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Ron Attwood

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Everything posted by Ron Attwood

  1. 29=RC,3,C66524,0 -{EYEPOINT_UP}- 30=RC,2,C66525,0 -{EYEPOINT_DOWN}- Assigned to a two way switch on my CH yoke. (left hand side rocker switch. Any time I can help John, don't hesitate to ask. 😀
  2. I wonder could you help. I have eyepoint left and right assigned in FSUIPC7, all good. Eyepoint up and down ignore me. I've had to resort to MFS controls which are called 'Cockpit view' up and down. I'd love to be able to keep everything under the FSUIPC7 roof. Any clues? Ron
  3. Thanks for the input Simguy but as far as I'm concerned that looks far too involved for this old head. I'll wait till things get sorted, as I'm sure they will.
  4. Thank you Thomas, very helpful. Something less to stress about. 🙂
  5. On the whole FSUIPC7 works fine for me given the I don't really ask a lot of it. One thing is, that it doesn't start with the sim. It closes when the sin closes but doesn't start when the sim starts. Both Auto connect and Exit options are ticked. Should I start another thread for my other finding? Let's see. Toggle Avionics Master or Avionics Master Set have no effect in the sim. I've had to resort to Avionics Master Set in the sim controls (the ONLY one 🙂) If these items have been raised already I'm darned if I could find 'em.
  6. Ahah! Axis range! I didn't think of that. I'll be back Installing v5 HF. What we put ourselves through is outrageous. 😄 EDIT: Nah, no joy (ouch!) But I'm more than happy. Having said that, I was always of the opinion that FSUIPC could do EVERYTHING! 🙄
  7. Good afternoon. Yes I was pulling the throttle back manually but I couldn't get it to recognise the 'Lift and continue back to the button' movement. It's hard to explain if you don't know the Warthog. I made the assumption that everybody has a Warthog. Sorry.
  8. Addendum: After RTFM session I re-discovered that you right click on the throttle to move it to the idle/cut off position. I thought you'd like to know that. 🙂 😷
  9. I'll give that a go. Thanks for being so quick. You a night owl as well? 🙂 I'm back. Indeed, that does cut the engine but it doesn't move the throttle lever back. I remember where that used to work. DCS L39. You could assign the button to do what it's supposed to do. Considering this L39 has travelled with me from FSX right through to P3Dv5 it's a small price to pay. Thanks for your attention. G'night.
  10. Nice vague title. On the Warthog throttle, when you close the throttle completely you hit the stops. Fine. Lifting the handle and bringing it back some more it triggers a button. In, for instance, the Lotus Sim L-39 this stops the engine. On to the question: Which command in FSUIPC6 do I use for carrying out that function? I've trawled through the whole list and cannae find anything that looks likely. My misty old mind seems to recall having that in P3Dv4.5 but of course I could well be wrong.
  11. It is amazing how much you rely on FSUIPC. I feel like I can't do anything until it's up and running. Pete, you've made a junkie out of me!
  12. They had the weekend off! Whatever next? 🙄
  13. You and me both mate.
  14. This crowd is starting to look ugly. 😲
  15. Been there Thomas. No way to buy though. Like the man said, are we just waiting for Sim Market to extract the digit?
  16. Bit of a mess then? I do have a lot of controllers but some aren't used except for some buttons. Throttle1_set, sounds promising. And..After a lot of assigning and clearing both elevator trims are working! Go figure. The hatswitch is on the brand new Warthog Got it last Friday. All the hatswitch positions register in the calibration. I'm going back in. Thanks for your help Pete. Ron EDIT: Yay! THROTTLE1_SET is the way to go (I'll remember that one)
  17. I'm off to bed too. Attached .ini Regarding the 'bold' bit. When I tried the P3D settings I forgot to disable the FSUIPC one. Then I did again after clearing the assignment and it did work. trim settings. P3D couldn't differntiate between the hatswitch buttons. They were all 1. FSUIPC5.ini
  18. Golly that was quick! I updated client, content and scenery. Wasn't I brave? I haven't tried the trim thing in P3D, I'll try that. I have tried the reverse axis in P3D and it works. I did try going back to 5.122 buy no joy. I'll test the trims and return.
