starts of FSX there are two or three where FSUIPC wouldn't get the signature. I have no explanation and checked the ram many times without a problem. I run Vista 64 Bit, German with downloaded English language pack. Currently I live with this, but I hope for a FSUIPC version without the signature. If the signature is only for verify that it is virus free, it is not necessary for me. Just my 2 cents
  10. Hi, could confirm the problem, at least with Direct X10 preview and the new released SR71 from AlphaSim. I got the Super Fog just after take off, must used clear all weather to continue the flight.
  11. Hi Warrant, Have you tried this: solved problem by manual editing the FSX.cfg file. Changed F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.aheuqaiibizrqueuunbrroowcneolzrhbllzwnel=-1 too F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.aheuqaiibizrqueuunbrroowcneolzrhbllzwnel=2 and now it works.
  12. I use SP1 because I was a tester and I have a MSDN subscribtion. But last but not least, dont know if you change something with version 4.26 or not. But now its working. Thanks for the help, and close the thread if possible.
  13. Hi Pete, still have problems here. After setting F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.ecueoocuohqzaeqcqznntrebzwaoelqaunznikhe=2 too 2 FSX runs FSUIPC. But changed the line back too F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.ecueoocuohqzaeqcqznntrebzwaoelqaunznikhe=1 Next time I start FSX FSUIPC did not run. ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.253 by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" User Name="Markus Brunner" User Addr="in_04@web.de" FSUIPC4 Key is provided FSUIPC4 not user registered WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired FSUIPC4.DLL signature does not verify: running in failed mode! ... if the DLL has not been tampered with, then either the Cryptographic Services in Windows are broken, or you need to run the Globalsign fix supplied. Running inside FSX on Windows Vista (SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07) Module base=61000000 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed DebugStatus=0 109 System time = 14:24:35 109 FLT UNC path = "C:\Users\Games\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 109 FS UNC path = "F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" 889 LogOptions=00000001 889 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 3604 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 3604 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 3604 FSUIPC Menu entry added 3650 C:\Users\Games\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\default.FLT 3650 F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\DG808S\DG808S.AIR 23743 Weather Mode now = Custom 23743 C:\Users\Games\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Previous flight.FLT 117063 System time = 14:26:32, FSX time = 13:33:37 (12:33Z) 118046 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 138513 System time = 14:26:53, FSX time = 13:33:40 (12:33Z) 138513 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Average frame rate for running time of 10 secs = 91.6 fps Memory managed: 6 Allocs, 6 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *** ******* The problem is repeatable for me on Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit SP1, maybe it is related to SP1.
  14. Surely for the first line to get there originally, you must have rejected FSUIPC's loading at some stage? Do you know what that values on those parameters do? Why -1 and why 2? I Think the rest of that weird "filename" is some sort of hash-check so that FSX can tell when it changes, so presumably you'll get something again next time. Best to tell Windows you trust software from "Peter L. Dowson", and then you won't be bothered. I think you can do this in Internet Explorer. My next PC will have Vista 64, but I don't think it is that which is a factor here. Regards Pete Hi Pete, sorry to say but this was first run, first installment of FSUIPC 4 on FSX. Got the same problem after I downloaded and copied 4.252.
  15. Hi, solved problem by manual editing the FSX.cfg file. Changed F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.aheuqaiibizrqueuunbrroowcneolzrhbllzwnel=-1 too F:\Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.aheuqaiibizrqueuunbrroowcneolzrhbllzwnel=2 and now it works.
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