  19. Odd happenings. P3Dv4.2. FSUIPC 5.123e Odd thing 1: I have two buttons assigned in FSUIPC to 'Elevator trim down' and 'Elevator trim up' These worked flawlessly until 4.2. 'Elevator trim down' still works but 'Up' refuses to play. Odd thing 2: I have a profile for helicopters and the cyclic (throttle axis) goes up when it should go down. Reverse the axis then! I've tried many many times even resorting to P3D controller settings! If this is a P3D issue I'll get me coat, but could it be a hiccup in what I have come to take for granted...FSUIPC? A clue as to where I'm going wrong, IF I'm going wrong would be nice. I'm running out of helicopters. It's the Milviz MD530 by the way. Could Milviz have cocked something up in their update? Nah, not possible. :-) EDIT: Did some testing and P3D doesn't appear to be the culprit...this time.
  20. Me too. Plus FSUIPC isn't showing up in the menu. 5.122 seems to have no issues that I have encountered.
  21. If it helps, I had the same .dll crash and it was down to Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll. A new one was produced which cured the crash. This is part of the ObjectFlow Open beta.
  22. I for one will be very happy to stump up a quid! Hell, it'll be worth it. :-) I've banged a few nails in FSW's coffin since my first look at it but no FSUIPC was the last and biggest one. I was kidding about a quid. I'll go to two quid!
  23. Should anyone be interested I've nailed the problem. Someone suggested to me to go and look at the A2A172/182 configuration thingy. Now I swear I did not assign the AP master in the configurator, certainly not between sessions, but there it was! When I deleted those assignments everything went back to normal. Go figure. :? I think what was happening was FSUIPC was trying to obey orders which were being countermanded by A2A. Made for an interesting few days though Sorry I cast nasturtiums on FSUIPC Pete. It wont happen again. :)
  24. Hello again Paul. :D As it happens I had swapped from a Realair Duke to an A2A182 during an online session. Could be something in that. Frame rates I never look at, is it smooth? That's my frame rate counter. ;) EDIT: Yes it was smooth.
  25. I put everything back to FSUIPC control and the AP still not working. Oddly enough the button on the panel works when I use the switch, but it doesn't turn on the AP. I'm starting to think this may be an A2A related issue, as things work properly in other aircraft. I hate FSX sometimes! :razz: For what it's worth, here's the latest log: ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.939e by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "C:\FlightSimulatorX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=67B80000 User Name="R.W. Attwood" User Addr="................" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 218 System time = 15/03/2015 22:12:00 218 FLT path = "C:\Users\Ron\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 249 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... 265 FS path = "C:\FlightSimulatorX\" 702 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 702 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok 702 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained 702 --- FS Controls Table located ok 702 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. 702 --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed 702 --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok 702 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 702 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 2636 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 2636 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 2636 FSUIPC Menu entry added 2683 C:\Users\Ron\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\172.FLT 2683 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR 17893 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\A2A_C182\C182.AIR 53149 Aircraft="C182 G-BDIG" 53165 System time = 15/03/2015 22:12:53, Simulator time = 14:12:02 (22:12Z) 182396 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 23 secs = 12.9 fps 195687 Starting everything now ... 197512 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 205640 Weather Mode now = Custom 205858 Weather Mode now = Theme 205858 Weather Mode now = Custom 362296 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 168 secs = 19.6 fps 662317 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 138 secs = 15.4 fps 855213 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 36 secs = 14.3 fps 868520 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado C340\C340A.AIR 936864 Aircraft="C340 II BEIGE" 1049528 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 109 secs = 15.0 fps 1065174 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado Centurion T210\Carenado_T210.AIR 1065596 Aircraft="T210 CENTURION BLUE CLASSIC" 1161333 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 92 secs = 15.7 fps 1182877 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\A2A_Piper_PA28_180_Cherokee\PA28_180.AIR 1183408 Aircraft="Piper Pa-28-180 Cherokee 4" 1359221 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 171 secs = 12.5 fps 1365898 System time = 15/03/2015 22:34:45, Simulator time = 14:24:06 (22:24Z) 1365898 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 10.2 fps, Maximum was 20.0 fps Minimum available memory recorded was 673Mb Average frame rate for running time of 741 secs = 15.5 fps G3D fix: Passes 24507, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0 Memory managed: 602 Allocs, 602 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********
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